Biblical Articles

Word Bann Is Back

The author of The DaVinci Code, Dan Brown (aka as Word Bann, using scrambling techniques included in his former novel), is back. His famous character, Robert Langdon, has been resurrected (whoops, make that returns) to be the main character in yet another thrilling...

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The Cathari and Fellowship

In Medieval times there arose various religious dissenters who were opposed to the Catholic Church, and most of them desired both “moral and religious reformation” (465). (All of the quotations are from Volume V of Philip Schaff’s History of the Christian Church.) The...

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A Request Concerning Fellowship

The Bellview Church of Christ in Pensacola, Florida published an article by Johnny Oxendine (8-24-09) that raises again some important points concerning fellowship. The intriguing title is:” The Hybrid Church And Why It Has a Real Chance to Succeed With Some.” He...

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How Could This Happen

The newspaper headline for the Peoria Journal Star for April 13, 2009 was “Two Churches, One Faith.” This title is just the first thing wrong with the entire article. In order for the heading to be correct, one needs only to rewrite the Scriptures. Jesus did not say...

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Are You Abel

Hebrews 11 lists many of the heroes of the faith, such as Noah, Abraham, Moses, Gideon, and David—men whose deeds are well-known. Yet the man whose name heads the list was not known for leading brave men against an overwhelming enemy, capturing a city, or delivering...

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Are You A Disciple Under-Develope (DUD)?

Too often it happens that someone desires to avoid hell and gain the promise of heaven; so they are baptized and somehow think that this action is sufficient to save them regardless of what else they do or do not do. Even though they have been taught about being added...

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Bad Advice

Several years ago some of the “advice” columns in the newspapers began to deteriorate as it pertains to the quality and the soundness of the opinions given. No improvements have been made over the past decade. Consider this advice from ”Dear Abby” on Wednesday, July...

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25 Rules For A Happy Marriage

1. Believe in the one true God (Hebrews 11:6). 2. Believe in the Bible as the inspired word of God (2 Timothy 3:16-17). 3. Believe in Jesus Christ as the Son of God (John 20:30-31). 4. Marry someone who believes in God, in the Bible as God's inspired word, and in...

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A Conversation With A Mormon

They came by on Tuesday evening, July 14th—only this time it was not two youngsters. As we discovered later, the older one was married with two children. He lives in the area; the younger one is a missionary from Utah. The younger began the conversation, but the older...

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Responses to “The Law” Series

Anyone reading Shernel’s entire document would find that he seldom commented on any of the evidence presented to him. For example, in Part Three of the original series, a great deal of information and analysis was presented about the use of the Sabbath day in the New...

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Responses to “The Law” Series

The four recent articles (May 3, 10, 17, and 24) that reviewed material on the “The Law and Its Binding Requirements” drew two responses: The first was seven more pages of text from the one who sent the original material; the second was a book with a brief letter of...

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Many “religious” people and some brethren do not enjoy reading or hearing sermons about actions that are “worldly.” The reason usually is that they stand guilty of the practice. If they do not personally participate in the sin, then a family member or a close friend...

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Dawson’s Creek: A Stream of Apostasy (PART 3)

Dawson continues in his stream of apostasy, which is designed to create a broader role for women in the church than the Bible authorizes. He sets forth his position in his book, Christians, Churches, and Controversies. Having discussed the rationale for his views, we...

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Dawson’s Creek: A Stream of Apostasy (PART 2)

In reviewing chapter five of Samuel G. Dawson’s book, Christians, Churches, and Controversy, we have already examined his false claim that women were in on the decision-making process, along with the apostles and elders, regarding a doctrinal problem in Acts 15. That...

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Dawson’s Creek: A Streak Of Apostasy (PART 1)

Recently, this writer was given some material by a writer named Samuel G. Dawson. The Internet was consulted, since no previous contact had occurred between us. Dawson makes a statement about himself, in which he identifies his background as being a student of physics...

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Feminism And Homosexuality

This article does not in any way defend beauty pageants in general, nor does it specifically defend the wearing of immodest clothing with which the contestants are briefly adorned. The Miss USA Pageant that recently received great notoriety, however, does serve as the...

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Reasons For Thorough Bible Study

Although all religious groups devote some time to the study of the Bible, not all of them emphasize it. In fact, some groups have been known to discourage their members from reading and studying on their own while others print up booklets with selected texts that are...

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The Use Of Logic

This morning’s Bible lesson used logical reasoning in it—nothing difficult—only that which is usually taught in high school geometry. There are three possible ways of altering an original statement (designated 1). 1. All A’s are B’s. 2. All B’s are A’s (the converse)....

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The Devil “Debate?”

On Friday evening, March 26, 2009, ABC’s Nightline program hosted a debate on the topic of “Does Satan Exist?” It is not as exciting as it sounds. The two-hour event was edited down to twenty minutes of air time. While it is the case that not all the comments were...

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Christian Rock Music: Trojan Horse In The Church

Last Saturday a “Family Adventure Seminar” was held at a congregation near here. The morning session was quite profitable for the first hour-and-a-half as the one conducting it warned about the entertainment media and the influence we let it have over our lives and...

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The Israelite Church of God in Jesus Christ

The above title is the heading of a flier that one of our young members was given on his way home from school. He was accosted by a few Black youths wearing some seemingly specially designed white robes. They asked him what race he was, and he answered,...

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What Is A Scholar?

This question, “What is a Scholar?” is worth examining in light of the article that follows this one about the “Christian” “Scholars” Conference. According to the third definition of Webster’s 2nd International Dictionary, a scholar is: one who by long-continued...

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THE Trivaliazation Of Truth (The Circle)

The following piece of writing has occasionally been used by some over the years; on February 10, 2009, it (surprisingly) appeared in The Forest Hill News, edited by Barry Grider. I DREW MY CIRCLE AGAIN When I first became a member of the church, my circle was very...

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THE Calvinistic Bible

Are there a few Scriptures that seem to reflect the Calvinistic teaching that God foreordained every individual to salvation or damnation before He even created the world? Yes. On the surface, John 6:44 seems to support Calvinistic doctrine—until John 6:45 is...

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