Biblical Articles
THE Sovereignty of God (Romans 9)
Many people, when they read Romans 9, begin to think that Calvinists have a point about His choosing some to be saved and some to be lost. Since the Bible teaches that man has free will (see “Predestination” from February 8, 2009) and does not contradict itself, we...
read morePredestination
Only one of three ideas concerning predestination can be true. 1. God did not pre-determine ANYTHING. 2. God fore-ordained SOME things. 3. God had predestined ALL things. The first position is false; anyone who has a passing acquaintance with the Scriptures knows that...
read moreThe Fear of God
When Abraham sojourned in Gerar, he told King Abimelech that Sarah was his sister, which resulted in the king taking her for himself. God revealed to Abimelech that Sarah was Abraham’s wife, and that he was a dead man. Abimelech protested that he was innocent and had...
read moreBizarre E-Mails
Most e-mails that I receive require no reply. They may be bulletins or items of interest that are simply being passed around the Internet. Of those that necessitate a response, some are requests for information or Bible questions. Occasionally, someone sends something...
read moreTHE Interrogation Of Jesus
Preaching the truth results in criticism and even persecution. John the Baptizer told Herod that it was not lawful for him to have his brother Philip’s wife (Mark 6:17-18), and Herodias, who had left Philip for Herod, became so incensed that she eventually found a way...
read moreWho Are You Following?
More than three decades ago, brethren knocked doors in Western Pennsylvania and set up several Bible studies. A few hours later, a lady with whom an appointment had been made called the church building and said that she had decided to cancel the meeting. I said that...
read moreWho Are These People?
Those who visit us for the first time may well have this question in mind. “I don’t think I’ve ever heard of them before. What do they do?” Because there are so many religious groups and therefore a number of similar designations, some may have us confused with the...
read moreNewsweek: “Gay Marriage: Our Mutual Joy” (PART 2)
As mentioned previously, Newsweek magazine’s Social and Religion editor, Lisa Miller, decided to enter the extreme “gay”-ety fray that has erupted since the citizens of California voted a constitutional amendment last November which upholds defining marriage as being...
read moreHonoring The Pope
HONORING THE POPE For the last several days, the news media has given a great deal of coverage to the death of the pope and the appointment of his successor. Most have speculated who will be elected and how different he might be from the current pope. The possibility...
read moreMax-Lax Attacks Facts
MAX-LAX ATTACKS FACTS For nearly a decade some brethren have re-fused to be warned about Max Lucado being a false teacher. Their defenses have been both predictable and humorous at times. First of all, we heard, “He was misquoted,” and its companion, “He is just...
read moreLogic Versus Emotion
For the past two weeks we have carried brief articles analyzing some of the daily, one-paneled cartoons, titled Non-Sequitur. The first one we critiqued, published on August 23rd, finds cartoonist Wiley Miller scoffing in the same vein as Pontius Pilate, who asked...
read moreRecommended Reading: Rock-Solid Faith: How To Sustain It
Sometimes sequels are not as good as the original, but this book provides an excellent follow-up to the first of the series, Rock-Solid Faith: How To Build It, which was first published in the year 2000. Both books ought to be read by every child of God; the church...
Many writers today emphasize the importance of love, joy, and fellowship--and rightly so. These blessings, highlighted in the New Testament, are promised to the child of God. Indeed, Paul writes of them often; his letter to the Philippians is often nicknamed "the...
read moreThe Argument for Hand Clapping?
Recently someone sent an evaluation of hand clapping in worship. The author is Ray Davis, who preaches for the Edgewood Church of Christ in Mansfield, Massachusetts. The document consists of a review of four articles, one of which was mine, "The Applause of Men."...
read moreBibles Review: A Review Of The Editor’s Beliefs (PART 1)
BIBLES REVIEW: A REVIEW OF THE EDITOR'S BELIEFS (PART 1) In April of 2000 a letter attacking the integrity of the Scriptures appeared in a publication. The complaint involved the two different genealogies given for Joseph in Matthew and in Luke. I immediately wrote a...
read moreEight Souls Saved by Water
The following article was submitted without documentation. The name of the newspaper in which it appeared is not given, nor is the date of publication provided. The above title is given under the heading of "View from the Pew," and the writer was LeRoy Yount. After...
read moreIs Sincerity Enough?
The pope has reinforced the ecumenical leanings of Vatican II and moved away a little from the recent Vatican document, Dominus Iesus (see our article of September 17, 2000). What is the latest position? "The gospel teaches us that those who live in accordance with...
read moreThe Sword of the Spirit
"How does the Holy Spirit accomplish His work?" is a question that many brethren are confused over today. Some have actually been persuaded away from the teaching of the Bible concerning this matter by a number of people, both liberals and conservatives. It is time to...
read moreThe Main Issue with the Deaver-Moffitt Debate
Regardless of syllogisms, fountains of rhetoric, or the means by which God works through providence and prayer, the debate propositions reveal THE point at issue: Does the Holy Spirit work directly to sanctify the heart of the faithful Christian or indirectly through...
read moreWhy I Can’t See That
No less than fifteen times in the course of his debate with Jerry Moffitt, Mac Deaver asked the audience, "Can we not see that?" or "Isn't that clear?" For a few speeches it looked like he was going to call Bill Lockwood his friend even more often, but that phrase...
read moreA Review of the Moffitt-Deaver Debate
Many had looked forward to this debate for a long time with the expectation that certain issues relating to the Holy Spirit might be resolved. Although some things might have been clarified, it is doubtful that those attending the discussion now have a complete grasp...
read moreCarter’s Message
Previously examined was former President Jimmy Carter's letter to fellow Baptists, as well as his confusing position regarding homosexuals and whether they should be "ordained" as preachers or allowed to marry each other. Reactions have come in the wake of these...
Perhaps in the furor of the recent presidential race, the latest action of former president, Jimmy Carter, went unnoticed. According to The Dallas Morning News of October 20th, he wrote a letter addressed "to my fellow Baptist," which stated that "after 65 years, I...
In the course of the current apostasy certain congregations that still refer to themselves as churches of Christ no longer "call Bible things by Bible names." In some places a mongrel spiritual race has developed, and "half of their children" are now speaking "the...
read moreWho Are We?
As most congregations know, the Olan Mills folks are happy to do a church's pictorial directory. Usually, they carry a few samples of their work with them when they try to interest a group in allowing them do their next one for them. Recently, the directory of a...
This Third Annual Lubbock Lectureship book (subtitled Christian Evidences and Apologetics) is one that will greatly profit members of the body of Christ. In its 601 pages the reader will discover a wealth of information leading to his own personal growth and an...
read moreUnleavened Bread
A few weeks ago I was handed a document, consisting of seven pages, on the subject of unleavened bread. Its thesis was that unleavened bread cannot contain any oil or salt but must consist of flour and water only. This article will examine the claims and the "proof"...
read moreFreethought or Nothought?
About a month ago an e--mail came in from a member of the Church of Freethought. This group gained press coverage in The Dallas Morning News on November 11th, 1995 (IG). This past summer they received another round of publicity and have been pleased to announce how...
read moreNudity by Any Other Name…
It has happened again: the world has demonstrated more sense than "the religious." Art galleries are generally not known for their conservative stances. Some of them in certain locales have shown themselves devoid of common sense and decency by displaying the works of...
read moreMarriage and Social Customs
Those of us who rejoiced in the retirement of liberal columnist Donald Kaul (who expressed anti--Biblical sentiments, not to mention anti--common sense) on virtually every issue he discussed, had a brief period of exuberance. Almost immediately he was replaced by...
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