Fellowshipping Bill Banowsky

The following excerpt is from an article, “Liberal Elements Join Forces in Denton,” written by Dub McClish in The Edifier (September 10, 1987).

“Singing Oaks is about to begin a $1,000,000 building program, a major portion of which will be fun and games (a ‘large multipurpose area that will be suitable for recreational activities’–Singing Oak’s bulletin, 5/31/87). For the ground-breaking on September 13 their ‘keynote speaker’ will be ‘Dr. Bill Banowsky.’ This is the same man who gave his unqualified fellowship to the Methodists as he spoke on their TV program, January 5, 1986. He is the same one who made faithful brethren weep by his uncorrected escapades while serving as president of Pepperdine University several years ago. By embracing brethren Garrett and Banowsky, Singing Oaks has thereby embraced Billy Graham, Methodism, the Disciples of Christ, and others. Thus they are now accepting some as brethren who are not God’s children. To do so removes them from fellowship with God and His faithful children (1 John 1:6-7; 2 John 9-11).

Fellowshipping the Denominations

On March 30, 1988 there appeared in the Denton Record-Chronicle an advertisement for “Good Friday Services.” The Host Pastor was from the First Baptist Church here in Denton. Other participants were those from First United Methodist Church, Immaculate Conception Catholic Church, Southpoint Baptist Church, Morse Street Baptist Church, Christ the Servant Lutheran Church, Cumberland Presbyterian Church, and the Singing Oaks Church of Christ. In the middle of this newspaper ad are three crosses. Across the bottom of the ad, in large letter, are these words: AT THE FOOT OF THE CROSS, WE ARE ALL ON COMMON GROUND. What message does this convey, if not that all denominations are equal and that we are all Christians?

Dub McCLish responded to this event in The Edifier (April 17, 1988). “I attended a sad spectacle last Friday–the “Good Friday” service sponsored by the Denton Ministerial Association. It had been well publicized in the local paper…. It was a sad spectacle because of all the expected sectarian trademarks (irreverent religious titles for the preachers, special religious garb worn by some, organ accompaniment to all of the songs, a woman soloist, two or three organ solos, the ‘social gospel’ that pervaded each message, a contribution taken for an interdenominational hospital chaplaincy, etc.). Much sadder was the participation of one identified with the ‘church of Christ.’ He made a little talk that lasted perhaps five minutes and believe it or not was able to work no less than four sex-oriented illustrations unto that brief a period. Not only did he thus participate, but he sang with as much gusto as anyone on the platform all six of the hymns while the organ ground away. I did not see if he put any money in the plate when it came around. However, I was further saddened to see a couple of members from his congregation whom I recognized, who likewise sang without hesitation and took part in the contribution. There would be no way on earth for those brethren to try to teach someone what the Bible says about either Scriptural worship or fellowship….”

The Drive-Through “Easter” Program

The following article, “Church Presents Drive-Through Story of Jesus’ Life,” by Michelle Lester, appeared in the Denton Record-Chronicle in April or 1993.

The history of Jesus’ life in 10 minutes.

Is it possible?

Yes, it is, with some thought and preparation, according to Don Browning, pulpit minister at Singing Oaks Church of Christ, 101 Cardinal Lane.

After about three months of preparation, 150 church members presented a 10-station live drama Thursday night detailing the life of Jesus Christ.

But the program was not a run-of-the mill church function. Visitors to the program…will drive around the church building.

Stationed around the church, members will act out 10 scenes from the life of Jesus from the beginning of his ministry to his death, resurrection and ascension into heaven, to await the second coming.

As visitors pass through the stations in their cars, an audio tape will narrate the action in each scene, Mr. Browning said.

“It’s more like a play, except each scene is stationary and the audience is moving,” he said.

This presentation marks the first time the church has undertaken such a project, Mr. Browning said….

“It’s our gift to the city at Easter,” Mr. Browning said.

“It’s intended for those who are of all denominations to try to give them an idea of why Jesus is the center of our faith,” he said….

There is much, much more that could be presented: these are just a few representative activities that Singing Oaks has been engaged in over the past two decades. It should be obvious to anyone that they regard the church as a denomination–not the body of believers who have obeyed the gospel. They do not hesitate to fellowship denominations, and this ideology is reflected in her very leadership. By their very admission, the elders at Singing Oaks have lost several of their members to Denton Bible Church. With no New Testament doctrine remaining that is distinctive, they should not be surprised. As brother McClish has stated, it is sad indeed. No faithful congregation of the Lord’s church could fellowship a church that has given up the very essence of what it should be.