Several people said, when homosexual “marriage” was legalized, that the war to have perversion accepted was not over. It has not even taken a year for the next assault on sane-thinking Americans to occur. Our president is pushing really hard for the “rights” of transgenders, even reading into laws what is not there. He apparently has the eyesight of Alice in Wonderland. When asked on one occasion what she saw, she replied, “I see nothing.” “Such marvelous eyesight!” came the response. “To be able to see nothing—and at this distance, too.” The president is seeing problems that do not exist and in his usual dictatorial style is coercing his solutions on states whether citizens want them or not.

He insists that men be allowed to use the ladies’ bathroom—or shower with young women in their locker rooms. When are people going to say, “This is ridiculous, as well as dangerous!” and stand up to a man who has taken upon himself powers that he does not, as president, have? He has politicized the “Justice” department with Eric Holder and continues to do so with the new Attorney General. The IRS has been proven to be prejudiced against those not of the president’s party. Oh, but don’t forget; he promised to get to the bottom of it. Right! On The Charlie Rose Show, writers are laughing about the false claims they made to get Obamacare passed, such as, “If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor.” They now admit that this and other statements were lies that they used to gain public support.

It is not unusual for elitists to think they can pull the wool over the eyes of the “rubes,” but how often do they admit their lies while they are still in office? And why don’t those taken advantage of muster up a little anger over these tactics? “He who sins is of the devil…” (1 John 3:8). Why are not more people outraged by those who do what the devil, the father of lies, does? Now the elitists are becoming so bold that they no longer feel a need to use much subtlety. They want men to be able to use just any restroom or shower without even a formal intention (such as a doctor’s evaluation that a procedure is in progress) of changing one’s gender, which is both bold and sick.

Ultimately, the goal of such schemes must be the destruction of both Christianity and the family. If it is not the intention, it will nevertheless bring about the same result. It’s time for people to quit obsessing over entertainment and pay attention to what is happening in this nation. It’s time that all people began to read the Bible again and resume standing by God’s standards.