Okay, we all know what idolaters are, right? So, we don’t need to spend any time on this topic. After all, we do
not have representations of birds, calves, snakes, or fish made of gold and silver, to whom we bow down, do we? This
article could end right here, then—except for the fact that people choose to idolize various other allurements. For example,
what about wealth? Is not everything in our society geared toward the accumulation of money or its equivalent?
Remember the commercial a few years ago when the football player overcame all the obstacles in his way and made it
to the endzone, proclaiming, “I’ve got it! Financial security!”?
People trust in their Prosperity, their 401Ks, their investments, their pensions, and their sound financial planning—rather
than in the Lord. We have discovered, when door knocking, that the poorest response comes from the
wealthiest section of town. Why? They already have a god they worship. For this reason, the Bible is replete with
warnings against covetousness. We think our wealth can bail us out of every situation, but it cannot help us cheat
death, and it is certain that we can take nothing with us when we do go (1 Tim. 6:6-8). What God gives us materially is
only for the purpose of using wisely on His behalf—not just to enrich ourselves.
Another modern idol is Entertainment. How much time does the average person watch television—not counting
binge watching? How many movies does a person see a year? How about the radio, CDs, DVDs, and video games?
Now, how much time did people devote to Entertainment 100 years ago? Hmm! And we have not even gotten around
to Sports. How many of us who are Christians can name all the stars of a sitcom, including their movie careers but do
not know the order in which the Ten Commandments were given? How many know sports statistics going back ten to
thirty years, but cannot name over six of the apostles? Members of the churches of Christ are often accused of being
Bibliolaters; really? We have a long way to go before that would be a valid charge.
Are Addictions idols? We’re saturated with those who have been conquered by alcohol, various other drugs,
pornography, and sex. How did we let such things take control over our lives? For some, Education is an idol. Many
think if a person has a Ph.D., he must be an expert. Many other idols exist in our modern culture, but one of the most
dangerous that has always existed is that of Self (Judges 21:25). For some reason, people tend to regard themselves
as infallible—despite the evidence. Some make mistake after mistake with their lives—bad choices in choosing their
influence, their mates, their hobbies; nevertheless, they will choose their own opinion over the Word of God every time.
Their mirrors should become shrines. This attitude will keep us out of the kingdom of Heaven (Matt. 5:3). These idols
will keep us outside the gates of Heaven (Rev. 22:15).