As news commentator Paul Harvey used to say, “Here is a strange.” The following event took place in Utica, New York, and was reported in the July 6, 2016 Orlando Sentinel. The title of the article grabs the reader’s attention immediately—“Woman Found Guilty in Brother’s Beating Death at Church” (A4) What? Who gets beaten to death in a church building? Apparently, members of the Word of Life Christian Church participated in a 14-hour group beating of the woman’s two half-brothers. What were these people thinking? Had any of them ever read the Scriptures? Have they no understanding that Christianity teaches us to love one another?
The sister was acquitted of murder, since intent could not be proven, but she was convicted of manslaughter and assault. According to the news account, “She pummeled both brothers’ groins with an electrical cord.” What kind of a person does that? If it was not her idea, how does she let someone talk her into it? Apparently, no charges could be filed for stupidity and callous indifference to human suffering. How could anyone present possibly in good conscience have participated in such an atrocious occurrence? Did not even one person present have an ounce of pity that such an ordeal would last for fourteen minutes, let alone fourteen hours?
Oh, and the “pastor” of this morbid group referred to this as a counseling session. If he has not been charged, he should be, since he authorized the actions that occurred. Some counseling sessions may be a bit raucous, with participants shouting at one another or throwing nerf bricks, but what is therapeutic about being beaten mercilessly? Religious freedom does not include the right to inflict physical punishment on others. This “church” should be closed down immediately—not only for what the group members did, but because they have grossly mishandled the name of Christ.
This “counseling” session took place after the 19-year-old and 17-year-old brothers had discussed leaving the church. What kind of an organization is this? This “church” is obviously a cult, and they revere their leader above God. They do what their “pastor” tells them instead of following Jesus. They are a disgrace and an embarrassment to all who genuinely call on the name of the Lord. People ought to study the inspired Word of God and follow its teachings rather than put their trust in any man (Ps. 118:8). This religious group’s members undoubtedly need genuine counseling, as well as deprogramming.