Transgenders make up less than 1% of the population, but Herculean efforts are being made to protect such individuals as though they were an endangered species under attack. How many people even know one? And what are the facts? Do we have any? Are those who have a sex-change operation actually happier? Or is the suicide rate among them significantly higher? How many women desire to be men, and how many men desire to be women? It is reported that the latter is the case 90% of the time. Can anyone run a news story reporting the facts, or is the issue one that elicits too much bias one way or the other for such a simple thing to occur?
For years, this writer’s hair might be dark or light, depending on how much sunlight he was in and maybe the way his hair was combed. His wife might make the comment, “I see you have your blond side up today.” but other days it appeared darker. Is this how it works with transgenders? “Today, I feel my feminine side is up.” Tomorrow he may be competing in a major sports event, but today is different. Isn’t that confusing?
According to the Orlando Sentinel of May 13, 2016, public schools “must permit transgender students to use bathrooms and showers consistent with their gender identity, according to an Obama administration directive” (A3). Just consider the gobbledegook that explains all this:
The guidance from leaders at the departments of Education and Justice says public schools are obligated to treat their transgender students in a way that matches their gender identity, even if their education documents indicate a different sex (A3).
The translation of the bureaucratic gibberish is simply this: If a boy feels like a girl at any given moment—despite the fact that biologically he is a male— he may use the girls’ restroom or locker room. This is what the President of the United States has demanded. (Does anybody think his daughters will have to tolerate males in their locker room?) Any person of sound mind must object to such a perverted practice.
Attorney General Loretta Lynch has shown herself to be as biased as her predecessor, Eric Holder, who wouldn’t recognize justice if it smacked him in the face. The evidence of this charge is his refusal to prosecute thugs with Billy clubs at a Philadelphia polling place (because they were the same race as him?), his refusal to investigate what happened with Fast and Furious, et al. In the same vein, Lynch mouthed these politically correct sentiments:
“There is no room in our schools for discrimination of any kind, including discrimination against transgender students.”
How does anyone present such codswallop to the public and keep a straight face? One would think that 30%-40% of students were being denied rights. We are assured by liberals and secularists that allowing transgenders to use the facilities of the opposite sex is no big deal. If it’s no big deal, why can’t they use those matching their biological gender? No one ever need know or suspect that anything is amiss.
The Orange County School Board here in Florida tripped all over themselves in hastening to comply with the “directive” (translate “coerced demand”). But Texas and ten or eleven other states are talking about standing on principle. (Boehner will probably not like them any more than Ted Cruz for their legal challenge to the president.) Of course, Houston, who has an openly lesbian mayor, and Dallas are all for it.
The President and the Attorney General are citing Title IX as authority for what they are doing. Attorney David Limbaugh objects:
Understand that with Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, Congress never intended “sex” to include “gender identity.” The purpose was to ensure women and girls equal treatment under the law. No one in his wildest imagination conceived that lawless public officials would later contort the statute to prevent discrimination against transgender people.
These comments are from an article that is titled,
“Resisting Obama’s Transgender Directive: A Hill to Die On,” which was posted May 17, 2016. He also agreed with the point made in our article for May 22nd— that the departments of Education and Justice have been politicized. Limbaugh also makes clear what the directive actually does:
The administration proclaims, “Gender identity refers to an individual’s internal sense of gender.” So forget your biological makeup; if today you want to identify as a woman, men, you may, and if people refuse to go along with the ruse, they will be punished with the full force of federal law.
This is the reason that this expression of Obama’s absurd agenda must be resisted. How many formal charges of discrimination have been filed?
No one will convince me that this has anything to do with the rights of transgender people. Rather, Obama and his fellow leftist tyrants are seeing how far they can push the envelope—how much they can fundamentally transform America against the people’s will and against the protections guaranteed by the federal and state constitutions.
Limbaugh must be correct because such a thing does not make sense on the surface of it. There has been no public outcry of transgenders saying they have been abused. The directive must be part of a larger agenda. What’s next—accepting child molesters and decriminalizing rape? Where is all of this heading? What is the end game?
How many readers ever heard of boys who wanted to be girls (seriously) or vice versa? If such is the case, is it not that they are being conditioned or coaxed to think this way by someone? Remember when childhood used to be a time of innocence? And education? No wonder Johnny can’t read or write, but he knows he wants to be Johnella. If Obama and other elitists can convince Americans to allow transgenders to have opposite restroom privileges, then they can convince us all that the Emperor is not naked, either, and we will all be marveling at his new clothes.
Citizens must contact school boards, representatives, senators (state and federal), making it clear where we stand concerning this issue. Department stores that honor this inane policy should be boycotted. The public should notify all major stores they will not shop at such places. Consumers wield great power—if they will only use it. As Limbaugh said:
Folks, there has to be a tipping point—a point at which we’ll no longer tolerate this kind of tyranny, even if it means the states forgoing blood money from the federal leviathan.
Of course, there are voices on “our” side, saying that this directive does not amount to anything and that we should save up our ammunition for something really important. One favorite expression on the part of many compromisers is, “This is not the hill to die on.” David Limbaugh disagrees:
This is a hill to die on, and if the sane states don’t fight back on this one, we might as well just completely surrender the republic today. It’s either that or eventually seeing the people rise up in a way we haven’t witnessed for many years.
Radio talk show host, Rush Limbaugh voiced some excellent thoughts on this subject. Many do not like his politics, but he has never relented in speaking against abortion (even before it was cool) or exposing the grotesque practices of Planned Parenthood. He was one of few who refused to cave on homosexual marriage, and he is correct about this social issue as well. He commented thus on the article just quoted:
My brother David had a column published yesterday. “Resisting Obama’s Transgender Directive: A Hill to Die On.” You know, this whole transgender bathroom business is typical. It fits the pattern that has ended up being so damaging and destructive to conservatives and Republicans. The left attempts to undermine, corrupt, and overthrow elements of our culture and our
society. They do it by trying to normalize behavior that, for eons, has been considered to be anything but. They succeed by beating people down and having them portrayed as bigots or racists or some kind of phobe if they resist whatever is said to be just and filled with civil rights.
The moderate Republicans who keep saying, “This is not the battle we should fight,” have been giving up so often and so readily that their backbones have surely shrunken from nonuse to the point that if they ever should stand up and fight, they would probably collapse en masse. They have given the president everything he wanted in his budget so that we are now over twenty trillion dollars in debt. It would be difficult to imagine anyone acting more accommodative.
Thinking that this transgender issue is not worth fighting over is equivalent to Gedaliah refusing to believe that Ishmael had determined to assassinate him. He was warned by Johanan and others, but he refused to believe them. So, while he was in his “rejection of reality” mode, Ishmael and ten others fell upon him and killed him (Jer. 40:14-41:2). It pays to be cautious; it pays to stand up and fight. The alternative is defeat and death. This current issue is one to make a stand on and die, if necessary.