The idea for the lectureship and the book (whose title appears above) is one of the most valuable and practical ones imaginable. The elders, deacons, and members of the Southaven Church of Christ are to be commended for such a great theme. B. J. Clarke has done a marvelous job in editing this tome of 641 pages.

The first three chapters provide insight to history of the church from the creation of the world to the present day.

1. “The Lord’s Church: In Purpose, Prophecy, Preparation and Presentation.” This opening chapter provides the historical background of the church’s coming into existence.

2. “What Happened to the Lord’s Church?: The Falling Away.” After a brief consideration of the way in which the church became apostate, the reader will find sections containing a listing of early heresies (41-43), the development of Roman Catholicism, and a listing of false doctrines that were added over the centuries (47-49).

3. “What Does It Mean To Restore the Lord’s Church?” This topic is explored by considering that restoration is a Biblical event; a great one occurred in the days of Josiah. Some attention is also given to those once among us who are now arguing against the possibility of restoration. One Abilene Christian (a misnomer) University professor stated that the “very concept of nondenominational Christianity is a ‘myth'” (73), which is easily-refuted nonsense.

After this excellent introductory material, the book then focuses on every major New Testament congregation, evaluating its strengths and weaknesses. The list includes the Lord’s church at: Jerusalem, Antioch, Thessalonica, Colosse, Sardis, Rome, Corinth, Pergamum, Laodicea, Thyatira, Smyrna, Philadelphia, Ephesus, Philippi, and the churches of Galatia (76-381).

Each writer researched thoroughly the background of the city and the church assigned to him. He discusses the church’s strengths and weaknesses and occasionally provides a summary of applications for us today (106). The reader will find a number of references which may aid in further study (259 endnotes for these fifteen chapters).

No study of the church would be complete without a look at the various metaphors which the New Testament presents concerning her. She is pictured as the body of Christ, the household of God, the army of God, the temple of God, the kingdom of God, the vineyard of the Lord, and the pure bride of Christ.

There follow eight chapters that deal with the past, present, and future of the church with respect to various topics: her growth, organization, worship, the innovations which she constantly faces, her mission, the role of women, discipline, and “Some Popular Misconceptions About the Lord’s Church.”

Two chapters conclude this study: “Can One Be Saved Outside of the Lord’s Church?” and “The Future Destiny of the Lord’s Church.”

Having given an overview of the book’s structure, the remainder of this review will call attention to some of the excellent information it contains (whether in the form of quotations or brief descriptions).

Indeed, the theme of Ephesians could be called the church in God’s eternal purpose. The church, therefore, is no “mystery parenthesis.” It is at the very core of God’s eternal purpose. Nothing about the church was left to chance (13).

Nineteen parallels between Moses and Christ are set forth (18-19).

In the discussion of early heresies, the following quotation explains Docetism, an outgrowth of Gnosticism:

Apocryphal literature went so far as to affirm that Jesus left no footprints in the ground upon which He walked, and that when He was touched there was no body to feel (43).

Did people in times past know the Bible better than members do today? Jonathan Edwards (1703-1758), the fiery Puritan preacher, emphasized the necessity of Christians knowing the Scriptures: “You are all called to be Christians, and this is your profession. Endeavour, therefore, to acquire knowledge in things that pertain to your profession” (116).

Certain issues must be examined and dealt with periodically: “Did Peter ever live in Rome?” (197-200) and “Was Peter a ‘Pope’?” (202-204).

In Acts 19:19 Luke mentions those who practiced magic and the books that were associated with those “arts.” Brother Ted Clarke provides a great deal of insight about those practices (321-30). He also suggests an interesting interpretation for what Jesus meant when He told the Ephesians they had left their first love (354-56). The chapter concludes with 14 applications for Christians today to draw from the church at Ephesus (357-61).

“Compare one candle with another, but, when the sun rises, put out both the candles” (419). [Hint: this aphorism is used in connection with the church at Corinth.]

Is there something symbolic about God’s having created Eve from a rib in Adam’s side (435-36)?

The quotation below is followed by a list of 21 items, replete with Scriptures to help with the analysis.

If an independent evaluation team visited a local congregation and evaluated how well each member attempted to accomplish the mission and purpose of the Lord’s church, what would it find? How would the average member fare if the checklist involved the following items (454-55)?

Special features in the book include three pages of pictures of Corinth (216-18) and a chart which shows the various kinds of music that can be made (508). It might prove helpful in establishing what God has authorized for Christians (as well as what he has not).

The chapter on “Innovations in Worship” considers worship in general and the topic of instrumental music in particular. There are some important quotations from past denominational religious leaders in support of singing only, as the New Testament presents it (534-36). Also included is a summary of arguments that have been used to attempt to justify the use of mechanical instruments of music, as well as the reasons those arguments have failed (537-39). The chapter begins with an imaginary look at what worship could be like in the near future with new innovations (509-12).

“The Role of Women in the Church” has become a popular topic of late, and with good reason, since The Christian Chronicle has published at least one advertisement announcing the availability of a female youth minister (559). This subject will likely need continual emphasis in the foreseeable future.

Why should shepherds of the flock make it a point to withdraw fellowship when such is required, and why do some elderships not do so? Reasons for both are supplied (585, 590). Also covered is the popular refrain: “We should not withdraw from these people, for they have withdrawn themselves by quitting the church” (589-90).

Some will be interested in the section that treats the disease that some people have displayed in their insistence on calling members of the churches of Christ “Campbellites.” The origin of the phrase and its refutation provide valuable information (596-97) since Ben Bogard’s old tract, Campbellism Exposed, is still being published and distributed by “Bogard Press” and Baptist bookstores.

James Rogers’ chapter, “Can One Be Saved Outside of the Lord’s Church?” is a thought-provoking masterpiece that should be read by all members of the church; it reaffirms the doctrine to which we were initially delivered; it is a faith-building excursion into the Scriptures that enables us to see the privilege we have of being part of the body of Christ and workers in the kingdom. Fifteen reasons are cited to demonstrate the essentiality of being a member of the church of Christ.

This book not only makes excellent preaching material; it could also be profitably used as Bible class material. It is available on CD-ROM and in printed form ($15.00) from the Southaven Church of Christ, P. O. Box 128, Southaven, MS 38671-1028. It may also be ordered (for $14.00) from Valid Publications, Inc., 908 Imperial Drive, Denton, Texas (76201).