Three days after the column on abortion appeared, a poem was re-published, which calls for the right to die. We can agree with the part of the column that allows a person to sign a form saying that he or she does not desire for “heroic measures” to be used upon them. If one’s health has deteriorated, there is no point in medical personnel trying to get a heart started that will give out again in a few more hours. If there really is an unmistakable call from Him, then perhaps we could all reach agreement on this sensitive subject.
But both the poem and Abby’s advice which follows seem to be covering a great deal more territory than imminent death. The poem, called “LET ME GO,” argues that, since one’s spouse is gone, friends are gone, and one’s work is done, the person should be allowed to “slip away.” Such a plea sounds more like self-pity than the result of a medical problem. If one has no hope for medical survival, that is one thing, but this description is more akin to depression. It could fit a number of elderly people–and just about any person who is lonely. The rationale of this poem is similar to the thinking of this individual: “I’m divorced; I don’t have any real friends; my family members are busy living their own lives: I don’t enjoy my job; Why don’t I just slip away?” The solution is to make new friends and do something meaningful, not quit or give up.
As the poem does, so does Abby. She covers the medical aspects, but also says: “If people (of any age) are enjoying their lives and want to live, fine–keep them comfortable and happy as possible, but those who can no longer find any joy in life should not be forced to go on living.” This philosophy is WORSE than Jack Kevorkian’s. “Say, things aren’t going my way today; I think I’ll make my final exit.”
Maybe someone who works a suicide hotline can talk some sense into this woman. She exhibits the same problem here that she does with abortion–a lack of respect for life. God is the giver of life. Where in the Scriptures does it say that we have the right to destroy the gift God gave us? Job was not getting a whole lot out of life. He was in no way comfortable; he certainly does not sound happy. Joy is not the quality that characterizes this suffering man. He had no desire to live; he begged for God to take his life.
But even if Abby had been around to give him permission, he would have refused; decisions of life and death must be left in God’s hands. Too many people assume that when this life ends, all will be well. There is another world to face after this one. We should not be too eager to get there if we have not made adequate preparation, for we shall then face the judgment. The power of life and death belongs to God.