Okay, it’s been three weeks since the massacre at an Orlando night club, and probably after one week everyone was tired of hearing about the event. But newspapers and broadcasts continue to emphasize what happened— especially since this tragedy facilitates keeping the homosexual agenda alive. Large portions of the newspaper continue to revisit the ghastly scene, and who knows when they will at last relent from all the emphasis? Are you tired yet of hearing about how discriminated against and downtrodden homosexuals are? Actually, as we have said for years, most people would never know or care—except that they keep pushing for acceptance of their sin, as shown by their insistence for homosexual marriage, which perverts God’s holy institution. When that was achieved, many sympathetic to their “cause” said it was only the beginning.
The Orlando Sentinel never misses an opportunity to promote the practice. In the “People and Arts” section on page A2 for June 23, 2016, they encouraged people to screen a 2007 film about religion and homosexuality, called, “For the Bible Tells Me So.” Does anyone wonder what position the film takes? The Sentinel would probably not endorse it if it concluded that homosexuality is a sin. Just calling the work by the title chosen is a slap upon the face of Christianity because the Bible does define homosexuality as a perversion. It was so thorough in Sodom and Gomorrah that God destroyed the cities with fire and brimstone.
So, now someone comes along and wants to mock the Scriptures, as well as a beloved children’s song, and most of society is all for it. The film-maker says that that LGBT community consists of “people who must fight just to be.” That is not true; they are fighting for approval, which will never happen. He implies that Christians are interpreting the Bible wrongly in their condemnation of homosexuality. How absurd. What could be plainer than when God says in the Law of Moses, “If a man lies with a male as he lies with a female, both of them have committed abomination” (Lev. 20:13)? The penalty assigned for this practice was death. No interpretation is necessary. People, like the film-maker, twist the Scriptures to their own destruction.
But the worst statement is this one made by the film-maker: “I came to the conclusion that not to honor my sexual orientation would be an insult to God.” Right! And the adulterer would insult God not to seduce married women. And the drunkard would insult God by trying to be sober. How can people be so blind? It only shows how entrenched the love of sin is in people like him and serves to remind us of the warning of the prophet: “Woe unto them that call evil good and good evil…” (Isa. 5:20).