Biblical Articles

“That’s Just Your Opinion!” (Part 3)

Quite often people make this statement—not about something that is complex—but something that is easily understandable. If someone made a reasonable explanation of what baptism for the dead is in 1 Corinthians 15:29, we might say, “That’s interesting, but it’s just...

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“That’s Just Your Opinion!” (Part 2)

Previously, we noticed that people may try to play the, “That’s your opinion” card even on things that are very plain, such as keeping the Sabbath day holy. “What else is there?” one might wonder. So, how about Acts 2:38? It clearly states that those on Pentecost who...

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“That’s Just Your Opinion!”

Imagine that some additions to the book of Numbers have been found. [They have not; this is only a flight of fancy.] The following comments lie between Numbers 15:34 and 35. The man was brought to Moses to see what should be done to him for gathering sticks on the...

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“The Only Christians”

When Lawton the lawyer sent out his letters to “all churches of Christ of any significant size nationwide,” he stated his avowed purpose in so doing. He wanted to encourage “all churches of Christ to forsake any claim to be basically the only Christians alive today.”...

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My Mormon Foreman and a College President

Years ago, your congenial editor worked in a Plastics Factory before, during and after obtaining a Bachelor of Arts. Most of the time the machines operated themselves; so, we found ourselves with extra time, which furnished an opportunity to do homework or to be...

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One of the enjoyable aspects of the Hallmark Channel is that, to date, the viewer finds an absence of profanity. Sure, they run 65,000 Christmas movies in December, and in their mystery series, the woman is almost always the dominant character, but at least no one...

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Political Correctness and Insanity

Maybe you heard of the recent incident regarding the Denver Post. A popular columnist claims that he was fired for saying there “are only two sexes, identified by an XX or an XY chromosome.” Jon Caldara alleges that he exhibited a difference in style from what the...

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Seven Church Ages?

Recently, in a discussion with someone, my correspondent said that Revelation 1-3 talks about the seven ages of the church. I asked him to explain what he meant by that, but he either didn’t know or he was unable to explain it. Of course, the Bible does not mention...

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The Purpose of Spiritual Perspectives

When this publication first began on July 9, 1995 (in Denton, Texas), the purpose for it was stated in the very first issue (which will be cited shortly). In 2003, the brethren in Texas were kind enough to discontinue publishing with that title in case the editor...

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Eddie Money (born Edward Mahoney) was one of those post-World War II babies that grew up in Levittown, New York, on Long Island. He started out as a policeman, like his father, but left it for a career in music. “Baby Hold On” reached number 11, and “Take Me Home...

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Heartbreak Theology

Names and places could be furnished, but they will be omitted because it is the concept that needs to be discussed. A couple lost their two-year-old child, which is, of course, tragic. Probably no one can imagine the tremendous amount of grief the parents experienced...

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Christmas at Matthew’s House

Recently, while reading some articles and publications stored away, I came across an interesting series written by B. J. Clarke, which was published in Power, which he was editing back in 2002. The articles were titled, “What’s Happening To Our Christian Colleges?”...

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Two Gospels? (A Response)

When I sent a response to the man who erroneously believes that there are two different gospels—one for Jews and one for Gentiles—I did not actually expect a reply. It is not unusual for someone to send an e-mail and then ignore what I say to them in return, but this...

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Two Gospels?

A few weeks ago, I received a brief e-mail from someone whose name I did not recognize. Following is what he wrote: “We MUST rightly divide the Word. Learn that Jesus preached to the JEWS. Peter was a disciple for the JEWS. On the other [hand, GWS] Paul is the...

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Are You Willing?

Miyamoto Musashi lived from 1584-1645 and is considered one of, if not the greatest, Samurai warrior of all time. In his book, The Book of Five Rings, he writes of the Way of the warrior, which encompasses the attitude, philosophy, and martial tactics a warrior must...

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Wheel of Torture

Wheel of Fortune has been one of my favorite syndicated shows for years—that and Jeopardy. Doing well on the Jeopardy questions is fairly difficult since they occasionally have entire categories I’ve never heard of, let alone the answers. But it’s a challenge, and...

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Two Responses

Saturday’s Orlando Sentinel (November 16, 2019) contained three articles on page A12 that were of interest to the Christian. Two were letters to the editor, and one was written by a Sentinel columnist. One of the letters asked the question: “Is it only gay sex that is...

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Church Questions

Recently, via e-mail, someone moving to this area for employment sent eight questions to ask what we believe with respect to them. Frequently, people call and ask if we use musical instruments, and when I assure them that we do not, they usually breathe a sigh of...

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In George Orwell’s book, 1984, the term doublethink is used, referring to something being so ambiguous as to be taken two different ways. What, however, do people think of when they hear the term doublespeak? Although a lack of clarity may come to mind, one may think...

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How Would You Answer These?

Many unsolicited publications arrive in the mail; occasionally, one of them contains an article of interest, such as the recent one in One Kingdom (this is not a recommendation of that magazine). One of the writers calls attention to a recent survey done by George...

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The Sunday Afternoon Carnival

Another example of where The Christian Chronicle’s heart is can be seen in their featuring of the carnival hosted by one of “our” churches at their grand opening (sounds like a car dealership, doesn’t it?). Their approval of the event is seen in the very title of the...

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How Many People Will Be Fooled by This?

My friend, Preaching Brother from Another State (he has a name, actually; I started describing him this way to protect his anonymity) recently sent me one of those glossy color advertisements (5½ by 8½), announcing a “World Events in Bible Prophecy” event that began...

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Why Immersion?

To immerse or not to immerse? That is indeed an important question. No matter what position a person takes concerning this aspect of salvation, he is definitely going to upset someone. There is so much debate concerning baptism that it would take an entire book to...

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Louis Farrakhan and the Real Jesus

“God does not love this world,” says Louis Farrakhan. Apparently, that’s his version of John 3:16—but more on this later. Perhaps the reader has heard Farrakhan’s name before. Wikipedia explains: The Million Man March was a large gathering of African-American men in...

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“For you are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus. For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus”...

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Homosexual Relationships (A Response) – Part 2

In reviewing a reply concerning a sermon preached, “Did Jesus Teach Anything Concerning Homosexuality?”, I have already refuted the main thesis, which was that the Bible does not condemn consensual same-sex relationships. This article will just deal with related...

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How to Receive the Word

Brethren often emphasize the importance of the way we ought to present the Word of God—that we should speak the truth in love, which is a valid concern. But let’s invert that principle for the moment and speak about the way we should all receive Truth. First of all,...

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Homosexual Relationships (A Response) – Part 1

A few weeks back, I preached a sermon, titled, “Did Jesus Teach Anything Concerning Homosexuality?” The answer is, “Yes,” and we will examine that point later. A response appeared on Youtube, which I was only made aware of recently (since I’m unfamiliar with those...

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French Intrigue

Roland Mohsen, who labors in Paris, France, recently mentioned an interesting fact. He writes: “What came out on the news is the fact that the population of France is 67+ million people, but there are 84 million who have a social security card. That means that 17...

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“The Progress of Human Life”

When does human life begin? Many have disputed the point over the past twenty-three years, but Christians have no difficulty in determining a truthful and accurate answer to the question. Although several Biblical passages relate to the issue, the four verses cited...

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