Biblical Articles

Islam and the Media

Many still consider 2008 as the year that journalism died. The media had been sick for more than two decades, but it passed on with a terminal case of extreme liberal bias. More and more, people refer to it correctly as the “lamestream” media. Except for occasional...

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A Review Of Secrets Of Christianity (Part 4)

Having reviewed 30 pages of “Secrets of Christianity,” a special issue of U. S. News and World Report, we now bring this series to a close by taking a brief look at the remaining 50 pages, which continue in the same vain vein with which this publication began. The...

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A Review Of Secrets Of Christianity (Part 3)

Amidst all the speculative ideology (and in some cases, nonsense), U.S. News and World Report’s special issue on “Secrets of Christianity” (on sale through July 13th) occasionally comments on something relevant. “The Miracle Worker” was an inset in the previous...

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A Review Of Secrets Of Christianity (Part 2)

Following the introductory article in the U.S. News and World Report’s special edition of “Mysteries of Faith: Secrets of Christianity” is the attention-grabbing title, “Who Was Jesus?” It is followed by only a paragraph which says that people have been trying to find...

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A Review Of Secrets Of Christianity (Part 1)

U. S. News & World Report has published a “Collector’s Edition” of what they call “Secrets of Christianity,” which sells for $7.99 and is on sale until July 13, 2010. The reader should save his money, unless he just likes to waste it. The front cover promises...

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Brotherhood Problems: The Spiritual Growth Workshop

Most people do not enjoy hearing about problems in the church—after all, do we not all have enough troubles to keep us busy elsewhere? We hear of national and international problems on the news, and we must often face personal and family difficulties as well. The one...

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Miley: Miles From The Truth

On March 21, 2010, Parade (the Sunday supplement)) featured an article about Miley Cyrus, who has been the popular Hannah Montana figure on the Disney Channel for four years. The show is entertaining and contains some occasional good lessons for teens and tweens. What...

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The Bible Study Fellowship

A question arose about the group calling itself “The Bible Study Fellowship.” The best way to determine information about any religious group is to see if they have a Website and then discover what their beliefs are. Their Website says that “A. Wetherell Johnson led...

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Recommended Reading: Profiles In Apostasy #1

Profiles in Apostasy #1 is one of best reference works of this century, and within two weeks it has already generated quite a response. For years various name brand liberals have been writing books to influence brethren away from the Scriptures, and occasionally a...

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Stacking The Deck

Chris Jepson decided to take another shot at God in his March 4th column, “Satan as a Card Dealer,” in the Observer (16) by exalting Satan. He quotes from Samuel Butler who appears to lament that God has written all the books and that mankind has only heard one side...

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Elton John, Theologian

On Friday, February 19, 2010, courtesy of The O’Reilly Factor, the host revealed part of an interview that Dotson Rader of Parade had with Elton John for the Sunday supplement. The quote below does not actually appear in the February 21st article about John, but it is...

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Judy Blume And Humanism (Part 2)

[Editor’s note: Following is the conclusion of an article originally published in The Journal for Better Christian Homes, edited by Robert L. Waggoner in September, 1990. It finishes reviewing books for “children” written by Judy Blume.] Otherwise Known as Sheila the...

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Judy Blume And Humanism

[In 1990, I wrote a series of articles for The Journal for Better Christian Homes, edited by Robert L. Waggoner. The five-part series was titled, “Christian Humanistic Values in Adolescent Literature.” I had not thought about it for a number of years until asked...

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Chris Jepson’s article, “I Have No Faith in Religion,” in the Thursday, January 10, 2010 Observer reflects his Darwinian evolution profession of faith; it is chaotic. He rambles all over the place in search of a thesis. One would expect that it would be a unified...

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Intoxicating Wine In The Lord’s Supper?

David Lipscomb and E. G. Sewell accomplished a great deal of good in the previous two centuries for the cause of Christ, but this fact does not mean that everything they taught or wrote was correct—especially when a topic was more related to opinion than to fact. Just...

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Amazing Mysteries? (Part 2)

It is difficult to take the booklet, Amazing Mysteries of the Bible, seriously when it says in the “Introduction” that it hopes these stories might “increase your faith in God, not your skepticism” (3) when: 1) there are so many allusions in the booklet to flying...

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Amazing Mysteries?

In 1993 a tract-sized booklet of 64 pages was published by Ed Manzi; it was printed by Globe Communications Corporation in Boca Raton, Florida. More information than that about the author is hard to come by. He lists no educational degrees, no religious background,...

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The Sin of Silence

Most Christians who are serious followers of Jesus would never entertain being guilty of the types of sins listed in passages like 1 Corinthians 6:9-11. We know adultery, fornication, idolatry, theft, and being a drunkard are wrong. The church would withdraw...

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Manhattan Declaration (Part 2)

Having already discussed the preamble to the Manhattan Declaration, along with the first two sections of it, we now turn our attention toward the portion that comprises around 40% of the total, and that subject is marriage. The first Scriptures quoted are Genesis...

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Manhattan Declaration (Part 1)

E-Mails containing this document have been circulated recently, and it has been mentioned publicly on some television talk shows, also. “Manhattan Declaration: A Call of Christian Conscience” was drafted on October 20, 2009 and released on November 20th. As of...

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The Advantages of Vagueness

Jesus was direct. He told the multitudes not to be like the Pharisees, and He named the precise problems that they had with giving, prayer, and fasting (Matt. 6). He also warned His disciples of the doctrine of the Pharisees and the Sadducees (Matt. 16:12). He did not...

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Jesus And Megachurches

All right, so who would have more experience with megachurches than Jesus? He taught at least 5,000 on one occasion and 4,000 on another. Furthermore, since He is the Head of the church, which is His body (Eph. 1:22-23; Col. 1:18), He was head over the mega-church in...

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Religion In America (Part 2)

The Parade survey on “How Spiritual Are We?” published on October 4, 2009, asked still more questions that are of interest. One of those was: “What matters to you most about your own religion?” 40% – “I believe it is a source of truth.” 19% – Customs, traditions, and...

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Religion In America

Parade Magazine had a picture of a small church building on its October 4, 2009 cover, and the inside, related story is titled, “How Spiritual Are We?” The two-page article contains information comprised of a poll, but the reader searches the six columns in vain to...

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E-Mail Discussion on Instrumental Music (Part 2)

Gary: Your argument on John 4:23-24 is incomprehensible. [Biff had said that God doesn't put restrictions on worshipping in spirit and in truth by adding “and in one voice.”] Your speculation on instruments [not being used be-cause of persecution] lacks merit....

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E-Mail Discussion on Instrumental Music

Biff: Hello my friend. I stumbled across your article on instruments being used in worship, and I find that I must disagree with at least this statement: There are other verses which also mention singing. BUT there is NOT ONE that authorizes the use of musical...

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God And Evolution: O’Reily And Dawkins (Round 2)

Richard Dawkins, world-renowned atheist, appeared previously on The O’Reilly Factor when his book, The God Delusion, was popular. Their conversation on O’Reilly’s program was reviewed in Spiritual Perspectives on May 13, 2007. Now Dawkins has a new book that attempts...

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Fellowship With Muslims?

Over the years some men have always been at the forefront of advocating fellowship with error. In the 60s the leaders of apostasy were W. Carl Ketcherside and Leroy Garrett. They were joined in the 70s by Mission Magazine. In the 80s Rubel Shelly defected to the ranks...

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Debate on Antheism

It was billed as “The Great Debate,” but it could not hold a candle to The Warren-Flew Debate (1976) or Warren-Matson (1978). Part of the reason was the format: the main speeches were five minutes, and the rebuttals were only two. It would be difficult to make even...

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