This Third Annual Lubbock Lectureship book (subtitled Christian Evidences and Apologetics) is one that will greatly profit members of the body of Christ. In its 601 pages the reader will discover a wealth of information leading to his own personal growth and an arsenal of arguments and material to use against atheists, humanists, and evolutionists. Those who are interested only in “fluff” will want to bypass this book because of its thought–provoking nature.
This tome opens with “The Indestructibility of the Bible Proves It Is Inspired.” Several Scriptures are cited which claim its power to withstand all onslaughts, after which are discussed some of the attempts to destroy the Word of God. Some of the efforts to expunge the Bible from the world have involved physical attacks (destroying copies of it), and some have involved the verbal volleys of its critics. A considerable amount of historical data finds its way into the 28 pages of material, along with some inspirational poetry.
As is typical of the Lubbock books, there are some word studies included; this year chapters are devoted to: church, for, evidence, substance, fellowship, and hope. These words are important to study because so many false doctrines have been attached to them. Church, for example, is seldom thought of today the way the word was used in the New Testament. Space is devoted to the Greek word from which “church” is translated (ekklesia), as well as the derivation of church as it comes to us in the English language. This etymology is then followed by a comprehensive look at the church in prophecy and in fulfillment.
The word translated “for” (eis) has been misrepresented by some for over 100 years as meaning “because of.” Although Carroll Osburn, distinguished Carmichael Professor at Abilene Christian University, may not think this is a distinction worth making, the fact is that it is crucial in understanding what the Holy Spirit teaches about salvation. The etymological development of eis is presented, along with the correct interpretation of the word as it is used in Acts 2:38. Arguments from some trying to discredit this thesis (based on Matthew 12:41 and a few other verses) are examined and seen to be inconsistent with all other usages. Furthermore, there is a letter printed from Charles B. Williams (who once taught at Union University in Jackson, Tennessee), in which he upholds the correct definition of eis and objects to Mantey’s erroneous suggestion of “because of” (139). Baptism is “unto,” moving in the direction of, “forgiveness of sins.”
Evidence is an important word, especially in light of the theme of this book. The noun appears in Hebrews 11:1 (and in other verses); it is thoroughly defined and discussed in light of the philosophy of agnosticism. Substance, from Hebrews 11:1, is also examined. The chapter refutes five fallacies that have sprung from an incorrect view of faith and closes with a section on “practical faith.”
Fellowship is an important doctrine to Christians, and some are currently advocating fellowship that does not meet the Biblical definition of it. Hope is a Biblical word and concept; it serves as a marvelous contrast to atheism: critics of the Bible lack any semblance of it.
Chapter 3 carries the lengthy title, “The Skeptics’ Accusation that the Existence of Evil Proves There is No God is False.” This charge is generally considered to be the greatest argument that atheists have against the existence of God; the flaw is that apart from God there can be no objective definition of what constitutes evil.
Next is “The Accusation That the Genesis Account of Creation Is a Myth Is False.” One encounters this charge with ever–increasing frequency. Few can elaborate on the reason they assign the creation to myth status; likely they are repeating what some “professor” taught them. Those who make statements like these should be asked, “How many mythical accounts of creation have you read?” If the answer is none, the follow–up question should be, “Then how do you know that the Biblical account resembles myths?” This material provides much insight in dealing with such questions.
These two chapters are followed by one on empiricism, the idea that we can only know what our senses tell us. Strictly followed, this approach to knowledge would eliminate the use of reason and logical deduction. It would invalidate the use of reliable testimony, the cornerstone of our judicial system. Furthermore, one’s senses are not always reliable; they can be deceived. The reader will find a discussion of the ways in which we come to know things. For those who are empiricists (either in or out of the church) some songs are included that would more accurately express that viewpoint (104-105).
Always appropriate to a discussion of Christian evidences is “The Messiahship/Deity of Christ Can Be Proved.” The characteristics of the Messiah are listed from Old Testament passages, along with a look at their New Testament fulfillment.
“The Unity of Its Books and Their Contents Prove the Bible Is Inspired” seems like an impressive and bold title (perhaps wishful thinking) in light of the numerous alleged contradictions that skeptics often set forth, but students of the Word know the truth of this statement. A chart is included that lists 32 Old Testament events to which the New Testament refers; 14 are from Genesis 1-11 (157-58). The New Testament treats these as real people and real events (which they are). For contrast, some books that claim inspiration are viewed (The Book of Mormon), and their contradictions are highlighted.
Several years ago, a book (A Lawyer Examines the Bible) was published, which demonstrated what is shown in the chapter, “The Injustice of Christ’s Trials Can Be Proved.” The reader will benefit greatly from the analysis provided here; as with so much of this material, his knowledge will be greatly enhanced.
For over a century Modernists have been discussing the “Q” document, and many Christians may not have the faintest notion of what that is. The portion of the book that deals with the alleged “Q” demonstrates that there is no evidence that such a creature ever existed. As usual, Bible critics have spent more time in “fantasyland” than in the realm of reality.
Also in vogue these days is “The Accusation That the Bible (Noah’s) Flood Did Not Happen…” Scientific evidence can be called upon to substantiate the truth of the Biblical record. A related chapter is “The Doctrine of Uniformitarianism Cannot Be Proved.” Because of the problems associated with trying to maintain the theory that all natural processes have continued in a uniform way since the beginning of the creation, even scientists are now exploring other alternatives.
“The Superiority of the Bible’s Teachings Proves It Is Inspired” seems obvious, but one must first demonstrate that the Bible is superior; this goal is achieved by comparing it with other so–called “divine” books. The Bible is the only book that answers the important questions of life (origin, purpose, destiny) and provides man an answer to the problem of sin. Its moral precepts are higher than those of any other religion.
Next is “The Testimony of Christ Proves the Bible Is Inspired.” Of particular interest to the reader will be the comments about the passage in Josephus that describes Jesus. Is it authentic or spurious? The writer challenges in a convincing manner the popular view regarding this paragraph (266-67).
The chapters that follow this one are: “It Cannot Be Proved That the New Testament Writers Were Duped and/or Dishonest,” “The Accusation That Christianity Is Like the Religions the World Over Is False,” and “The Origin of Life Can Be Proved.” This last thesis is proved by considering what would need to happen for evolution to have occurred. It is not enough to say, “Here are some primordial ingredients and a few billion years; surely life would have formed during this length of time.” This chapter alone is worth the price of the book.
Following are: “That All Men Need the Gospel of Christ Can Be Proved” and “Archaeological Discoveries and Research Prove the Bible Is Inspired.” This is always a fascinating subject, and in this case the material presented at the lectures is totally different from that in the book. Both complement each other (the writer could not attend; another gave the oral presentation). The book version contains 94 footnotes; the reader could scarcely expect a more thorough treatment.
Another informative chapter is “It Cannot Be Proved That the Universe Has Existed for Billions of Years.” The public is continually bombarded with this allegation, but the assertion lacks substance.
Additional faith–building chapters include: “The Accusation That the Bible Contains Error Is False” (the poem about higher criticism is enjoyable, 420-21); “The Accusation That Men Cannot Understand the Bible Alike Is False” (we frequently must make this case in today’s divided religious world); “True Science Proves the Bible Is Inspired” (“theistic evolution” is also denied); “The Validity of the New Testament Canon Can Be Proved” (there are 73 footnotes and enough information to silence those who teach otherwise); “Prophecy and Its Fulfillment Proves the Bible Is Inspired” (contains 55 footnotes and some charts showing the New Testament fulfillment of Old Testament prophecies, 489-91); “The Death, Burial, and Resurrection of Christ Can Be Proved” (various false theories are debunked); “It Cannot Be Proved That the Bible Is an Insufficient Guide for Modern Man” (includes a list of contradictions to this idea presented by some of our own people, 536); “The Accusation That the Bible Contradicts Itself Is False” (contains rules which will help clarify most alleged contradictions); “The Theory of Evolution Cannot Be Proved” (deals with the philosophy of and hoaxes of evolution, 79 footnotes); and “It Can Be Proved That God Does Exist” (a look at the traditional arguments that establish the existence of God).
This book costs $16 and may be obtained from Valid Publications, Inc. (940) 323-9797 or from Hicks Publications, 5208 89th Street, Lubbock, Texas 79424.