The above title is from an article written by Erik Tryggestad in the February, 2009 Christian Chronicle. According to Mike Washburn, executive minister (I do not recall an executive apostle, MLW) of Richland Hills Church of Christ, the 2009 edition of Churches of Christ in the United States committed an egregious error in deleting this congregation from the directory.

The explanation the Chronicle gives is that “the Texas church was one of 21 congregations omitted from the latest edition of the directory for using instrumental music in at least one Sunday morning service.” Carl Royster, the volume’s compiler, said, “The one unifying constant that defines whether or not such a congregation is included in this document is the practice of a cappella worship services.” If I interpret correctly, as long as any congregation claims to be a church of Christ and sings a cappella, they can abandon all other Bible doctrines and remain in the directory. There are hundreds of so-called churches of Christ that need to be excluded from the directory because they “went out from us” (1 John 2:19) long ago!

The article further explains: “In the past, compilers have excluded congregations as they broke ties with Churches of Christ. In 2003 the Oak Hills Church of Christ in San Antonio, then with about 3,500 members, added instrumental worship services and dropped ‘of Christ’ from its name. The church was excluded from the next directory, published in 2006.” But according to the Chronicle, Mike Washburn opines that “Richland Hill’s elders have not broken ties with Churches of Christ, nor did they ask to be excluded from the 2009 directory.” The offended “executive minister” also states, “From a church standpoint, we’re saddened and disappointed. …we strongly feel like we are a part of Churches of Christ and continue a strong love for – and commitment to – excellent a cappella worship (emph. MLW).

May I point out that “executive Mike’s feelings” do not make the Richland Hill’s group a church of Christ! Mike would do well to heed Proverbs 14:12: “There is a way which seemeth right unto a man; But the end thereof are the ways of death.” His true convictions are revealed in this quote: “However, we are a part of a huge movement in our fellowship who do not believe a cappella worship is the sole way of defining who Churches of Christ are” (emph. MLW).

Faithful brethren have never argued that a cappella worship is the sole (only) way of defining the church of Christ. I realize that the compilers of the church directory used “a cappella worship” as the “one unifying constant” to determine a congregation’s place in the book when in reality there are other doctrinal matters that must also be considered. The bottom line for this article is that “executive Mike” believes members of the church can worship without a cappella worship!

“Executive Mike” does express a concern “that church members will see Richland Hill’s exclusion as a sign that the church has broken ties with its fellowship.” “That’s not the case,” he said, noting his congregation’s involvement with a cappella churches, ministries, and schools associated with Churches of Christ. He states: “We have great love for the people in our heritage. We want to be a part of this fellowship.”

“Executive Mike” may profess love for the people in “our heritage” (whatever that means), but he surely doesn’t love the Lord and His Word! He has no fellowship with God and thus has no fellowship with faithful brethren!

Let me offer positive proof of my assertion about Richland Hill’s members being out of fellowship with the Lord. The article states: “In 2007 Richland Hills added an instrumental worship service on Saturday nights. A few months ago the church added instruments to one of its two Sunday morning services” (emph. MLW). Men have never had God’s approval to add or subtract from His Word (Deut. 4:2; Rev. 22:18-19).

Christians are commanded to sing (Acts 16:25; Rom. 15:9; 1 Cor. 14:15; Eph. 5:19; Col. 3:16; Heb. 2:12; James 5:13), but there is no command to play an instrument. Neither have faithful brethren forgotten about the addition of an instrumental worship service on Saturday night! We have Bible authority for Christians to worship on Sunday and an example of them doing so (Acts 20:7).

“Executive Mike” wants to worship at Dan and Bethel and whenever he pleases (cf. 1 Kings 12:28-33). Jeroboam learned that God labeled this type of progress as sinful. For the last six months Richland Hills has averaged between 4100 and 4200 for its combined Saturday and Sunday services.

Richland Hills and all other apostate congregations will one day learn that just being “a part of a huge movement” will not get one to Heaven! Such congregations are no longer the Lord’s church! And faithful brethren should not pretend that they are!

[Editor’s note: This article was written for brethren at Paris, Texas, by Marvin Weir and published on February 22, 2009. An article available on (November 2, 2003) dealt with the adoption of instrumental music at Richland Hills in the Saturday service. It was dealt with after the fact in articles printed on the Spiritual Perspectives website on January 14, 21, 28, February 4, and 11th in 2007. Unfortunately, topics such as these need to be repeated periodically since brethren continue to move in this direction.]

Only one life, ‘twill soon be past.
Only what’s done for Christ will last.