[Editor’s Note: David and I decided a few months ago to send out the July Heart to Heart issue to homes near our building because the theme is: “I want to be saved like they were in Acts.” We know that many who receive the publication do not read it, but at least they will have access to the truth about salvation. The article below is the one I wrote for the column on the back page—space we can fill ourselves if we so choose. We have just a few copies of the publication here at the building; so we are reprinting the article here.]
This is always an interesting question, and many ask it skeptically, just as Pilate did when Jesus stood before him. If we were not cynical enough, we now doubt almost everything we see or hear on radio and television because so much disinformation exists, or news items are slanted. But truth—spiritual truth—does exist even if people have doubts. No. It is not a matter of “a leap of faith.” It is a matter of evidence. “What kind of proof can there be?” you might wonder. How about more than 300 prophecies being fulfilled from the time the Old Testament was written until the events of the New unfolded? Would anyone venture a guess as to who will be elected President in four years?
Imagine specific predictions made 400 to 1500 years in advance! Many people have a low opinion of the Scriptures who have never read them. Isn’t it time to take a firsthand look by reading one of the gospel accounts of Jesus’ life, followed by the spread of the church in the Acts of the Apostles? Christian living is defined in books like Philippians and Colossians. Truth is presented in the Bible, which was confirmed by the miracles of Jesus and the apostles (John 20:30-31), which people of that time observed for themselves. Truth may be difficult to come by in our society; the Scriptures proclaim it, along with standards of right and wrong.
All of us have committed sins which we cannot undo, but the Bible tells us how they may be removed. Please read this issue of House to House, Heart to Heart because it will provide passages you need to know about salvation from sin. Read the verses in their context, and call us if you have questions. Enjoy!