[Editor’s Note: The following was sent to us in the mail; it is well worth reading and thinking about, at any age.]
She lives in a two-story house with basement near the railroad tracks. All she sees every day is the living room, dining room, kitchen, and the front and back porches. There is a bathroom, but she can’t use it. About every two months, she goes to the beauty shop for a hair cut; about every six months she visits the doctor. You see, her world is this small–her choice is to lie in bed or sit in a wheelchair.
She has a husband around and a cat. She is paralyzed, unable to do for herself. Sometimes she has a phone call and she tries to be funny. Some ladies from church sit her on Sunday nights, and sometimes the preacher or one of the elders come by. Her daughter visited recently for a few days. Her son does call.
Her eyesight is getting worse. She recently became a great grandmother, but she cannot hold the child and may never see him. She can no longer read her Bible, but she has tapes of a man reading the Bible. Sometimes she sits on the front or back porch while her husband does yard work. She also has some musical tapes and listens to religious singing.
She is content with what God has given her in life here. She hopes for her place in heaven. She talks of yesterdays and dreams of what life will be like when she gets to heaven. Wouldn’t it be great if we all could accepts whatever life holds for us, keep the faith, and cheerfully wait until God calls us home. She says this is God’s world; we are His people, and He can do what He wants.
At fifteen she was baptized, at twenty-eight she was married, at twenty-nine she had a daughter, and at thirty-two she had a son. On her eighty-first birthday, she fell down a flight of stairs and became paralyzed, but she still says, “God has a purpose for me here, but sometime I’ll be with Him [God] in heaven.” She hopes her husband and children will all join her there.
May we all be able to live our lives like this, not in body, but in God’s love.
[The following poem was also sent to us by Howard Deaton]
Seek and Find
Today we are here. Tomorrow, where? Where do we go? Do we really care? The Bible tells us where and how If only we read, believe, obey now.
Does it matter how we live our lives? Though it has pitfalls and much strife, Jesus came to earth, did many good deeds, He died a cruel death, for us He bleeds.
We strive to live as He wills. Failure to do, the heart chills. His reward is great, our flesh is weak. Hope of heaven makes us Him seek.
They are the ones who used to sit way down toward the front. They were always involved in whatever programs the elders had thought appropriate for this church. Some even bought bonds to build this place of worship.
They came to your children’s weddings, and brought fine gifts; and when the babies started to come, they bought useful items to lessen the financial strain a bit.
They sat with your sick for hours at the hospital, while you went home to refresh yourselves. Then, when your loved one came home, they took large casseroles and pots of food so that you could give your attention to the patient and finally grab a little rest for yourself.
They called regularly to check with your needy families to see how they could lighten their load. They bought clothing, baby formula, furniture, or simply gave them money to buy what they needed.
They went to your family funerals–even when they were out of town, sometimes.
They sent cards and notes…oh, lots and lots of notes! Notes of sympathy, notes to wish you well, notes to encourage visitors to make this church their church home, and of course, cheerful birthday greetings.
They cleaned your house when you “threw your back out” or had a long recuperative period after surgery. They washed or cut your hair, when your illness prevented you from getting out. They brought you to their house and cared for you when you had no one at home to help.
They groggily answered the phone at 3 a.m. but were more than willing to jump out of bed and scurry over to your house in the cold winter night to stay with your children. Daddy had to get Mommy to the hospital with those fast-occurring labor pains!
They took your children for an evening occasionally, and sometimes overnight, to give you a chance to concentrate on each other for a change and because they enjoyed getting to know the youth of the church.
They sacrificed their Saturdays, many times, doing repairs…or painting…or cleaning and organizing at the church building. No one but God knew they were there. They bought toys for the nursery, items for the kitchen; flowers, a tablecloth, whatever was needed. They left them when no one was looking.
They called when they did not see you at worship; they asked what was wrong or if they could help in some way.
They sent your children (away at college) little checks from time to time, so that they could eat a nice meal out, instead of cold pizza (or yet another can of Campbell’s soup).
They gave separate checks from their regular offerings for the missionaries, orphan homes, and other charitable endeavors the church supported–to lighten the dip into the church funds. They took in foster children until they could be adopted–sometimes even adopting one themselves.
Oh, yes, they were happy to do these things, but it was their duty to do so. Our Lord commanded it! (Read the Scriptures listed at the end of this article.)
And now, THEY ARE OLD! They are as bound and confined to their home, almost as if they were shackled to it. It takes all the effort they can summon, and help from others, just to get to their doctor appointments.
They watch their mailbox as intensely as a hawk watching for prey. It doesn’t have to be a long letter– just a little card with a note, such as, “We miss you, and you are always in our prayers. You are not forgotten by the church you love so much!” would be the highlight of their day. (They will read it time and time again.) And, oh! If you could just go and sit with them now and then! They wait for a visit–anyone…a couple…several together; just a few minutes on your way home from work or church would be so welcome. You do not have to bring anything, although if you do–like a home-cooked meal once in a while, or home-made cards your children have fashioned all by themselves, or church bulletins or a joke book that you are willing to read to them (their eyesight is failing so!)–you have no idea how much they appreciate it!!
They will think about and talk about your visit for days. For this is their high point until someone else comes, and that might be days, or even weeks.
They understand that it may not be too pleasant for you, for it reminds you that you too may one day be old , and your health may not be what you always envisioned for yourself in your twilight years. They understand that you do not know what to say or do when they cry, or tell you they love you, or get their tears all over you. And they know that they do not always smell too fresh and are embarrassed by it. (They are dependent on others to bathe them, which is usually only once, or; if they’re fortunate, twice a week.)
You do not have to make conversation if you do not want to; just be a good listener. They’re so happy just to have a genuine, live person right there in the room with them who cared enough to actually come!! But, how they do love it if you will describe everything that is going on in the church now: the programs, who’s come and who’s gone, who’s now married and having a baby, and how their old friends are faring…dear old friends their age! Are they still able to attend the services? Or are they, too, homebound? Do they have more grandchildren, or even great-grandchildren now? They yearn for news of them. They miss, most of all, the fellowship with their brothers and sisters in Christ and the special communion that one has with the Lord when they assemble together with those of this common bond and love. No LordÕs Day is ever the same when they are unable to attend this union of worship.
For them, the next best thing is to have you drop by Sunday afternoon to let them know you still consider them part of the family, even though they’re unable to join you. If you only have time to spare a few moments…well, you know where you will find them, and you have made their day! They will love you for it, and the Lord will bless you for it!
It was a promise for Him, long ago!!
Please read these scriptures: Matthew 5:7; 7:12; 25:40; Romans 12:10, 13, 15; James 1:27; 2:16; Acts 2:44-45; 4:32; I John 3:17-18, 23; I Thessalonians 4:9-10; 1 Peter 3:8; 2 Peter 1:7-8; John 15:12-14; Psalm 133:1; Deuteronomy 15:7-11; 24:14.
from The Better Way (May 21, 2000)
Solomon said, “The glory of young men is their strength; and the beauty of old men is the hoary head” (Proverbs 20:29). He also said, “The hoary head is a crown of glory; it shall be found in the sway of righteousness” (Proverbs 16:31). Does the Bible speak of old age as a curse? I think not! It is a blessing in so many ways.
From a practical standpoint, an older member of the Lord’s church should have much more to offer in time, talent, and spiritual maturity. Consider the fact, if a man or woman has been godly in their younger years, he has more experience, more wisdom, more knowledge, and (because of retirement from secular work) more time. Someone has described the older members of the church as the “untapped resource” of potential energy in the church. It is so good to see older members guided in areas of service today. Let’s honor the hoary head (cf. Leviticus 19:32).
This dignity and beauty are only seen in the child of God who faithfully serves the Lord as he or she grows older. Let us all say with the Psalmist, “A man’s goings are established of Jehovah; and he delighteth in his way. Though he fall, he shall not be utterly cast down; for Jehovah upholdeth him with his hand. I have been young, and now am old; yet have I not seen the righteous forsaken, nor his seed begging bread. All the day long he dealeth graciously, and lendeth; and his seed is blessed…for Jehovah loveth justice, and forsaketh not his saints” (Psalms 37:23-26, 28a, ASV).
There Is To Be Service In Old Age
I have found in talking with some older members of the church over the years, who had retired from secular work, the attitude of, “Well, I’m now retired–I can’t do much of anything for the Lord anymore–it’s up to the younger people now.” Isn’t this sad? Some people who say such things never were very much involved in the Lord’s work in the first place, but then again this mentality may even be seen in the lives of older members who once faithfully served the Lord.
The Bible does not tell us that one stops bearing fruit in old age (cf. John 15:1ff); rather it points out we all are to work and serve and grow continually (cf. 2 Peter 3:18; Matthew 20:28; 2 Timothy 4:6-8). The Psalmist says, “The righteous shall flourish like the palm tree: he shall grow like a cedar in Lebanon. They are planted in the house of Jehovah; they shall flourish in the courts of our God. They shall still bring forth fruit in old age; they shall be full of sap and green: to show that Jehovah is upright; he is my rock and there is no unrighteousness in him” (Psalms 92:12-15). Do you get the idea here that God expects much from us in old age? By inspiration the Psalmist says that the older person shall be “full of sap and green,” indicating productivity. I think it is sad that we picture the older person much the same way we think of trees during the fall or winter–the sign of dying and barrenness. Such is not the case with the righteous man or worman.
From what Paul said, older women are to be a great asset to the kingdom (Titus 2:3-5). Older brethren can counsel the younger, they can be hospitable, they can simply listen to others’ problems. With a spirit of service, the older member can be a minister of concern and helpfulness and the kingdom can grow as a result. Consider some areas of meaningful labor.
1. Visit homes, hospitals, nursing homes, etc.
2. Mail-out and grade Bible Correspondence Courses.
3. Babysit for young mother–they can go visiting more often.
4. Teach classes.
5. Head up such works or be involved in a senior group.
6. They can be used in such works as Telecon or Bible-call.
7. They can write letters to missionaries and knock doors.
8. They can call delinquents and absentees on a regular basis.
9. They can check up on the sick.
10. They can teach Home Bible Studies, hand out brochures, etc.
11. They can do almost anything a younger person can do (within reason of course).
In a rare moment with my father, we were discussing some matters pertaining to the Lords’ church. We concluded, “There are more people willing to be served than are ready to serve.” Just think if teenagers did not want to be served, but served, how the church would grow. Just think if the middle age members were busy working and serving, how fast the church would grow. And consider if all our older members were busy serving and growing, there would be little if any time for older members to complain about aches and pains; there would be little self-pity and, as a result, the church of our Lord would be stronger, it would have great examples of service, and it could do nothing but move forward. Let every reader who reads this article today be challenged to live righteously, to grow gracefully, serve the Lord, and bring Him glory until He calls him or her home. Thank God for our older brethren!
[This article comes from Personal Evangelism (April, May, June 1982) by way of the Handley Herald (September 30, 1998).]