Biblical Articles

The Question

Days can travel swiftly. They can be packed tightly, like a suitcase bulging with so many clothes that it's difficult to get it shut. A day can be so crowded with things we have planned that we scarcely have time to think. Or is that the idea? There we are, cramming...

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The Worst Perversion Of All

The homosexuals who have attempted to defend their sin by redefining and twisting the Scriptures make the point (as so many others have) that Jesus "said nothing about homosexuality" as if such a fact (if it were true) would somehow negate every-thing else taught in...

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Perversion Of The Scriptures For Perversion’s Sake

Hardly anyone is standing against the homosexual agenda--not the entertainment media, not the news media, not even advice columnists. On February 27th of this year Ann Landers published a letter from the parents of a 20-year-old boy who is "confused about his gender...

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Yet another incident involving homosexuality found its way into The Dallas Morning News; the author of this article sought to blame Christians for the deaths of two lesbian friends. Apparently, they were being robbed, and when the thief realized they were homosexuals,...

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The Campaign For Homosexuality Acceptance

As has been aptly stated many times, "There are those who make things happen, those who watch things happen, and those who don't know what's happened." In 1992, the news media began bombarding the public in behalf of the homosexual cause. With scarcely a lull since...

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“The Value Of The Church”

A few weeks ago a troubled young lady stopped by the office to talk about some of her problems. As she described her situation, it became evident that the solution to some of her difficulties would be for her to obey the gospel and attend worship. Like so many people,...

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Amy Irving Is A Pig

Okay. At first the above title seemed a little harsh. But since the book, Rush Limbaugh Is a Big Fat Idiot, has been the number one best seller for a number of weeks, it must be appropriate, perhaps even fashionable, to say such things. Why, recently a radio "shock...

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In discussing the differences between the Christian and the worldling, Paul writes, "Be ye angry, and sin not . . ." (Ephesians 4:26). This is a quotation from Psalm 4:4 where both the King James and the American Standard Versions read "Stand in awe, and sin not . ....

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A Harmonious Combination Of Elements

The description in the title above is how a symphony may be defined or characterized. Those who enjoy music may marvel at how all of the diverse instruments harmonize together. The stringed instruments, the woodwinds, the brass horns, even the percussion section all...

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Who Influences Whom?

A myopic individual recently wrote to "Dear Abby" with half of a valid argument about the influence that movies, television, and books have on our society. She published his letter (and commended it) on Sunday, March 10th. Since such "wisdom" frequently is repeated in...

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No ‘Giving’ Crisis In The Lord’s Church

"These are tough times for many churches," writes Ed Housewright of The Dallas Morning News. "Expenses are up. Contributions are down. People are demanding more services, yet giving is at a 25-year low, according to a recent national report. What can churches do? Some...

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Applications Of Irresponsibility

Most of us recognize that we are living in an age in which people do not want to bear the consequences of their actions. Two recent examples appearing in Ann Landers' advice column serve to highlight the situation. The first letter under consideration is from a...

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“Applications of irresponsibility”

Most of us recognize that we are living in an age in which people do not want to bear the consequences of their actions. Two recent examples appearing in Ann Landers' advice column serve to highlight the situation. The first letter under consideration is from a...

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“Character Doesn’t Matter”

Last week brief clips of interviews with various voters were broadcast in quick succession. The question was, "Will character be an issue in the upcoming Presidential campaign?" The overwhelming consensus of opinion was, "No." One's first response to such shallow...

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“Along Comes Mary” (Again)

Back in the mid-60's the fad which developed among college students was "doing drugs." This infatuation with mind-altering substances became a large part of the popular music scene with psychedelic lyrics ("I tripped on a cloud and fell eight miles high; I tore my...

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“The Best Revenge”

Peace and serenity are wonderful commodities: they are the ideal, and they are by far what most of us prefer. What we experience, however, are conflicts. How should these be handled? The Lord anticipated that problems would arise among His people. In the Old...

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“Brothers In Error”

This week the analysis continues of the lead article of Leroy Garrett's Last Time Around from October, 1995. A woman had written him a letter which he published. Much of his article responds to this sentence: "All these years I have been able to ignore this 'in error'...

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“A Request By Leroy Garrett”

During the 14th Annual Denton Lectureship last November my task was to review Monroe Hawley's 1992 book, Is Christ Divided? Attending that particular session was Leroy Garrett, who has lived in Denton a number of years and now attends the Singing Oaks Church of...

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“Historical Evidences”

She was 21, single, poor, and pregnant. Too poor, in fact, to afford even a back-alley butcher in her home state of Texas, where abortion was then illegal. Too poor to travel to California, where the procedure was permitted. Supposedly pregnant from a gang rape, she...

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“The progress Of Human Life”

When does human life begin? Many have disputed the point over the past twenty-three years, but Christians have no difficulty in determining a truthful and accurate answer to the question. Although several Biblical passages relate to the issue, the four verses cited...

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Perhaps now that the anniversary of Roe v. Wade is upon us the media will pay scant attention to the subject of abortion. As an issue, it has all but disappeared since the 1992 election. Neither major political party has talked about it much, and one wonders if the...

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The Abortion “Issue”

Perhaps now that the anniversary of Roe v. Wade is upon us the media will pay scant attention to the subject of abortion. As an issue, it has all but disappeared since the 1992 election. Neither major political party has talked about it much, and one wonders if the...

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Singing, Handclapping, And Musical Instruments

"Which things have indeed a shew of willworship, and humility, and neglecting the body; not in any honour to the satisfying of the flesh" (Col. 2:23, KJV). The New King James uses for the word willworship the phrase self-appointed religion. The Greek word from which...

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"Which things have indeed a shew of willworship, and humility, and neglecting the body; not in any honour to the satisfying of the flesh" (Col. 2:23, KJV). The New King James uses for the word willworship the phrase self-appointed religion. The Greek word from which...

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What Max Lucado Says About Max Lucado

Some brethren are just on a witch hunt," defenders of apostates like Max Lucado affirm. Of course, such a flippant accusation is absurd on the face of it--as if most preachers wouldn't prefer spending time on other areas of endeavor. But even if the charge were true,...

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“What Max Lucado Says About Max Lucado”

"Some brethren are just on a witch hunt," defenders of apostates like Max Lucado affirm. Of course, such a flippant accusation is absurd on the face of it--as if most preachers wouldn't prefer spending time on other areas of endeavor. But even if the charge were true,...

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A Quiet Heroine

Some people are selfish; others are thoughtful. Some leave you depressed; others cause you to be hopeful. Some are easily forgettable; others are an inspiration. Adrean Warmick was one of the latter. Her death came as a surprise, though it probably shouldn't have,...

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The Lewis-Weatherly Debate

On Friday, December 8th, I was able to attend the second night of the debate between John T. Lewis, a graduate of Brown Trail, and Jason Weatherly, who resides in Beebe, Arkansas. Brother Lewis, from Lone Grove, Oklahoma, the town in which the debate was held, refuted...

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The Church Of Freethought

Nineteen years ago I attended the Warren-Flew Debate here in Denton. Later, at a preachers' meeting, I was asked questions about the debate, several of which centered around attendance. Yes, there were about a thousand people there each evening. Yes, brethren seemed...

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Ignorance And Rationality part 2

Atheists have taught us that it is rational to be ignorant; if, however, we learn Truth, we immediately become irrational. Some atheists (see last week's article) admit they don't know how the world came into existence. Christians, however, know that God created the...

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