Biblical Articles
Good Intentions
God had delivered Israel out of Egypt! Then He drowned the Egyptians in the Red Sea! The people were so grateful they sang a song of praise to God (Ex. 15:1-21). However, in only a short time a nation’s gratitude turned into murmuring: “Oh, that we had died by the...
read moreA Debate On Homosexuality Part 2
Much of the remainder of the first proposition debated was citing sources over the definitions of words. Clearly, brother Eaves used the lexicons and translations correctly while Johnson tried to cast doubt on what is obvious to most people. Although the debate was to...
read moreA Debate On Homosexuality Part 1
In last week’s article (1-20-13), it was reported that some academics are beginning to suggest that pedophilia be considered as a sexual orientation. It was only 34 years ago (1-8-79) that Time magazine reported that the American Psychiatric Association had...
read moreThe Queen James Version Part 2
Previously, we looked at each of the eight changes in the Queen James Version of the Bible. Except for these eight verses, this “perversion” which is now available is no different from the King James Version. Why did the “editors” perform these eight alterations? They...
read moreThe Pandora Effect
Those who produced the Queen James Version of the Bible discussed last week (1-6-13) and on page 3 of this week undoubtedly feel totally justified in producing such a perverted work, and their rationale deserves refutation, but before considering that, why not point...
read moreThe Queen James Version
Have homosexuals finally done something so outrageous that the public may at long last grow wary of their antics? It would be nice, but so far people have tolerated “Gay Pride” Parades, in which lascivious behavior has been at the forefront, the taking over of the...
read moreCan A God-Marginalized Society Prevent Evil?
Ever since the shootings at Newtown, Connecticut, people have been commenting on the causes of this tragedy. Some immediately began calling for more gun control while, after an appropriate length of time, the head of the NRA, Wayne LaPierre, said (logically): “The...
read moreBaptism Into The Name Of Jesus
Some people have become confused over the difference between baptism in the name of Christ (Acts 2:38) and baptism in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit (Matt. 28:19). Some teach triune (sometimes called trine) immersion—being baptized once for the...
read moreWhat Did The Samaritans Receive In Acts 8?
In Acts 8:14-19, the new Christians in Samaria received “the Holy Spirit.” But what did they receive? What does this expression mean? Did they receive a spiritual gift? Did they receive a non-miraculous indwelling of the Spirit? Were they baptized in the Holy Spirit?...
read moreWho Was Baptized In The Holy Spirit?
When a person jumps on a hobby horse for a ride, his destination becomes uncertain, but it may be safely predicted that he will arrive somewhere he did not intend to go—and from which he will not be able to return. When Mac Deaver, a brother in Christ and capable...
read moreThe O’Reilly – Graham Discussion On Hell
This follow-up discussion on the subject of hell took place on The O’Reilly Factor just three days after the previous Spiritual Perspectives reported on last week. The first guest affirmed the idea that God would not send anyone to hell. The second interview was with...
read moreThe O’Reilly – McKinney Discussion On Hell
On Monday evening, April 25, 2011, the host of The O’Reilly Factor engaged in a discussion with “Pastor” Jack McKinney, Ph. D. (which in this instance surely stands for Philosophically Deficient), of Raleigh, North Carolina. He was invited to appear after Time...
read moreNo One (Except A “True Believer”) Knows The Day Or The Hour
No, you’re right if you said the above title is correct—except for the parenthetical remark. Since the 1840s, many people have taken issue with Jesus’ declaration in Matthew 24:42: “Watch therefore, for you do not know what hour your Lord is coming.” William Miller...
read moreSalvation By Popular Vote (Part 2)
[Editor’s Note: Last week, e-mail correspondence was set forth between myself and a person we gave the pseudonym of Swagger to—partly because of his initials and partly because of his attitude. Although in his first two communications he vowed “love” for me, it...
read moreSalvation By Popular Vote (Part 1)
Everyone has probably heard the expression, “It’s not what you know; it’s who you know.” Apparently, some people believe that principle applies to salvation. They think, “If I can find enough people to agree with me, then that proves that my position is right.” In...
read moreDeaver, Woods, And Direct Help
Mac Deaver, the champion of “the direct help from God” heresy, occasionally prompts the reader who is considering his 2007 book (The Holy Spirit) to laugh. He does not intend to be humorous, but the reader cannot help but chuckle at his tactics. In his first chapter,...
read moreThe Bible (A Modern View)
Kristin Swenson, an Associate Professor of Religious Studies at Virginia Commonwealth University, wrote a book which was published in hardback last year (2010) and is now available in paperback—Bible Babel: Making Sense of the Most Talked About Book of All Time. A...
read more“Churches” In The News
Recently, the Orlando Sentinel published some interesting articles about various religious groups, but none of them was favorable (what a shock!). The first of these (printed on January 30, 2011), was on the front page (although it was on the lower half); its title is...
read moreGod’s Simple Plan Of Salvation: A Review
The tract with the above title has been circulated, apparently, since 1933—with a revision in 1956. Its size, when unfolded, is less than half of an 8½ by 11 piece of paper. It is published by Lifegate, Inc., whose home is Beach Grove, Indiana, but various religious...
read moreWhat Jesus Expects Of His Members
Most of those who obey the gospel have been taught some basic information about the church. Usually, they know that Jesus promised to build His church (singular) (Matt. 16:16), that He purchased it with His own blood (Acts 20:28), and that He is head over it (Eph....
read more“Heart Like Mine”; “Jesus Drank Wine”
Country music has often promoted actions that are immoral, but “Heart Like Mine” is blasphemous! As of yesterday (February 26, 2011), this song was number #18 and still climbing the country charts. It was written by Travis Howard, Ashley Monroe, and the singer...
read moreChrislam?
Scheduled to meet over the weekend of November 13-14, 2010, were religious groups in Detroit, Atlanta, Houston, and Seattle. The goal of these meetings was to find ways to unite Christianity and Islam. The idea of this merger, called Chrislam, has been promoted by...
read moreChristianity and Homosexuality
Many Christians have grown weary of this topic years ago, but that tiredness has not slowed down the continual drumbeat for acceptance of the sin—or else. Recently, it was decided to end the “Don’t ask, Don’t tell” policy in the military, which is yet another victory...
read moreTrips To Hell On The Weekends
Keeping up with thousands of “stars” is not really relevant to daily living; so, admittedly, this writer had no idea who Javier Bardem is, but there was a question about him in the January 23rd “Personality” section of Parade. After the writer’s question concerning...
read moreExpectations And Emphasis
Frequently, when folks visit a group of worshippers, they leave with various impressions having been made. Often, some will say, “That’s not what I expected.” Yet everyone’s expectations may differ from each other. The reasons for different viewpoints may relate to a...
read moreAn Open Letter To The Congregation Of Israel From Your Humble Servants And Priests, Nadab And Abihu
Brethren, It is with the utmost humility that we inform you of a change of worship practices. Be assured that we bring about this change only after much prayer and study. We have recently concluded an in-depth study of the Law and have decided to bring about a change...
read moreReturning Evil For Good
When someone does something good on our behalf, there are two ways to respond—in kind with good toward them or with evil. As Christians, we owe a debt to those who have helped us spiritually. Regretfully, it is not uncommon to hear of some who have stabbed in the back...
read moreWhy Baptize My Child? (A Review)
“Why Baptize My Child?” is an 8-page document that is published by the “Basilica of Saint Ambrose and Saint Charl es in Rome.” Only a few of the teachings will be commented upon here, beginning with page 1, where the first heading is: “What is baptism?” Part of their...
read moreMay We Pray To Jesus: The Biblical Perspective (A Review, Part 2)
The article with the above title is a lengthy one that appeared in the August, 2010 Christian Courier. Brother Jacksons main proof for his position consumes 11 pages; therefore a lengthy response is required. 1 Thessalonians 3:11; 2 Thessalonians 2:16-17 The above...
read moreMay We Pray To Jesus: The Biblical Perspective (A Review, Part 1)
Having already examined the quote by brother Wendell Winkler, the final comments, and the view concerning Stephen’s “last prayer,” the goal is now to comment on one of the larger articles from the August Christian Courier special issue. Before doing so, however, it...
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