Many Christians have grown weary of this topic years ago, but that tiredness has not slowed down the continual drumbeat for acceptance of the sin—or else. Recently, it was decided to end the “Don’t ask, Don’t tell” policy in the military, which is yet another victory for Satan’s minions. But while everyone’s attention is focused on that “achievement,” it should not go unnoticed that many denominational churches have decided to embrace this abomination just as they have unlawful divorce and fornication.
Last October 12, 2010, the Orlando Sentinel ran the following story on the front page of the “business” section of the paper: “Activists Gather, Form Strategies for Gay Acceptance in Churches.” Twelve (count ‘em) mainline denominations met in Orlando for a three-day summit (B-1). According to “the Rev.” Rebecca Voelkel, this fight to have homosexuals as members and ministers is equivalent to the struggles to have blacks and other minorities accepted, along with female ministers (B-1). Any black or minority should be insulted by this outrageous statement! Skin color is a matter of birth; homosexuality is a matter of morality.
The Bible clearly removes all distinctions between race, nation, and gender; we are all one in Christ Jesus (Gal. 3:26-29). Anyone who repents of his sins and is baptized for their forgiveness (Acts 2:38) may be a member of the Lord’s church. People do not need to repent of their pigmentation, their gender, or the nation in which they were born because none of those categories is ever defined as sinful. Homosexuality is—all throughout the Bible. No one can become a Christian unless the practice of homosexuality is given up. Those living in fornication must give up that arrangement; those living in adultery must forsake their unauthorized marriages, and homosexuals must change their behavior likewise. The Greek term, porneia, includes homosexuality, and is one of the sexual sins that must cease (Heb. 13:4).
As to serving as a minister, elder, or deacon, God has specified that only men may serve in this leadership capacity (1 Tim. 2:11-14). The fact that some man-made churches have accepted women in those roles just shows that they have departed further from the New Testament than they already had. Popularity and acceptance do not prove that any action is Scriptural. Only the Scriptures can authorize any practice, regardless of what the vocal Voelkel thinks. Homosexuals can not be members or ministers; one may as well try to justify a person “married” seven times to be accepted as either one—or a man living with four concubines. What God defines as sin man cannot sanctify.
Inclusion, Exclusion
The Voelkel one asks: “Is the church going to be genuinely accepting of all persons or is it going to be the gospel of exclusion?” Apparently, this unauthorized female minister has been studying something besides the Scriptures and has failed to notice that the gospel has never been a gospel of inclusion—for those who refuse to repent (i.e., give up their sins). Perhaps, in her haste to get homosexuals accepted, she has overlooked some deep theological verses, such as: “I tell you, no, but unless you repent, you will all likewise perish” (Luke 13:3). Jesus repeated it in verse 5 for those whose minds may have wandered off when reading verse 4.
Notice how exclusive John the Baptizer was, who prepared the way for Jesus. Just about everyone went out to be baptized by him, but when he saw many of the Pharisees and the Sadducees coming to his baptism, he said to them, “Brood of vipers! Who has warned you to flee from the wrath to come? Therefore bear fruits worthy of repentance” (Matt. 3:7-8). Why did he not simply say, “Welcome, brood of vipers; I’m preaching the gospel of inclusion”? Everyone must repent of his sins or remain outside the kingdom.
The church is inclusive to all who repent. The congregation in Corinth had former homosexuals and sodomites as members—the key word being former. Others had been fornicators, idolaters, adulterers, thieves, covetous, drunkards, revilers, and extortioners. They repented of those sins and were included as church members. However, when one brother began living with his father’s wife, Paul said to exclude him from fellowship (1 Cor. 5). Too bad he did not have a Voelkel advocate to lament the gospel of exclusion.
The purpose of the summit was to find strategies to counteract those “who oppose equal rights for gays and have condemned homosexuality from the pulpit” (B4). As already stated, this issue is not one of equal rights: homosexuals have equal rights with all of those guilty of the other sins listed above—they have the right to repent. Yes, homosexuality is condemned from the pulpit because it is a sin. God defined sin for us and commands us to abstain from it. Every sin is defined and condemned at some point. Any religious group that refuses to preach against sin has departed from the Word of God and is not to be trusted in any matter. John lost his life for his exclusive message in which he declared to Herod and Herodias that their marriage was not lawful (according to God—Mark 6:16-18). Worse than the one who fails to speak out against sin is the one who speaks in favor of it.
Of course, no article in favor of homosexuality would be complete without the use of the word homophobia. Ad hominem attacks against Christians following the Bible always find their way into a discussion for those who have no Biblical authority for their position. The article listed “Church of Christ” as one of the participants, but none of the churches of Christ in this area participated. The reporter probably was referring to the United Church of Christ.
Changing Views
Another article appeared in the Sunday Local News on the first page of the section: “Black Pastor’s Views on Gays Are Changed by a Friend” (B1). Without reading a word of the article, it is safe to say that whoever changed this man’s views was not a friend, for he led him from light to darkness. The same reporter, Jeff Kunerth, states that Richard Davis’ hearing the Scriptures preached fostered within him a homophobia. Why not get the word out in the open right off the bat? After all, anyone who opposes homosexuality must suffer from the dreaded disease (is it a disease or are people born that way?) of homophobia?
Now Davis has apologized for his past homophobia and has conducted forums to encourage black Baptists to accept the practice. He decided that silence toward the subject was no longer sufficient.
“We know our musicians, our orators, our best preachers, our best singers, are homosexual. We know you’re gay—just don’t tell us” (B7).
Anyone who is a black Baptist should be incensed by this statement—especially the singers and the preachers. Now everyone is going to be looking at them and saying, “I wonder if….” “Don’t ask, don’t tell” was better than this approach. Besides, it is doubtful that this statement has any acquaintance with the truth. One head of a black Baptist denomination was caught paying for an apartment for his mistress. Wow! What great extremes some men will go to in order to cover up their true identities!
Davis bemoans that we never give homosexuals “the love that Jesus would give them.” Jesus extended love toward everyone; that is the reason He told them to repent. Amazingly, the R-word is actually cited later in the article by a “bishop” in Eatonville: “I also believe God forgives sinners when they repent…” (B-7). Bin-go! That is the truth of the matter.
Believe it or not, slavery is assigned as a reason for homophobia. Blacks were not allowed to marry, so when they enjoyed freedom, they were supposed to marry and have families. Therefore, homosexuals are looked down upon (B7). How about it is looked down upon because God calls it a sin?
The conversion of Davis on this issue is interesting. He was accused by several female members of sexual misconduct. The article fails to mention if he was guilty or not. Either the women were lying, or he was guilty. Davis said that “not one of his fellow pastors came to his assistance when he was hurting” (B7). What did he expect them to say: “Tough luck you got caught”?
“The only one who offered sympathy and understanding” was a lesbian, who told him: “Now you know what it is like to be gay in a black church.” (B7). Uh, seriously? A male is accused of sexual misconduct with females, and this helps him to understand what it is like to be a homosexual? A huge piece of the puzzle is missing here. Yeah, sure, she meant the feeling of desertion, but it still makes no sense.
So a lesbian helps a man accused of sexual misconduct with females to accept homosexuality. Only in America could such a beautiful story occur! Or maybe in Sodom. Now Davis is preaching the “Gospel of Inclusion,” which may allow him to continue to practice sexual misconduct with females. If the women who accused him were lying, would they be included—also without repentance? And what if they continued to lie about him? Would he have to exclude them? Well, sure, the Bible says that all liars have their place in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone (Rev. 21:8). Of course, the same verse says that the sexually immoral will also be there. Hmm!
The lesbian said: “The Rev. and I are from two different walks of life who became friends. We’re an example for everyone” (B7). Of what, immorality? One practices what is vile and against nature (Rom. 1:28), and the other is accused of sexual misconduct with women—well, perhaps, not all women.
Marvin Weir
The November 17, 2010 edition of OneNewsNow contained an article by Charlie Butts about “a Georgia megachurch pastor [who] has come out of the closet as a homosexual. Mr. Butts reports as follows:
Fifty-two-year-old Jim Swilley of the Church In The Now, an inter-denominational Christian church in Conyers, has stated that the September suicide of a Rutgers University student has prompted him to unveil his secret life to his congregation. According to the Newton Citizen, Swilley’s announcement last month was not a surprise to many members of the church. “There are two things in my life that are an absolute. I did not ask for either one of them,” he reportedly told his congregation. “Both of them were imposed on me. I had no control over them. One was the call of God on my life … the other thing was my sexual orientation.” He continued to explain that he has struggled with his sexual orientation his whole life, always attempting to come to terms with that and his faith in God.
Butts next quotes Peter LaBarbera of Americans For Truth About Homosexuality who disagrees with Swilley:
This so-called Bishop Swilley is a very confused man. He thinks he is being honest about who he is, but actually, he’s compromising the Word of God and he’s Christianizing sin, which is impossible [title of this article came from this quote, MLW].
Let us think seriously about several matters. First, what does the “Church In The Now” have to do with Jesus Christ? The obviously unscriptural name describes a “church” that is attuned to the wishes and whims of a worldly society that desires an entertaining and social gospel. A view of the huge building with a stage and band to entertain and a café that is always open confirms the emphasis of the “Church In The Now.” The “Church In The Now” may be Jim Swilley’s church, but it is not the church of my Lord.
Second, Swilley seeks to justify his homosexuality by declaring it to be an “absolute” and something that he did not ask for. A student of the Bible will quickly notice how Calvinism has influenced Swilley more than God’s Word. Swilley, like the majority of other homosexuals, wants people to swallow the lie that this abom-ination was “imposed” on him. Imposed by whom? Obviously, this is an indictment against a holy God who has declared homosexuality to be a sin and abomination (Lev. 18:22; 20:13; Rom. 1:26-27; 1 Cor. 6:9-10). Did God “impose” homosexuality upon the people in Sodom and Gomorrah and then destroy them because of such (Gen. 19)? Hardly! God is “no respecter of persons” (Acts 10:34) and thus cannot “impose homosexuality” on a select number of people while ignoring all others.
Swilley can control the “Church In The Now,” but claims to have “no control” over his homosexuality. His pathetic response is no better than the well-worn one declaring that “the devil made me do it.” Swilley would have you to believe that God has imposed homosexuality upon him when the Bible states it is God’s will for people to “abstain from fornication” [all sexual immorality] (1 Thess. 4:3), “every form of evil” (1 Thess. 5:22), and “fleshly lust” (1 Pet. 2:11).
Third, Swilley claims the second thing imposed upon him (he did not ask for and had no control over) was the call of God on his life. “Church In The Now” followers may buy this claim, but Bible believers will not. Swilley again demonstrates his Calvinistic conviction and disbelief of God’s Word. God calls all people in exactly the same way. There are no exceptions! The apostle Paul reminded the Thessalonian brethren they had been called by the glorious gospel. The gospel is God’s power unto salvation (Rom. 1:16) and nothing else. Mr. Swilley, God says He will render “vengeance to them that know not God, and to them that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus” (1 Thess. 1:8). God “would have all men to be saved, and come to the knowledge of the truth” (1 Tim. 2:4). Each person, however, must answer the gospel call by obeying it. God imposes salvation on no one. Neither does God call one to practice a life of sin!
Fourth, I would call Mr. Swilley dishonest instead of confused. The Bible does not teach either of the “absolutes” he claims to be a part of his life. God has not imposed homosexuality or a calling upon Mr. Swilley as all men are free moral agents. This man, like thousands of others, does not desire to be accountable for his actions. So many people today want to live like they want to live and be acceptable to God. It won’t work!
“The wages of sin is death” (Rom. 6:23), and homosexuality is a sin! God tempts no one to sin (James 1: 13). Mr. LaBarbera is correct in saying Swilley is trying to “Christianize sin,” but that such is impossible. A lot of folks today demand their sins be “Christianized.” They want their church to make them feel like they are going to Heaven while living in sin. Such a feeling is in vain as a Christian will not practice sin but rather be a faithful follower of Christ and His righteousness!
[Editor’s Note: This article is from the January 30, 2011 Bonham Street Beacon, published in Paris, Texas. Certainly, the Church In The Now would never be mistaken for The Church in the Know. None who depart from the Word of God are “in the know.” Leaving the Scriptures puts one back into darkness and ignorance. The apostle Paul was sent to preach “to open their eyes and to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan to God, that they might receive forgiveness of sins and an inheritance among those who are sanctified by faith” in Christ (Acts 26:18). How sad that some posing as church leaders are going in the opposite direction.]