Audio Sermons
The Lord’s Zeal
Did Jesus Turn Water Into Alcoholic Wine? (Part 2)
The Bible says that Jesus turned water into wine at the wedding in Cana. Modern people have added that: “Wine is wine” or “they didn’t have any way to keep grape juice from fermenting in the first century.” So, they argue, the “wine” had to be alcoholic. But what are the facts? Join us as we explore this commonly misunderstood Biblical account.
Did Jesus Turn Water Into Alcoholic Wine? (Part 1)
The Bible says that Jesus turned water into wine at the wedding in Cana. Modern people have added that: “Wine is wine” or “they didn’t have any way to keep grape juice from fermenting in the first century.” So, they argue, the “wine” had to be alcoholic. But what are the facts? Join us as we explore this commonly misunderstood Biblical account.
First Century Beliefs About
There has long been misconceptions about Jesus, even since the first century. Join us as we explore what different people have thought about Him, as well as what the Bible reveals about Him.
How Men Were Convinced About Jesus
Jesus invites investigation, he says to “come and see,” he wants us to ask questions, seek answers and reason with the minds he has given us. He has given us evidence to follow rather than our subjective feelings or “blind faith.” Will you come and see?
Every Part Does Its Share
What would the church look like if every member did its share? If we all worked as hard as we could to remain faithful and spread the word, would the church look or act any differently? Here are some practical tips to grow the church.
Jesus Under Assault
Ever since the first century people have tried to cast doubt on Jesus’ life and resurrection. The Romans invented a story that His body was stolen. Gnostics taught that Jesus didn’t even have a body. Others say he was merely a good man or merely a prophet. Some deny nearly the entire gospel account of John. Does the “Gospel of Thomas” have any historical credence? What does the Bible say about these ideas?
What does the Bible say about being transgender?
Does the Bible say anything about gender identity? What about cross dressing? What should a parent do when a child says he feels like a member of the opposite sex? How do our feelings impact who we are? Does God want us to be happy above all else? What about “transabled” people and BIID?
More about Jesus: Grace & Truth – An Exposition from John 1
The gospel account of John is about evidence. We examine chapter 1 of John and learn more about Jesus and His word. Is faith alone sufficient to be pleasing to God? Is there any grace in the Old Testament? Is there any law in the New Testament? What about truth, is it certain and objective or uncertain and subjective?
What does the Bible say about our thinking? (Part 2)
John the Baptizer – Witness of The Light
If I Were The Devil Pt. 3
If I Were The Devil Pt 2
Practical Christian Living
Faithful No Matter What
Accounts of Conversion Part 2
Paul’s View of Christianity
Accounts of Conversion (Part 1)
Sacrifice | Milen Womack
Sermon How Deep the Father’s Love
Where Are The Nine?
The Providence of God | Guy Dickinson
A Broken Spirit: Christians and Depression (Part 2)
A Broken Spirit: Christians and Depression (Part 1)
All About The Pope
The Consultant (Part 3)
How Did Jesus View Scripture?
The Consultant (Part 2)
Blind Watchmen
The Consultant – Brother Gary Summers
Bible Q&A – The Soul, ‘Preaching to spirits in prison’
Does the Soul Die with the Body?
False Doctrines About The Deity Of Christ Answered
When Does Death Occur?, Gary Summers
Whom Can I Fellowship Pt 3
When Does Life Begin?, Gary Summers
Whom Can I Fellowship? Part 2, Gary Summers
If Materialism Were True, Gary Summers
Whom Can I Fellowship?
Questions and Answers: Adultery, Gary Summers
Why Study the Bible? Pt. 2, Gary Summers
How to Start Building, Gary Summers
Why Study The Bible? Gary Summers
Q&A Culture Part 4
Jesus’ View from the Cross
QnA Authority
The Wrong Standards
Q&A: Culture Part 3
What does being a disciple imply for my life?
Culture (Pt. 2), Gary Summers
The Law and The Sabbath, Gary Summers
Is Baptism Necessary – Brother Gary Summers
Who Is a Wise Man? Guy Dickinson
Jesus and Intolerance, Gary Summers
The Parable of the Sower, Aaron Sword
Are You a Disciple of Christ? Kerry Sword
The Marks of a Prophet – Brother Gary Summers
Types of Freedom
Freedom In Christ
Sins Against the Home – Brother Gary Summers
Self Justification
The Rejected Christ – Brother Gary Summers
Questions and Answers: Jealousy – Brother Gary Summers
Committed to the Bible?
Hindrances to Effective Prayer – Brother Gary Summers
Nadab and Abihu – Brother Gary Summers
House of Fish
A Destroyer’s Companion – Brother Gary Summers
A practical look at laziness in our lives.