Biblical Articles

The Attraction of Atheism

“Nationally, in 2014, 23% of all American adults identified themselves as atheists,” claims a news report from The Wall Street Journal (June 4-5, 2016). “Secular Voters Raise Their Voices” by Laura Meckler analyzes the religious faith of voters. While it is pointed...

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The word, integrity, is found sixteen times in the Old Testament. (In this era of television and corruption, integrity is scarcely to be found at all.) In eleven passages, the word translated “integrity” in the King James Version is tom [8537] (pronounced tome)....

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National Monument to the Forefathers

How many have ever heard of the National Monument to the Forefathers?  If not, one might wonder how he made it through 12 grades of learning and some beyond that) without ever hearing about it. Everybody knows about the famous landmark that we call The Statue of...

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Masquerading as a Church

As news commentator Paul Harvey used to say, “Here is a strange.” The following event took place in Utica, New York, and was reported in the July 6, 2016 Orlando Sentinel. The title of the article grabs the reader’s attention immediately—“Woman Found Guilty in...

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Baiting God

Everyone has probably heard about the atheist who stood up in a public meeting and said, “If there is a God, I’ll give Him sixty seconds to strike me dead.” Everyone looked around nervously until halfway through the allotted time one man replied, “Does this man think...

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So What Is The Christian Chronicle Chronicling?

[Editor’s Note: The following excerpt appeared in the July 1, 2001 Spiritual Perspectives (then published in Denton, Texas) in response to some articles that appeared in The Christian Chronicle in May and June of that year. June’s issue also interviewed Rubel Shelly,...

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Muslim Beliefs and Claims (Part 2)

Having considered what the New Testament writers teach about Jesus, let us now observe what the Old Testament prophets taught regarding Him. Jude records what an early prophet foretold of Jesus. Enoch, the seventh from Adam said these words: Behold, the Lord comes...

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Becoming Wise

What’s the best way to become wise? Most people might answer that the best way to attain wisdom is to read and study the basic principles that pertain to living in this world. Some might add that it would be helpful to be given real-life practical situations and...

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Muslim Beliefs and Claims (Part 1)

The Orlando Sentinel publishes on Saturdays a page that they designate as “A Call to Worship.” It displays advertisements for all manner of religious groups—including Muslims. At the top of the third column (there are six across) and running four inches down (the...

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Are You Tired of It Yet?

Okay, it’s been three weeks since the massacre at an Orlando night club, and probably after one week everyone was tired of hearing about the event. But newspapers and broadcasts continue to emphasize what happened— especially since this tragedy facilitates keeping the...

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Republicans Kill 50 People in Orlando Nightclub

What? Where did that headline appear? As far as is known, such a claim did not appear in any newspaper. Even so, a poll taken among New Jersey residents last week revealed that most people there thought that Republicans were responsible for the massacre. Why? The...

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The Kindest Behavior toward a Homosexual

A Muslim cleric, Dr. Farrokh Sekaleshfar, is being reminded of his words from a 2013 speech given at the University of Michigan. “Death is the sentence. There’s nothing to be embarrassed about this. Death is the sentence. We have to have that compassion for people....

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The Devil’s Use of Familiarity

A strategy was attempted at the Joplin Unity Meeting in 1984. The purpose of getting 50 members of the Christian Church and 50 members of the churches of Christ together was not to discuss differences between the two groups; it was to attempt to unify men “from both...

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Deterioration by Association

God Instructed Haggai the prophet to ask a question of the priests about something in the Law of Moses: “If one carries holy meat in the fold of his garment, and with the edge he touches bread or stew, wine or oil, or any food, will it become holy?” The priests...

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“The Way We Were”

The article on the front page was satire, of course; there is no such thing as the As Practiced Version—yet. But the problem highlighted in that piece is, unfortunately, real. Brethren that once were conscientious about applying New Testament teaching regarding...

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Missing Scriptures

Last week I was reading through what I thought was my Bible. It looked the same as mine, but it actually was one given to me by a friend who wanted me to look through it and see what I thought of it. It was called the APV, which I had not heard of before. He had given...

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Feminism’s Effects on Religion

Dateline 800 B. C. (Dan, Israel). Dan is one of the twelve tribes of Israel; it remains the northernmost city in the kingdom. We were able to interview recently one of the men that officiates at the altar in this territory, whose name just happens to be that of the...

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Church of Sodom

Whoops! My mistake! The title of the news item that ran on page A4 of the Orlando Sentinel for May 22, 2016 read, “Church of Scotland will let gay ministers wed,” but when I saw it, I thought it said Church of Sodom. Okay, well, it could be either one. The brief blurb...

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Transgender Confusion

Transgenders make up less than 1% of the population, but Herculean efforts are being made to protect such individuals as though they were an endangered species under attack. How many people even know one? And what are the facts? Do we have any? Are those who have a...

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The 23rd Channel

The TV is my shepherd, I shall not want. It makes me lie down on the sofa. It leads me away from the Scriptures. It destroys my soul. It leads in the paths of sex and violence for the sponsor's sake. Yea, though, I walk in the shadow of my Christian responsibilities,...

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Lucifer in the Flesh

Last week Spiritual Perspectives noted many of the names that Abe Lincoln was called when running for President. A “third-rate country lawyer” was one of the kindest epithets used against him. Of course, “grotesque baboon,” “ape,” and “buffoon” were personal attacks....

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Insight from a Comic Strip

Last week Spiritual Perspectives presented three articles written by various preachers over a period of time on the subject of modesty. However, for some brethren, such topics are a waste of time because they made up their minds a long time ago not to pay any...

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Will Americans Finally Say, “Enough”?

Several people said, when homosexual “marriage” was legalized, that the war to have perversion accepted was not over. It has not even taken a year for the next assault on sane-thinking Americans to occur. Our president is pushing really hard for the “rights” of...

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“Sowing & Reaping” by T. Pierce Brown

Article by T. Pierce Brown For almost fifty years I have been trying to encourage personal evangelism and soul winning from the classroom and pulpit. I have conducted workshops on personal evangelism and teacher training. I have taught preacher-training classes. In...

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Evangelistic Methods

At our Evangelistic Review meeting last Sunday afternoon, we discussed several of the efforts various members had been trying of late in order to have Bible studies. This article is to inform the members of the congregation, as well as brethren elsewhere of what is...

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