Why are you here today? Of course, members of this congregation plan to be here (unless ill or traveling). Christians realize their obligation not to forsake the assembling of ourselves together (Hebrews 10:25). We come to offer up our worship to God, as well as to be edified and built up in the faith. We do not come to be entertained but to engage actively in worship.

You who are visiting, however, are here this morning because you have been invited by members, and we are all delighted that you have decided to come and worship with us this morning as we begin this gospel meeting. We are convinced that the messages presented will be relevant to you in this or any century. The gospel does not change, and all of us have the same spiritual needs that human beings have had since sin first entered the world. Some visiting this morning have already heard and obeyed the gospel, but some have not.

This morning’s message is: “Now That You Know, What Do You Do?” and it will be taken from the second chapter of Acts. Many people have some understanding of the concept of sin and our need of redemption but have never been taught the particulars regarding salvation. In fact, some have probably heard the erroneous idea that all a person needs is faith. Faith is certainly the starting point, but it is not all that one needs. If it were, then what did Jesus mean when He said, “Unless you repent, you will all likewise perish” (Luke 13:3)? Obviously, more than faith is required. And when you find out what else is necessary, what will you do with that information?

The larger question is, “Why are you here?” period—on earth, that is. It’s a question we surely have all asked ourselves. Are we here only to go to school, get a job, marry, have children and then grandchildren, retire, and die? Or did God create us in His image (Genesis 1:26-28)? Do we need to seek Him? Having imparted to us the gift of life, does He have expectations for us? Is there a moral code we must follow? Does He expect us to serve Him and be grateful for what He has given us? The Bible answers these questions—and more. It has answers to the most important questions of life, including the origin of sin and why evil exists in the world. It will also tell you why you are here.