Biblical Articles


This dystopian novel was written by Canadian Margaret Atwood (from Ottawa, born in 1939) back in 1985. The book appeared as a Jeopardy answer last month, and somewhere there was a protest recently with women wearing the outfit of the “handmaid”—a full-length red dress...

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During our Bible Quiz competitions, we usually have a Word Scramble. The congenial host gives a series of letters which need to be unscrambled to make a legitimate word. In order to help in the process, a clue is given that might help to determine the answer. The...

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Bible Burning

When I hear a news item that seems too bizarre to be true, I go to the Internet to see if reliable sources can verify what happened. When I heard about Bibles being burned by Black Lives Matter protesters in Portland, Oregon, such an action seemed dubious. Why would a...

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Hearken, Ye Parents of Young Children

By Charles Pogue When you have raised your children, and you are knocking on the door of old age (or, like I have, already placed one foot through the door), you cannot but help observe how well or poorly you did at raising your offspring. Sometimes, as adults, they...

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“Fake Sports”

Generally, we tend to think of political news as “fake.” However, sports can be just as slanted as any other area of life. In 1973, Howard Cosell, who was well-known for years as being a commentator on Monday Night Football, along with Frank Gifford and Don Meredith,...

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“What is Truth?”

[Editor’s Note: David and I decided a few months ago to send out the July Heart to Heart issue to homes near our building because the theme is: “I want to be saved like they were in Acts.” We know that many who receive the publication do not read it, but at least they...

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While driving near the church building a few days ago, I saw a license plate consisting of a message to all other motorists: U MATTER. I would have thought it was a remarkable message even if it had not been surrounded by a metal strip that said, Pittsburgh Steelers...

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God’s Attitude Toward False Teachers

Inside is another article relating to the thinking of various false teachers. We have numerous warnings in the New Testament against them (Matt. 7:15-20), yet very few ever seem to take them seriously—or the damage they are doing in overthrowing the faith of some (2...

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Inside the Gates

Those outside the gates of Heaven have included dogs, sorcerers, the sexually immoral, murderers, idolaters, and those who believe and practice a lie (Rev. 22:15). Some may be feeling optimistic at this point, thinking, “Well, then, I’m in pretty good shape because I...

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“Whoever Loves and Practices a Lie”

The sixth and final category of those mentioned as being outside the gates of Heaven in Revelation 22:15 consists of those who love and practice a lie. It’s interesting that we find this description at the end of the list just as we find “and all liars” at the end of...

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Okay, we all know what idolaters are, right? So, we don’t need to spend any time on this topic. After all, we do not have representations of birds, calves, snakes, or fish made of gold and silver, to whom we bow down, do we? This article could end right here,...

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The fourth category of those outside the gates of the eternal city is murderers, which seems like an obvious group to exclude (Rev. 22:15). But is it really that clear who is a murderer? Three Greek words are relevant. The word pertaining to those who murder [5406],...

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The term dogs includes the immoral, but also it includes those who pervert doctrine (the Judaizing teachers) and those who have no spiritual inclinations whatsoever. The third group of those who will be outside the gates of Heaven in Revelation 22:15 consists of the...

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Outside the gates of heaven, in addition to “dogs,” are “sorcerers.” Probably no one takes this as a serious threat today because we don’t believe in them, or else we associate them with something magical. In the cultures of Egypt in Moses’ time, up to Babylon (when...

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Two Greek words (related to each other) are translated “dogs” eight times in the New Testament. Five of those times it refers to literal dogs (Matt, 15:26-27; Mark 7:27-28; Luke 16:21), although the “dogs” in the first four verses symbolize Gentiles. The first time...

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“That Big of a Deal”

In the not too distant past a news story had gained prominence—back in January B.C. (before Coronavirus). The story centered on Jeffrey Epstein, a financier who was convicted of sex crimes against minors in Palm Beach once and was released after thirteen months in...

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Hubris and Inspiration

Don’t be alarmed by the word hubris (hew’ bris). If pride is a two-bit word, and arrogance is a four-bit word, then hubris is a six-bit word for the same concept. The word has to be used, however, since we are talking about intellectuals;  two-bit and four-bit words...

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What is a Church of Christ Today? (Part 2)

Truth. Unity. Both are essential to the Christian (John 8:31-32; 17:20-21). But truth cannot be laid aside in a vain effort to attain unity, for then it becomes union, which is not the same concept. Unity can be defined as “the combination or arrangement of parts into...

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Spiritual Inertia

In Physics there is a concept known as inertia. According to The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, inertia refers to “the tendency of a body to remain at rest or of a body in motion to stay in motion.” What is true in the physical world has its...

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What is a Church of Christ Today?

The lawyer whose doctrine we examined on February 23 and March 1, 2020 in Spiritual Perspectives said he chose not to reply, but he was having someone else send me some materials. They were about what one would expect—slanted, illogical, liberal propaganda. A person...

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Three Incredible Statements (2)

The second of the three incredible statements that Elisha the prophet made in three consecutive chapters is found in 2 Kings 6:16, but the background is needed to understand the significance of the pronouncement. This event occurs during a time when the King of Syria...

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Why Do Churches Want to Meet?

You’ve probably heard some people on radio or television discussing why Christians do not like the current “orders” for them not to meet in groups of more than ten. That’s not hard to figure out: We have a first amendment right to assemble, and it sets a bad precedent...

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Pharaoh’s Thinking

It’s easy to pick on Pharaoh because of his stubbornness in the face of the plagues that God kept bringing upon him, but would there not be modern-day equivalents to him if the same thing happened in today’s world? Before answering, consider the My Pillow guy. James...

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Three Incredible Statements (1)

In 2 Kings 5, 6, and 7 the reader finds three incredible statements made by the prophet Elisha. The response of many to these statements would be, “No, I don’t think so. I don’t see how that can happen.” Yet each one of them is absolutely true. The purpose of this...

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The Spanish Flu

How many are familiar with the Spanish Flu of 1918? Would it be surprising to learn that nearly half a billion people were infected worldwide? According to an article posted on March 3 and revised March 30, 2020, “Why the Second Wave of the 1918 Spanish Flu Was So...

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Progressives and Their Tactics

Since this article concerns what progressive means, why not look at the dictionary? According to The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, the word progressive means: “1. Moving forward; ongoing; advancing. 2. Proceeding in steps; continuing steadily...

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Reasoning to Christ

And he [Paul] entered the synagogue and continued speaking out boldly for three months, reasoning and persuading them about the kingdom of God. But when some were becoming hardened and disobedient, speaking evil of the Way before the people, he withdrew from them and...

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The Amalekites

The Amalekites are probably most known because God gave a command to destroy them to King Saul in 1 Samuel 15:1-3. God wanted them punished because of something they did 400 years earlier. One lesson we might take away from this opening point is that God does not...

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