An article on another subject inside examines 1 Timothy 6:3-5, in which it is shown that some unscrupulously use religion to make money off people. Jesus overthrew the tables of the moneychangers who were profiting from religion; some are still fleecing others today in the name of Jesus. In fact, one wonders if those who are selling cures and healings—for a price—actually believe in God at all. One such scoundrel was mentioned in the Orlando Sentinel as recently as September 24, 2016.
The person in question’s first name is (ironically) Christian—one thing he is definitely not. He once had a program on the Trinity Broadcast Network and was “pastor” of the Church of Victory in Longwood. He should have changed it to the Church of Shame, considering what he did, and now it is certainly the Church of the Defeated, since the entire ministry has closed down. It needed to end.
So, what was he charged with? He is accused of “running a gambling operation out of his garage and serving alcohol to two underage brothers, according to the arrest affidavit.” Was the evidence against him sufficient, or was it just the hearsay of these two brothers? It looks fairly convincing. Police have photographs and video footage in their possession. In the garage, there were
“obvious gaming tables” covered in cash and bottles of liquor “arrayed in a manner most commonly seen in commercial bars and lounges,” an Orlando Police Department detective wrote…. Besides depicting the tables, the photographs showed people holding cash… (B2).
The home where these things occurred is in a gated community. Nothing was mentioned in the article of a response from Christian. We do not know the backdrop of the events. How well did he know these boys? Were they members? Why did they take the pictures and go to the police? Presumably, that all might be shown later, but (unless the photos were falsified), the case looks damaging. Atheists must love situations like this. No one associated with Christ should be encouraging young people (or older folks) to sin. This very practice is denounced in the Scriptures. “It would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck, and he were thrown into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones” (Luke 17:2).