The idea of a new year always brings with it an optimistic outlook. Why is that? Many of us make New Year’s resolutions that we intend to keep once for all. We will be a different person. No matter how many times we have failed to reach a goal in the past, we might just make it this time. Perhaps our stamina will be greater, and we will have more encouragement and support from others. At any rate, the future lies before us like freshly fallen snow—just waiting for someone to make marks upon it. The atmosphere is crisp, purity lies all around, and the idea of future prospects never looked brighter.
Maybe the world will be a better place as well. Will this be the year that love and peace will prevail—when hu-man beings will see the futility of fighting and waging constant warfare? Maybe the inhabitants of this planet will finally learn from history that in battles some of the best men from every nation die. Have we not learned that aggressors are always resisted, and that a free people will always fight to defend their liberty; so of what value is it to launch a campaign to try to subjugate people? How much better is it to be in the business of building up rather than that of useless destruction?
However, all of the optimism that we brought into 2015 did not change the world. With Al-Qaeda, ISIS, and Boko Haram around, moral atrocities occurred regularly. Unfortunately, the number of adherents is rather large that hold to a religion that does not tolerate any other religion or any other ideas than their own. While others may be willing to coexist, they are not, and if 2015 was any indication, the violence will not end any time soon. Optimism must exist within the confines of reality.
The world may not—probably will not—change for the better, but the kingdom of Heaven (the church) still provides a solid reason for hope. We have been blessed by the example of faithful brethren—some of whom have already departed this world for the next. We continue to look at those who have stood for the truth regardless of the cost be-cause it was the right thing to do. We continually enjoy watching men and women leave the world of sin and put on Jesus Christ. And we know that God is still working all things together for good to those who love Him—to those who are called according to His purpose. We may not be able to change the entire world, but the gospel will change some. For that reason we remain optimistic.