Biblical Articles
The Church of Fermented Ignorance (Literally)
A few decades ago the Herald of Truth was a weekly television program, and occasionally those who produced the program would send out contact information to churches located near an individual who had sent in a request for material. Members of the congregation meeting...
read moreWho Is an Ambassador?
Periodically, as folks are reading through the Scriptures, they see a word or phrase that they haven’t heard much; so they quickly adopt it and begin using it. Some denominational people (and perhaps some brethren?) have taken a fancy to calling themselves...
read moreWhat Are God’s Favorites?
Girls in white dresses with blue satin sashes Snowflakes that stay on my nose and eyelashes Silver white winters that melt into springs These are a few of my favorite things. These words come from the song, “My Favorite Things” (The Sound of Music). We probably could...
read moreYou Don’t Tug on Superman’s Cape
Jim Croce, from South Philadelphia had only a few hits, although they have endured since he was killed in a plane crash in Louisiana on September 20, 1973. His songs were fairly simple and occasionally contained some thoughtful expressions, such as these words from...
read moreThe After-School Satanic Club
As if the devil needed any help, he now has at least one evangelistic disciple named Lilith Starr. If that is her real name, it would be an interesting irony. Lilith, according to some Jewish mythology was created attached to Adam’s side. God separated her, but she...
read moreCan Muslims Make Friends with “Unbelievers”?
Apparently, many people have been criticizing the Muslim religion for one of its verses in the Qur’an—the one that states: “O Believers! Take not the Jews or Christians as friends. They are but one another’s friends. If anyone of you taketh them for his friends, he is...
read moreFussing and Fighting Over Words (A Review)
In the September Issue of Think is an unfortunate article by Keith Parker (one of the board members of the magazine) titled: “Fussing And Fighting Over Words.” Having thought about the contents of the brief message, it merits a refutation. The words recorded on page...
read moreReligious Frauds
An article on another subject inside examines 1 Timothy 6:3-5, in which it is shown that some unscrupulously use religion to make money off people. Jesus overthrew the tables of the moneychangers who were profiting from religion; some are still fleecing others today...
read moreThe List of Things to Hate
“Hate? I thought Christians weren’t supposed to hate.” That may be a popular myth, but it does not square with the Bible. Brother Dub McClish mentioned this point in an October 23, 2016 bulletin article, but it deserves an expanded treatment. He brought up Psalm...
read moreShould We Ouija?
Just released on October 21, 2016, is the prequel, Ouija: Origin of Evil. The trailer (available on the Internet) shows several horrific scenes of people being attacked and bad things happening. All the while the viewer hears a recording of Herman’s Hermits singing,...
read moreMedical Marijuana (Again)
Yes, it has only been two years since medical marijuana was on the ballot in Florida. It was Proposition 2 then, and it is Proposition 2 now. We were opposed to it then, and we are opposed now. This article will close with the same paragraph that was used for the...
read moreClergy Appreciation Day? by Lee Moses
In case the reader was not aware, today [October 9, 2016, gws] has been designated “Clergy Appreciation Day.” This observance began seventeen years ago: In 1992, layperson Jerry Frear, Jr., was brainstorming with church colleagues about how they might be of help to...
read moreThe Denham-Neubauer Debate (Part 2)
Having covered some of the fundamental matters concerning the debate, let us look at some of the issues raised. One of these involved the prophecy of Paul in 2 Thessalonians 2 concerning the man of sin. Neubauer affirmed that this man was the high priest and that...
read moreThe Denham-Neubauer Debate (Part 1)
When brother Warren debated Antony G.N. Flew 40 years ago in 1976, those who attended were excited to see what would unfold: Would the atheist with his use of logic prevail—or the Christian, a man of faith? Brother Thomas B. Warren, the Christian, began in his first...
read moreThe Same Mind (Part 3)
In the document that a Preaching Brother (P.B.) sent, written by a Ministerial Alliance (MA) in another state, the writers try to make a case for Biblical unity by saying that some things are not “essential” for salvation; however, others are. Some “doctrines are not...
read moreThe Problem in a Nutshell
The final article dealing with the Ministerial Alliance (part 3) is the article inside, but this slot will highlight the fundamental problem of all those who claim that salvation is by “faith only.” They want man to have no response at all to God, but in actuality...
read moreThe Same Mind (Part 2)
The Holy Spirit is the Christian’s guide to helpunderstand truth (John 16:13). Christians can be fallible, however, although the Holy Spirit (God) is not. Thus continues the defense of denominationalism on the part of the Ministerial Alliance (MA) in a town in another...
read moreWould We Be Better Off Without It?
“We are a guinea-pig generation for an experiment in mass debasement that few of us would ever have consented to, and whose full nefarious impact may not be known for years. The march of technology is irreversible, and we aren’t so naïve as to believe that any kind of...
read moreThe Same Mind (Part 1)
A Preaching Brother (P.B.) wrote a few weeks ago about a challenge he received from a ministerial alliance in the town where he lives and works. Having mentioned some of those matters in Spiritual Perspectives, which he receives, he wrote back and provided a copy of...
read moreJezebel’s Children
This wicked queen of Israel did have physical children of her own—both of whom died young—but the title refers to her figurative offspring. And who are they? They are the ones who share her shameless character and her irrational way of thinking. The designation of...
read moreHow Many Gospels?
In the preceding article, “The Concept of Restoration” (September 4, 2016), we examined a portion of an e-mail exchange dealing with the necessity of restoration. The writer, KB, also had asked twice about the need of being baptized “for the remission of sins,” and...
read moreWhere Did I Go Wrong?
Years ago, advertisements for the latest Clint Eastwood movie said, “The man with no name is back again.” Recently, I received an e-mail from a person with no name—but he or she did have what looked like a telephone number. Since no name was used, this individual will...
read moreThe Concept of Restoration
Occasionally, someone sends an e-mail in the form of a question which may lead to a brief (or a lengthy) discussion. This one turned out to be brief, but the ideas brought into it were quite broad. All of the comments came from someone who will be referred to as KB,...
read moreReal Estate and Modest Attire
Probably few people care, but the Playboy Mansion has been sold for $100,000,000. According to the August 17th (2016) Orlando Sentinel, the five-acre piece of property was purchased by the next-door neighbor (A4). The terms of the sale allow Hugh Hefner, who is 90, to...
read moreFriends, Family, & Finances
About 15 years ago, brethren in a Bible class at Pearl Street were studying the subject of church discipline. This writer asked the question, “Why don’t brethren withdraw fellowship the way the Bible says they ought to?” Brother Dub McClish answered succinctly that...
read moreHow to Prepare a Sermon
Ever wonder how preachers prepare their messages? The preaching brother (P.B., for short) whose letter was cited last week (see the two articles from August 21, 2016) commented on some additional topics. One of those involved a conversation with a Baptist preacher who...
read moreWhat is a Cult?
The same writer of the letter mentioned in the previous article also spoke of a Baptist preacher who taught youngsters in a local public school to stay away from the church of Christ because we are “a cult.” As is often the case, those who have an argument make it,...
read morePreachers’ Meetings
A few days ago I received a letter from a fellow preacher in another state who lamented that there were no preachers’ meetings in the area where he lives that are worth attending. His comments are readily understandable since the same condition exists in Central...
read moreSin-Weary
“Assuredly, I say to you that tax collectors and harlots enter the kingdom of God before you” (Matt. 21:31b). In the next verse, as support for this statement, Jesus cites the recent example of these undesirable elements of society responding to the preaching of John...
read moreThe “Lucifer” Effect
One of the questions put into the Question Box simply asked: “What is the ‘Lucifer’ effect?” The expression seems to have originated with (according to the Internet) Philip Zimbardo, a psychologist and professor emeritus at Stanford University. He has written, among...
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