Perhaps you have visited with us before, or maybe you are here this week for our gospel meeting.  You probably already have some concept of what a church is, what worship should be like, and even what to find in a church bulletin.  Some may look for a program of worship, which tells us what songs will be sung, who will lead in prayer, etc.  We do not use this publication for that purpose.


Some may anticipate notes about things occurring in the congregation; news of interest for the members here may be found on page 4.  Various visitors probably have different opinions about what a paper such as this should be, but here is our philosophy:  We want to use this as a medium to teach.  Our primary source of instruction is the Bible.  In our classes and our preaching, we use the Word of God rather than the ideas, doctrines, and commandments of men.  The articles in this publication are also based upon the Scriptures.


Some of the writing that appears here evaluates events currently occurring in the world.  We attempt to provide a spiritual perspective regarding those things (hence, the title of this publication).  These may involve topics such as capital punishment, abortion, homosexual “marriage,” the use of marijuana, or other current topics of interest.  The reason we comment on these matters is that the way our culture thinks at any given time is frequently different than principles that are taught in the Scriptures.  Therefore, a Biblical perspective is needed.


We may present information on a Biblical text, personality, theme, or topic.  Needless to say, our purpose is not to supplant the Scriptures, but to call to attention their meaning in a way the reader may not have considered.  Certainly, we never want to be guilty of teaching some new theory that is not found in the Bible, but it is usually profitable to bring to light and remind ourselves of what is taught (2 Peter 1:12-13).

Another area of emphasis concerns problems that have developed in the area of religion; we sometimes analyze what various religious sects, cults, or individuals are teaching.  Truth is always under attack—usually from those who reject Jesus—but often from the very ones you would expect to uphold the teachings of Christianity.  The devil began this longstanding habit in the Garden of Eden when he contradicted God, telling Adam and Eve they would NOT surely die.  He has never relented.  You have probably noticed that most of Jesus’ opposition came from the religious leaders of His day—the Pharisees and the Sadducees (John 8, for example).


The New Testament is not an extremely long book, but every major teaching in it has been assaulted by the devil.  Today, many who claim to be preachers and teachers of the gospel of Christ are actually playing into the hands of Satan by deceiving people with respect to salvation, acceptable worship, and various fundamental teachings.  In the process of examining the error being taught, Spiritual Perspectives furnishes us an excellent opportunity to set forth the truth.


As you can see, we want you to take away something you can read and think about—something that will bring you closer to the truths that God has revealed.  The better our knowledge of truth is, the closer we come to knowing and understanding God.  We do not ask anyone to agree with what is written here (just because it is in print); we would appreciate it, however, if you would evaluate what you have read in light of the Scriptures.


Our main goal for all teaching and preaching here is to follow what Paul wrote (by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit) in Colossians 3:17:  “And whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him.”  Now that you know what to expect, read on.


Just about every moral taboo that those who are now on social security grew up with has been broken down and destroyed—except one, and it may be on the verge of extinction.  Fifty years ago, men and women did not live together outside of marriage, homosexuality was rarely mentioned, let alone approved of, and anyone who was divorced carried around with them a social stigma.  Things have changed radically, but we knew we had not hit the bottom of the barrel because everyone is still against child molestation.  That one will fall by the wayside, also, unless the general public stands together and says, “You shall proceed no further.”  Here is a place to start.


The Boy Scouts acted foolishly in recent years by allowing avowed homosexuals to be leaders of Scout troops, which is somewhat like asking a fox to head up a training program for chickens.  The likelihood of few or no problems arising from such a blasé attitude is about as good as the Cubs winning the World Series next year.


Now in Michigan even a worse situation exists.  A 39-year-old teacher has been convicted of criminal sexual conduct with a minor and has been sentenced up to 30 years in prison.  He abused one of his students from the age of 12 to 15.  The head of the Michigan Education Association, Stephen Cook, however, is trying to get the convicted felon a $10,000 severance payment.  Is he crazy?  Or does he just not care about children being molested?


Jesse Watters from The O’Reilly Factor questioned him while he was walking from his car to the building he works in.  This material does not come from a dubious website; it was transcribed (by this writer) from the program that aired on January 13, 2014.  JW stands for Jesse Watters, the interviewer.  SC refers to the union head, Stephen Cook.


JW: You had a teacher who repeatedly raped one of his students, and you’re trying to get him $10,000. Could you please explain that?


SC:  I don’t have any comment.


JW: You know you’re hurting the student and his family even more. Don’t you care?


SC:  No comment.


JW: You have no comment whatsoever? You had a teacher who raped a student, and you want him paid? You know that’s wrong.  [They are now entering the building where Cook works.]


SC:  You guys have gotta go.


JW: Sir, answer the questions, please. You have a kid whose life was destroyed by a teacher. How is that acceptable?

SC: You guys have gotta go. Sorry, this is private property. You need to leave.


JW: How do you morally justify that, sir? Answer the question.


SC:  No comment.


JW: Sir, answer the question.


SC:  No comment. …


JW: Anything you’d like to say to the family?


SC:  No comment.


The last question was asked with Cook in the elevator and security having shown up to escort Watters and his cameraman out of the building.  Notice that the union head was more concerned about two men trespassing in the building where he works than about the student who had been molested and his family.  At this point in the segment, a taped conversation between Watters and the student was aired.  FS stands for the former student who had been molested.  Watters began by asking him how it made him feel that the union was seeking severance for the convicted teacher.


FS: The educational system is supposed to support their students and their well-being, and the fact that the MEA is backing a child molester and a criminal is absolutely disgusting. … The main job of Mr. Cook is to look out for the well-being of the school system. How can he do that when he supports a child molester?


JW: Now, some of the teachers in this district wrote letters requesting leniency. Were you shocked by that?


FS:  Absolutely. The fact that they went the route they took in supporting Neal Erickson, I feel they are just as bad as he is. … I just wish there could be closure for this and these individuals supporting Neal can see there’s no such thing as consensual at 13-years-old.


Watters then informed the audience that the union finally had made a statement.


They said: “The contract is legally obligated to be followed by the union. They have no choice. They can’t decide which union guy to help and which union guy not to help.” Here’s the thing. The guy’s not in good standing with the union. He’s in prison. He’s not paying dues. They can rip up the contract.  The second thing is: If this guy joined Al Qaeda and killed a bunch of innocent people, they’re saying that, under that rationale, they’re still going to honor this guy’s contract? It doesn’t make sense. They’re choosing to side with him.

It Gets Worse


Seldom has any moral matter needed less in the way of comments.  To read the above conversations makes the situation clear.  Do people so value immorality that now children are fair game?  Is this the result of years of saying, “I don’t want to be judgmental”?  The Bible defines sin—it is not the judgment of man to say that sexual sins are wrong; it’s the judgment of God!  People need to stand up and quit fearing the “politically correct” crowd.  People in Michigan should bring whatever pressure they can against the MEA.  The teachers should vote out Stephen Cook and declare, in no uncertain terms, that this is not the kind of union they want.


One teacher in Michigan e-mailed the following message to O’Reilly after the segment with Watters was broadcast, and it was shown on January 14th.  Amy Tarnecke of Chesterfield said:


As a member of the Michigan teacher’s union, I want to thank Jesse Watters for confronting the MEA about supporting a pedophile. Everyone should know that this decision was not made by us but by the union leadership.


However, as indicated previously, not all teachers were appalled.  Watters explained that some of them wrote letters that “said it was consensual, which is totally insane.”  Furthermore, “they also had a lesson plan for the class to have the students in his [the molester’s class] write letters saying how sad they were that this Neal Erickson wasn’t their teacher anymore. How disgusting is that?”  Do such individuals need to be teaching anyone’s children?


As for the union, they are disgraceful.  The mother of the boy who was molested is also a member of the same union (MEA).  She has cancer and has asked for a week off with paid leave to have chemotherapy.  The union has denied her request.


What’s next?  Will NAMBLA (North American Man/ Boy Love Association) ask for decriminalization on consenting adults with adult being defined as 12 (or less)?  It is past time that Americans wake up and speak up.  At least Erickson was convicted.  In some courts, that might not have even happened.  But why is the union seeking to help this pervert?  They do not seem to be looking out for the children, the parents, or even the school system.  The only choice left is that they are willing to befriend the guilty—but for what purpose—to decriminalize pedophilia?  This is not a step that a nation already sunken low morally can afford.


This type of immorality should receive no encouragement whatsoever!  Those who support such depraved behavior should be removed from positions of public trust.  Only the will of the people can reverse the type of thinking displayed by the MEA.  Do we possess the ability to be indignant and outraged anymore?  We had better—before we lose all sense of conscience



Gary W. Summers


Vincent Harding, a colleague of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., said in an interview with Krista Tippett that “what I found out over the years was that love trumps doctrine every time.”  The context of the statement was as he was explaining why he felt it necessary to leave a particular religious group.  He came to different conclusions than they did, but still remains friends because love trumps doctrine every time.


He is probably correct as it pertains to most people—especially since most people do not care about doctrine much these days.  Most people do not even know Bible facts, let alone the major doctrines of the New Testament.  Even though Israel was destroyed for lack of knowledge (Hosea 4:6), many today seem to think that ignorance is bliss and are not concerned whether they believe truth or error.


The question is, “What does the Bible say?”  First of all, it is quite clear, “Doctrine does matter.”  How do we know that?  Christians in the first century began immediately to study after they were saved.  “Then those who gladly received his word were baptized; and that day about three thousand souls were added to them. And they continued steadfastly in the apostles’ doctrine…” (Acts 2:41-42).  They wanted to know what Christians should believe and practice.


Paul told the young evangelist Timothy to take heed to himself and his doctrine.  Notice that Paul told him to continue in them, “for in doing this you will save yourself and those who hear you” (1 Tim. 4:16).  Salvation is linked to our understanding of doctrine.  The Bible never says, “Just believe what you want, and everything will be fine.”  If error served as well as truth, then the two would be equal.  One saves, however, but one condemns.


Second, love cannot be divorced from sound Biblical teaching.  In fact, loving God with all the heart, soul, mind, and strength is doctrine, as is, “Love your neighbor as yourself.”  Considering the two great commandments, love does not trump doctrine, love is doctrine; they are commandments we need to obey.  It would eliminate hatred and prejudice between races.  In Christ, harmony, unity, and peace are possible.


Another verse that explains the relationship between love and doctrine is 2 John 6: “This is love, that we walk according to His commandments….”  We cannot walk according to them unless we know them, which means that we must learn the fundamental teachings that God has set forth for us.


Third, God teaches many doctrines in the New Testament.  Are these irrelevant?  What we ought to realize is that God is love (1 John 4:7-8).  To say that love trumps doctrine implies that somehow doctrine is not important—only love is.  Yet the One Who is love has decreed that we learn doctrine.  Jesus is the author of salvation to all those who obey Him (Heb. 5:9).  If we love Him, we will obey Him (John 14:15).