Article by Gary W. Summers.

B. K. Eakman’s well-documented book, Cloning of the American Mind, provides a fascinating overview of the men and their ideologies that have shaped the current culture in this country during this century. The author mentions, among hundreds of others, the philosophy of Walter Benjamin, who “believed that since truth was entirely relative, one could discard the concept of ‘error.’ He went on to argue that if truth and error are entirely obsolete, then the person who understands this is ‘beyond good and evil,’ i.e., ‘enlightened'” (151).

One need only look at various aspects of society to realize that many people agree with Benjamin’s view of truth. College professors, politicians, actors and actresses, and even the mainstream news media show no real excitement over the existence of truth–or verifiable facts, for that matter. For this reason they will all defend immorality and oppose decency (truth always supports virtue).

But what is worse than society’s loss of values is that this philosophy has infiltrated the church as well. Some “brethren” also think that truth and error are entirely obsolete. For that reason they are willing to cast aside doctrinal differences and champion “unity in diversity.” They say that God does not expect uniformity and conformity on the part of His people. They talk about being on the good ship FELLOWSHIP with people who are counted as brethren who have never obeyed the gospel! They either can not discern the difference between truth and error (too much trouble?), or they do not care what the difference is. Regardless of the world’s attitude, there is always One who cares.

“Hear this, O house of Jacob, who are called by the name of Israel, and have come forth from the wellsprings of Judah; who swear by the name of the Lord, and make mention of the God of Israel, but not in truth or in righteousness” (Isa. 48:1).

Many of today’s false brethren grew up hearing the Word of God preached. They know what actions are necessary in order to obtain salvation. They have been taught what constitutes acceptable worship. They know they ought not to fellowship those who remain in spiritual darkness. They make mention of God and the Lord Jesus Christ, but not in truth or righteousness!

Like their spiritual predecessors, “They trust in empty words and speak lies; they conceive evil and bring forth iniquity” (Isa. 59:4). If every man in the world thinks truth is obsolete, nevertheless Jesus will judge them according to the truth that He Himself taught and spoke (John 12:48). If 100 “preachers” decided that error does not exist, such myopia will not keep God from judging the world in righteousness (Acts 17:31).

We expect opposition to God to come from the world, since darkness cannot stand the light (John 3:19-21). But what is difficult to comprehend is the fact that God’s own people will continue to present to the world and brethren a spiritual facade that is not built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ being the chief cornerstone. They still mention Him, but not in truth or righteousness. Truth will never be obsolete; it will last throughout eternity (Matt. 24:35). What will become, however, of the errors promulgated by false teachers–and those who believe them?