The subtitle to this 1999 Lubbock lectureship book refers to Jesus as The Author and Finisher of Our Faith. This volume is edited by Tommy Hicks, who also edited the first book in this series of lectures in 1998: The Faith Once for All Delivered. Some of the chapters of that book included “Forsake Not the Assembly,” “God Does Answer Prayers,” “The Lord’s Supper,” “Hell and Eternal Punishment,” “How The Holy Spirit Works Today,” “Legalism and Liberalism,” “Faith and Works,” “Ye Shall Know the Truth,” “Women, Worship and Work,” “Law and Grace,” “The Love of God,” “Ascertaining Bible Authority,” “Satan and His Origin,” “The One Baptism,” “What Are Salvation Matters?” and many others.

The 1999 book, however, is even more comprehensive. It begins with a subject that needs frequent emphasis: “Bible Translations and Versions.” Although the chapter is fairly brief, it covers important information on manuscripts, text types, philosophies of translation, and some notes on various versions. As is typical of just about every chapter in the book, this one is well researched and set forth. Many elderships have been too loose in allowing versions to be used that contain serious errors. This kind of information needs to be available to Bible students.

The second chapter, “Looking Unto Jesus,” explores the manner in which we must look unto the Lord, as well as how to avoid various distractions that would hinder us. The writer considers the meaning of the descriptions of Jesus as the “author” and the “finisher” of our faith. Some of the precepts of Carroll Osburn’s The Peaceable Kingdom are refuted.

Particularly relevant in these times is the question considered next: “Is Christ’s Church Ecumenical?” Of course, the Lord’s church is concerned with unity, but not with man-made proposals to achieve it. Included is a portion of a speech given by Max Lucado (and others) at a Promise Keepers Rally in Washington, D. C., on October 4, 1997 (28-34).

An extensive and informative study on the word redeemed is followed by an equally fascinating study of “The New Name.” Included are quotes from Martin Luther, John Wesley, Albert Barnes, Henry Ward Beecher, and Charles Spurgeon, all of whom were willing for the name Christian to be exalted in place of denominational names (66-67).

Always worthy of study is “Jesus Christ: The Son of God.” Brother Curtis Cates writes a masterpiece on this subject. He explores arguments against the virgin birth of Christ (73-78) and then follows with a section on “The Necessity of the Virgin Birth,” which includes eight powerful facts that would have been impossible without the virgin birth (78-83). Next are included affirmations of the virgin birth from both the Old and New Testaments, followed by a study of the correct translation of “only begotten” for the Greek word monogenes. Receiving attention are Jerome and his so-called “Jumble.” There has been an obvious effort on the part of questionable modern translations to eradicate the word begotten from the text. Some brethren have, unfortunately, joined in the chorus of “scholars” who reject it, but its inclusion is ably defended by brother Cates.

For the historical value of it, the “Lunenberg Letter,” to which Alexander Campbell responded unfavorably, should be considered. The woman who wrote this letter was right on target (Biblically speaking), but Campbell waffled from a truth he should have defended. The sister from Lunenberg, Virginia asked him “how anyone becomes a Christian?” Campbell indicated a willingness to fellowship those who seem pious but were not immersed for the forgiveness of their sins (100-103). A battle raged on this point for a long time. It is precisely at this point that the difference can be seen between liberals today and those who adhere to the Scriptures. Those who speak about “our fellowship” and “our movement” have followed Campbell on this point of doctrine rather than adhering to the Scriptures. The remainder of us have stayed with the truth Campbell discovered–even when the man who once debated in favor of this position backed away from it. We take God, who cannot lie, at His word. If He teaches that man can only respond to His grace by believing, repenting of his sins, confessing the Deity of Christ, and being baptized into Christ for the remission of His sins, then those are the precisely the things a person must do to be saved. If God would accept some other means of salvation, His Word would not be dependable.

It is always good to include a chapter on “Figures of Speech Used in the Bible,” since so many problems have arisen when Bible students fail to discern that the inspired Scriptures were using them. A thorough examination of “The Good Confession” takes the reader through seven areas of study that relate to the topic, including its definition, its declaration, its denial, and the demand the Scriptures impose upon us to live it.

Frequently, liberal college professors and assorted atheists ask, “Did Jesus Really Live on Earth?” The chapter dealing with this question is thorough, informative, and comprehensive in demonstrating the fact of Jesus’ existence. The evidence is compelling and well documented (there are 50 footnotes).

The study of the word justification is likewise thorough. Several definitions are provided. There is a section that considers “misinterpretations concerning justification,” as well as a quotation from Campbell that mentions various things by which we are justified (according to the New Testament) (172). The next two chapters center on “The New Commandment” and “Jesus Christ: The King of Kings.”

Tom Wacaster gathered together the details of the pertinent history which led to Addison and Randolph Clark’s tragic decision to tell the organist, “Play On, Miss Bertha.” This event concerned the introduction of the instrument into worship, which caused great sadness and disruption in the body of Christ here in Texas in 1894. Brethren ought to have a knowledge of what happened at that time, along with the arguments both for and against the use of instruments in worship. We are not so far away from congregations (who have already given up crucial points of doctrine) adding the sin of instrumental music to their other heresies. Some have already made it clear that they will not use the instrument, but will not “judge or condemn those who do, because the Scriptures do not support such a judgment” (216). Max Lucado, whom so many brethren idolize to the point of blind allegiance, has “no problem with instruments in worship” (216, but read the full quotation). Ian Fair, an Almost Christian University (ACU) professor, said at one of their lectureships that he did not intend to use instruments of music, but he would not “judge those who do so” (216). Now how far is it from, “We can’t condemn others who use it” to “We can’t condemn ourselves if we use it”?

Next are “New Testament Applications of Old Testament Principles,” “Preaching Jesus and Him Crucified,” and “Why Does Evil Exist?” This topic has many facets: those discussed are: “The Origin of Evil,” “Who Is Responsible for Sin?” “The Argument From Evil,” “Why Do Bad Things Happen to Good People?” and “Suggestions for Comforting Others in Their Affliction.” Since people continually must face the reality of suffering, this subject remains relevant.

The chapter devoted to the word sanctification also contains a list of things by which we are saved (293). “The New Heaven and the New Earth” has also been a focal point of controversy. This study of the phrase helps to make clear how it is used in both the Old and New Testaments. “Jesus Christ: The Savior of the World” is written by one who not only speaks of the great commission but has devoted his life to carrying it out.

“Digression and the Missionary Society Division” is material that is worth refreshing our memories about. Although it is often dwarfed by the problem of instrumental music, it was a bone of contention among those trying to restore New Testament Christianity. Several leading figures originally embraced the idea, but they later opposed it. The subject is well researched (there are 31 footnotes).

“Jesus’ Use of Hebraisms and Hebraic Constructs” is not the usual fare one comes across in lectureship books, but it is vastly more interesting than it may at first sound. Accompanying various historical facts are the texts of Matthew 5:18 and Matthew 11:12 (considered in connection with Micah 2:12-13).

“Jesus Loves Me” is followed by “Is Everything in Life Worship?” The writer looks carefully at the Greek words proskuneo and latreuo, as well as the meaning of Romans 12:1, which seem to be at the focal point of the current controversy. A thorough study of the word righteousness is next, followed by a look at “The New Birth/Creature/Man.”

“Jesus Christ: Our High Priest” is another valuable study, and it is followed by an analysis of another key problem that plagued our spiritual forefathers: “McGary Vs. Lipscomb: ‘What Is Valid Baptism?'” The question centered around the purpose for baptism. Lipscomb’s views regarding the purpose of baptism are set forth (436), and his arguments are reviewed (441-43). McGary demonstrated that a person must know that he or she is being baptized for the forgiveness of sins. Noticed also are what some of the current “change agents” in the church are saying–in contrast to the Scriptures. This remains a vital subject and an important chapter in the book.

The director of the lectures writes on “Types and Antitypes,” which includes a chart comparing Noah to Christ (458). “Jesus Provides the Answer” is followed by a necessary question in today’s religious climate: “What About Miracles, Signs, and Wonders?” Not only are the definitions of the pertinent words presented; some statistics, which consider the volume of food and drink that Israel needed in the wilderness, are listed (475). The writer put together a chart of 33 prophecies which pertain to the life of Christ–all of which are fulfilled within the last 24 hours of His earthly life (478). The reader may want to mark and tuck away the following words by Mac Deaver, which he wrote in 1993: “…the Holy Spirit convicts, leads, directs, and edifies only through the word of God…” (480).

One final Biblical word, reconciliation, is defined, which is followed by the chapter on “The New Covenant/Testament.” The words are defined and scrutinized based on their use under the old law and the new. The writer suggests that one of these terms is not appropriate when referring to the old covenant (511-13). He also answers effectively: “Is the Book of Mormon ‘Another Testament’?” (513-16). The study concludes with a comparison of the old and new covenants.

The final two chapters are “Jesus Christ: The Prophet of God” and “Changing Times and ‘The Woman Question,'” which takes a historical look at what brethren have thought on the subject during the last two hundred years. Arguments are considered that seek to justify women taking a leadership role in the church; the material closes by stressing the value of women and their legitimate roles in the church.

This volume is 545 pages and well worth the price of $17.00. It is a valuable resource book on a variety of subjects. The reader will find it helpful time and again in the course of preparing for Bible classes. It provides a number of insights into dealing with current issues being discussed among brethren. It (and the first Lubbock Lectureship Book) may be ordered from Hicks Publications, 5208 89th Street, Lubbock, Texas 79424, or from Valid Publications, Inc. (for the price of $15.00, plus postage and handling).