On March 9, Abby, the advice columnist, published a letter from a reader who claimed to be a 70-year-old Republican woman, who styled herself “Pro-Choice.” She offers a couple of “testimonials” about the horrors of life when abortion was not available and then chirps about how things are so much improved now that abortion is legal. Of course, Abby chimes right in, echoing the drivel already presented. The disturbing thing is that, in this age of slogans and pragmatism, this brand of nonsense just might sell some people.

Therefore, this column should be examined–concerning both what was said and what was not said. “Pro-Choice Grandma” writes that in the ’40s she attended a high school whose students numbered fewer than 300. She claims that two young women died of botched abortions. Apparently this fact is to be regarded as society’s fault (since abortion was illegal). Yes, abortion was illegal for the first seven decades of this century, and there were reasons for it; but these circumstances are never discussed by the proponents of abortion.

This type of thinking is analogous to blaming the lack of a stoplight at a busy intersection for a traffic accident when in fact it occurred because of careless driving. No one forced the two women in question to break the law in an effort to avoid the consequences of their own actions. Their own immoral behavior (in which they chose to participate) resulted in their predicament (unless they were raped, which “Grandma” did not claim). Why, therefore, did the two young women die? The first factor was their choice to sin–to commit fornication, which is a violation of the law of God (1 Cor. 6:18-20). This error was compounded by another one–seeking out someone who would take the life of the child that had been created through lust. There is nothing noble in seeking through violent means a solution to the problem of one’s sins. Unfortunately for these two women, their sinfulness brought about their deaths. Pro-Choicers like Grandma do not seek to raise anyone’s standards of morality; they just want young girls and boys (would-be “men”) to be able to sin and not have to pay the penalty for it. [Regardless of any nation’s permissive abortion laws, neither the male who shares in the initial sin nor the female who successfully “covers it up” actually “gets away with it” (Pr. 15:3; 2 Cor. 5:10).]

From this unpleasant scenario “Grandma” describes another one, which occurred thirty years later–after the Roe v. Wade decision. This high school couple “terminated the pregnancy early on at a reputable clinic.” Reputable with whom? God certainly does not approve of a place where innocent human lives are snuffed out as nonchalantly as an appendix would be removed. How ironic that, if someone changes the name of murder to abortion and calls a facility “a reputable clinic” instead of “a death chamber,” it becomes socially acceptable!

But “Grandma” and Abby know that abortion is a good thing because of its results (pragmatism). This couple parted ways, graduated from college, and now have stable families of their own with two children in one and three in the other. What a heartwarming story! And there was only one casualty that made it all possible–the baby ripped from its mother’s womb. Has someone questioned the aborted child as to how he feels to have been chosen as the human sacrifice for the future happiness of his progenitors? No, the only ones who can be interviewed are still alive! But consider the arrogance of “Grandma’s” last paragraph.

The key word is “choice.” Only the girl/woman should make the decision to have an abortion or carry the pregnancy to term and keep the child or place the baby for adoption. The decisions should not be up to self-righteous, ambitious politicians.

Talk about self-righteousness?! And her last statement is laughable. What does she think politicians gain by being pro-life? They receive the scorn of the news media, condemnations from Abby and her famous sister (as well as those of “entertainers”), and continual attacks by feminists. If “Grandma” thinks that politicians enhance themselves greatly by advocating a pro-life position, she has not yet left the ’40s. Even those who call themselves Christians will not support the pro-life candidate if his party is running a pro-choice person (for some party loyalty ranks higher than principles of morality). Consider Massachusetts, which is largely Catholic. Consider that the Catholic Church teaches that abortion is a sin. How does pro-choice Ted Kennedy keep getting elected? Obviously, politics is more important than religion. If a politician is pro-life, chances are it is a matter of conviction–not ambition.

The key word is choice, we are advised. Really? Who thought to ask the baby if he wanted to live or die? What choice was he or she given in the matter?

Columns such as this one are a dime a dozen. There is nothing profound in it. The refrain has been so often repeated that it is just the 173rd verse of a worn-out refrain, and the words are the same as its 172 predecessors. The chant consists of one word: choice. The tired slogan is: Every woman should have the right to make decisions about her own body.

So in the interest of hearing an actual argument on the part of pro-choice people, the following questions are asked. Since “Grandma” has enough time to write to Abby to promote “choice,” perhaps she can find time to do a little research (Abby is way too busy solving society’s important matters).

1. Do you know why abortions were illegal in the ’40s?

2. Do you know that abortion became legal nationwide without Congress passing a single law to bring it about?

3. How do you explain that seven men found “a woman’s right to choose” in a Constitution that never mentioned it?

4. Do you know how much money “reputable clinics” make on abortion each year?

5. You left God out of your article altogether. Have you ever asked what the Creator of all life thinks about the lives human beings create?

6. Have you read Psalm 139:13-16, which describes the formation of life in the womb by God?

7. Have you considered Zechariah 12:1, in which God says He forms the spirit of man within him?

8. Do you know that John, the one who prepared the way for Jesus, is referred to as a brephos in the womb (Luke 1:41, 44) and that Jesus is referred to as a brephos after He exited the womb (Luke 2:12, 16)? How do you account for the fact that God calls the “fetus” by the same term as a newborn infant?

9. What do you think God’s view is of one who would murder an innocent child?

10. How do you think God views any individual who would support someone else’s “right” to murder an innocent child?

11. You mention that you have a grandson who came by means of adoption. How grateful do you think he will be for your love when he finds out that you supported his mother’s right to kill him before he was born?

12. Why should the woman alone make the decision to terminate the life that is within her: was no one else responsible for its being there?

13. Why should God, the giver of life, not be considered at all in a decision concerning life and death?

14. Do you know what features a child at thirteen weeks has? Do you know what systems are in place in his body?

It is tremendously sad that the evil of abortion exists. It is worse that those who support the woman’s right to “choose” are so shallow in their logic that they have never (in 27 years) answered these questions. They have soothed their consciences with slogans rather than taken a strong, hard look at all the aspects involved in abortion. Who is willing to affirm, “The baby is not a human life”? Who? If it is a human life (one that is obviously innocent), then how can one conscientiously kill the child?

Saddest of all is that we have a society that does not care. In 27 years, we have not been able to pass a Human Life Amendment or get a Supreme Court who will overturn the horrendous Roe v. Wade decision. How long can God allow the innocent blood of this nation to be shed without rendering judgment against us?