Biblical Articles
“Stephen’s Final Prayer” (A Review)
On July 1st, 2005, brother Wayne Jackson wrote an article, titled, “May a Christian Address Christ in Praise or Prayer?” On May 21st of the following year I wrote a response in Spiritual Perspectives. I made it clear that the disagreement was not one of a personal...
read moreMust One Have The Holy Spirit To Understand The Bible?
After having discussed several subjects with an e-mail correspondent, he finally resorted to an old ploy that those who claim to have been baptized in the Holy Spirit often resort to. He wrote: “If a person is not regenerated or baptized in the Holy Spirit they are...
read moreModern Marriage
The magazine, Time, for November, 29, 2010, asks the question on its front cover: “Who Needs Marriage?” To find the article’s page number, one looks at the index on page 5; however the title now appears to be: “Why Marriage Endures.” But wait! When the reader turns to...
read moreVicarious Baptism?
Almost everyone professing to be a Christian knows that Jesus died in our place, taking the penalty for our sins upon Himself. However, never (so far as I know) has anyone ever claimed that Jesus was baptized vicariously for all. On the very surface of it, this notion...
read moreIs Water Baptism Obsolete?
On November 9, 2010, I received an e-mail titled: “Why Christians Should Not Be Baptized in Water.” No introduction was included—just 8 reasons and a signature from someone whom I will call Clark (not his real name). My first thought was, “Well, no, you wouldn’t...
read moreOpen Response To Jay Leno, More On Drinking Wine
On The Tonight Show, starring Jay Leno for Wednesday, November 3, 2010, the host made a comment about homosexual marriage. These may not be the precise words he said, but they capture the substance of his thinking: “I’ve been married for thirty years. If two guys want...
read moreDrinking Wine
In “The Antidote to Drunkenness” of Spiritual Perspectives (10-17-10, scroll down), an examination of Proverbs 23:31 was given. The subject arose from an e-mailer who vociferously attempted to defend his drinking habit—not drunkenness—just a few beers or a few glasses...
read moreCorrection
[Editor’s note: The following material was presented by one of our former members, Evan Diaz, during Sunday evening worship—October 10, 2010.] We're going to look at two sides of the same ques-tion regarding correction: 1) How well do you give it? and 2) How well do...
read morePraise For The Word Of God (Part 4)
Many of the principles already addressed are mentioned again throughout the second half of Psalm 119, but the reader’s attention will now be focused on the positive expressions of the value of the Word of God. The last eight verses of the first half of the psalm...
read morePraise For The Word Of God (Part 3)
What are the two things that people often desire the most? In times of oppression, many pray for hope, which keeps them clinging to life. The writer of Psalm 119 praises the Word of God for its ability to sustain us: “Remember the word to Your servant, upon which you...
read morePraise For The Word Of God (Part 2)
Through Psalm 119:12 certain benefits of God’s Word have been stated. First, those who keep His testimonies are blessed. Second, the one who listens to them does not walk in iniquity, remains undefiled, and is not ashamed. His way is cleansed. Third, the Word hidden...
read morePraise For The Word Of God (Part 1)
The writer of Psalm 119 is not known; some believe that it was David; others think the great scribe Ezra penned these marvelous words. In either case, it was inspired by the Holy Spirit, as all Scriptures are (2 Tim. 3:16-17). It is by far the longest psalm (176...
read more“Psst, Bill, God Is Not Whispering To You.”
According to Wikipedia, Bill Hybels is “the founding and senior pastor of Willow Creek Community Church in South Barrington, Illinois,” which has more than 15,000 members. Besides this achievement, he is also the author of some best-selling books. Like Rick Warren...
read moreThe Rich Man And Lazarus:The Text
What does the text of Luke 16:19-31 actually teach? Many have set forth fanciful theories that no one could honestly derive from the text. Such strained interpretations arise from the theology of certain religious groups or individuals that feel a need to defend a...
read moreThe Rich Man And Lazarus
What does it mean to have a vested interest in a particular interpretation of the Scriptures? It means simply this: that certain people hold to a specific doctrine so strongly that they cannot look objectively at what the Bible actually teaches on a subject. Many so...
read moreHow To Terminate E-Mail Correspondence (Part 3)
Thus far, Buford has been disrespectful to those in the Lord’s church and proceeded on the assumption that he is correct in his conclusions—but that faithful and scholarly brethren are just taking someone’s word for what they believe, having never studied the doctrine...
read moreHow To Terminate E-Mail Correspondence (Part 2)
Content to let the previous discussion end where it did, I was surprised that Buford suddenly resumed correspondence six weeks later. This one lasted from March 24 to April 1st. Below are its crucial portions. Buford to Gary: I was reviewing your emails and have a...
read moreHow To Terminate E-Mail Correspondence
Back in February and March of this year a person who shall be referred to as Buford (not his real name) initiated contact via e-mail. He initially took issue with an article concerning alcohol that was on our website. Several are posted, and he did not specify which...
read moreLeave It To Deaver (Part 3)
The Israelites had great expectations at the time Jesus arrived, although they did not know how everything would fit together. They anticipated a king (2 Sam. 7:12-13; Ps. 110:1), but few (if any) anticipated that the kingdom would be spiritual. They expected “that...
read moreLeave It To Deaver (Part 2)
The observation has often been made that, when people go overboard on the Holy Spirit, they begin to see every passage through the prism of their newfound theology. They enthusiastically embrace new and even bizarre interpretations in an effort to substantiate their...
read moreLeave It To Deaver (Part 1)
For the past sixteen years many faithful brethren have been opposing what has come to be called “the Deaver doctrine.” It first surfaced in a debate that Mac Deaver had with Marion Fox in 1994 and has been evolving ever since. The position emerging from that...
read moreMan-Made Methods of Salvation
For several months another brother and I studied with a husband and wife who were first contacted during the course of door-knocking. They never objected to any teaching, and they frequently asked good questions, knowing that they would receive a Bible answer....
read moreWho Are The Naysayers?
In a discussion with someone recently about the Spiritual Growth Workshop (hereafter SGW), it was explained that the promoters of the wolf-gathering event dismiss criticism of the program by referring to those who voice opposition as “naysayers.” So, what is a...
read moreCommon Sense “Unanswerable” Questions – A Hollow Boast (2)
“Pastor” David Martin of Bartlett, Tennessee fancies that he has put together questions that are so difficult that no one in the churches of Christ can possibly answer them. He is as ignorant of our history as he is in comprehending the Scriptures, or he would know of...
read moreCommon Sense “Unanswerable” Questions – A Hollow Boast
Every so often along comes some midget suffering from a “giant” complex. He makes boasts concerning things about which usually he has no clue and then proclaims himself the triumphant victor. He may even convince those who agree with him, but most others do not share...
read moreWho Is Liberal? Who Is Legalistic?
One of the problems in modern communication is that people's perceptions of themselves stand in the way of their objectivity. Most of us want to be considered “a good guy” by the people we know. We want to be known as moderate in all things so that no one can attach...
read moreA Review of The Roles Of Women In The Ministry (Part 3)
Despite the invitation to engage in honest Bible study, where we look at what the passage actually says instead of what we might want it to say, Kerry Hadley has clearly adopted the latter, invalid approach. Now, as we come to the key text in 1 Timothy 2, the reader...
read moreA Review of The Roles Of Women In The Ministry Of The Church (Part 2)
Last week we began a review of material put together by Kerry Hadley of the West Orange Church of Christ. This 51 pages of material is particularly dangerous since it is misleading. It misrepresents itself in three significant ways: 1. It makes a pretense at being...
read moreA Review of The Roles Of Women In The Ministry Of The Church
The document under examination consists of more than 50 pages, and it is quite deadly in that it combines truth with error under the guise of being scholarly. It is quasi-scholarly in that some sources are cited for particular points, but others are just assumed...
read moreMaximum Al
The April issue of Contending for the Faith published my recent review of the February lectureship book, Profiles in Apostasy #1. I had previously printed it in Spiritual Perspectives on March 21, 2010; it is also on our Website, This...
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