We will soon be involved in our fifth year of Bible Bowl competition in this area; it will be Pearl Street’s second year of hosting the monthly (during the school year) event. Recently we received a publication called REPROVE, in which Charles Coats of Webberville, Michigan wrote an article highly critical of “Bible Bowls.” He may be a fine Christian, but his objections and complaints were (for the most part) unjustified. We would not take issue with him but for his rather strong statements, which included the following:
However, I do see a great many problems with the Bible Bowl concept. Enough problems for me to say it is wrong and for me to be concerned with its long-standing effect upon the church (13).
I firmly believe that Bible Bowls are not Biblical and will ultimately do great disservice to the church (16).
One’s initial reaction to statements like these is, “Yeah, that’s right. Let’s make sure that we keep our young people ignorant. Who knows how much harm might befall the church if they learn the Scriptures?”
Of course, such was not the writer’s point, but it nevertheless seems a shame that, with all of the evil in the world, anyone feels it necessary to attack something productive of great good. One is reminded of the adage, “No good deed ever goes unpunished.” In the church, that may be modified to, “No good work ever goes uncriticized.” Whether it is the promotion of a Christian school, a lectureship, an evangelistic campaign, or producing a publication, some just have to wonder why it is necessary in the first place.
Some refused to be involved in something that requires their time and effort. First, they will spread their negative opinions around. When no one listens, they proceed to question whether or not the practice is Scriptural. Since it has now become a matter of “right and wrong,” brethren MUST now give attention to their objections; some will eventually become convinced.
Our procedure will be to look at the seven criticisms offered against the Bible Bowl, after which we will present their positive benefits.
The first criticism the author gives is “that the Bible Bowl concept is not found in the New Testament” (14). This is a rather frivolous complaint considering that the songbook concept is not in the New Testament–nor the publication concept (such as the one in which this critical article appears). Most of us tend to think that those things that promote edification are Biblical.
The second “problem” calls attention to a danger to avoid, but it is not a reason to eliminate Bible Bowls.
The Bible Bowl gives the wrong idea of why we are to study God’s Word. They study to receive the praise of men. They study to beat the other team or win a ribbon. They study to compete. This is a far cry from studying to show oneself approved UNTO GOD (2 Timothy 2:15). When it takes prizes or awards to get young people to study, what is the church going to have to do to keep them studying? (14).
Any good program can receive a wrong emphasis, but an abuse does not prove the activity itself is wrong.
The critic assumes that students compete to receive the praise of men, but how does he know that they do not participate in order to learn and become more knowledgable? But what is wrong with praise? Will not the Lord say to us, “Well done, thou good and faithful servant”? Will a few words of encouragement ruin us all? Should we withhold words of praise from a songleader or a preacher for fear that they may only do those things for the praise of men? Compliments might even provoke improvement; can we afford to risk that?
And what is wrong with competition? Did not Paul use references to those who run in a race? Are we not to be as athletes, should we not want to win the prize? Paul mentioned the crown that he expected and that he said would be given to all them also that loved the Lord’s appearing (2 Tim. 4:8). Should we be fearful about using as motivation a reward when God holds out eternal life to us as motivation? How many Christians would put their lives on the line without the assurance of the reward to follow? Jesus even endured the cross for the joy that was set before Him (Heb. 12:2). This criticism possesses no merit except to warn us that we should not become more interested in the reward than the purpose for its being offered.
The third “problem” seems to be a continuation of the second. The author fears that “we are going too far in our praise of those who win a prize” (14), and then he mentions a congregation who hung its championship banner on the pulpit. In a case like that, someone was a bit exuberant, but such enthusiasm cannot negate the good that is done. Presumably, some may mishandle the prizes or emphasize winning for the sake of winning, but many Bible Bowls seek to recognize the efforts of all those who are involved.
The fourth criticism is rather extensive:
The Bible Bowl cheapens God’s Word. It does this by placing the study of God’s Word on the same level as studying for a science test or the level of a football game, where one also competes for an award (!4).
Oh, by all means we should keep our children from learning the Bible as well as they might learn science! How many preachers have mentioned that they wish the young people would be as devoted to the Scriptures as they are to their secular homework? How many times has the irony been noted and lamented that parents will make certain that their children do their public school homework but neglect to check and see if they have done their Bible class assignments? We unashamedly admit that we wish Christian youth would pour as much energy into studying the Scriptures as in preparing for a test at school or playing football. Is one’s view not just a little skewed to think that if we put forth effort and sacrifice time in order to learn the Scriptures that the Bible becomes cheapened by it?
Coats then charges that teams use the Bible to “whoop up on the other team” (15). First of all, the word he means is not whoop, which has an entirely different definition; he means whup, which is a slang variation of whip. Second, he assumes that all Bible Bowls follow the pattern of the one he is familiar with. In the ones we have participated in, all participants take the test. Our goal is not to whup up on anyone. In our case, we study together–even though we are competing with one another. We encourage and help each other and are delighted when others do well.
If we want our young people to understand the greatness of the Bible, then we are going to have to keep it above the level of a spelling bee or any other competition for prizes. A young person will not treasure forever that which is pictured for him as being just some book for fun and games. What concerns me is what these young people will think of the Bible as they grow older and what condition the church will be in when they become the preachers and elders (15).
What is the purpose of a spelling bee? Sure, a prize is going to be given to the winner, but its goal is to improve students’ ability to spell. What is wrong with the goal of improving our young people’s knowledge of the Bible? We study and learn things that are important. The author, perhaps unintentionally, is guilty of downgrading the Word. “It’s not important enough to study and take a test over.”
The Bible is not just a book to be used for fun and games. How many bulletins print quizzes and puzzles? Should we quit publishing them, too–because someone might actually enjoy learning? Has this brother looked at what is taught in Bible classes for young students? Next he will insist on getting rid of all that material, also. We had better eliminate Vacation Bible School, also, because children seem to enjoy that, too. What will they think when we stop feeding them cookies? Christian camps must also go; families have way too much fun there. What will the condition of the church be like when those campers grow up and become elders and preachers?
This next objection may anger some:
I firmly believe that the Bible Bowl is an admission that parents are not doing their job. It is another ploy to get the church to do what the parents should be doing (15).
Apparently, this brother is not aware that entire families participate in these events. It is not a matter of “getting the church to do” something in place of the parents; it is one way of helping parents to fulfill their responsibilities. To be sure, some parents approach a congregation with the attitude, “What do you have to offer my family?” instead of “Here’s what my family has to offer the church,” but we need not cancel every activity just because some abuse such things.
The sixth objection asserts that the church is following the way of the world in giving out prizes. Jesus did say that the children of the world are wiser than the children of light (Luke 16:8). Sometimes those in the world have good ideas. Should we not use them? Shall we abandon all inventions that have come to us through the hands of sinners? How far does this type of thinking go?
The critic fears that our young people will only do things for a prize and affirms that materialism is taking over. He wonders where all of this will stop–again. Apparently, he is not aware that as young people mature, they find other reasons for doing things besides being treated to refreshments or other “materialistic” rewards. Besides, how many youngster have confidentially admitted to him that, in all truth, they only participate in the Bible Bowl in order to obtain a ribbon, that nothing else matters, that they do not care anything about what they learned–just so long as they win the ribbon?!
Finally, he thinks he has not seen any positive results from Bible Bowls.
Where is the greater Bible knowledge? Where is the greater love for God? For Christ? For the Holy Spirit? Where is the greater maturity in Christ? Where is the greater respect for God’s Word? Where is the greater knowledge of the church and the desire to defend it? (16).
These questions can certainly be turned around. In congregations where parents exclusively handle all of the spiritual training and nothing so dangerous as a Bible Bowl is engaged in, we could likewise ask, “Where is the greater Bible knowledge? Where is the greater love for God? For Christ? For the Holy Spirit? Where is the greater maturity in Christ? Where is the greater respect for God’s Word? Where is the greater knowledge of the church and the desire to defend it?”
We do not throw the argument back upon the one who made it in order to pit churches who participate in Bible Bowls against those who do not, but rather just to show the subjectivity of the standard that has been set up. The critic knows that the things he mentions are, for the most part, not measurable. The same questions could be asked about lectureships, Bible camps, and even worship assemblies. Some people are no better off after a sermon than they were before. Should we quit preaching?
The seven arguments set forth in this article are somewhat repetitive and unconvincing. Again, we have no doubt that the writer may have observed some things in connection with Bible Bowls that seemed like the wrong emphasis, and he may be conscientiously opposed to those abuses, but good ideas should not be terminated or decried on so flimsy a basis.
1. The Word of God is honored. We know what we are studying and why. The Bible is the inspired Word of God (2 Tim. 3:16-17). We are not studying the literary works of some great man; we are not studying for the pursuit of trivia. We are devoting ourselves to God’s revelation to mankind.
2. Fellowship is promoted. When we receive a set of study questions, we ask everyone to read the text and answer the questions. Then we get together to go over the answers. This meeting provides an excellent time to discuss not only the facts of the text; we also use it as a teaching opportunity. We occasionally define words or concepts with which youngsters are not familiar. Then we have a final review before the test. Although we are in competition against one another, we are also for one another. It is also a privilege to become acquainted with brethren from other congregations in the area. The refreshments we have each month affords some leisure time for visiting with one another. Even though we are in competition with these brethren, also, our desire is for them to do as well as they can. Bible Bowls (at least, in our experience) are a very positive event.
3. Learning is enhanced. As a result of our efforts, we gain more knowledge and insight into the Word and understand more quickly references to spiritual matters that are made in classes and in sermons. Instead of getting bits and pieces of the Bible, as in a topical sermon, or jumping from Old to New Testaments, as so much “Bible” literature does, we study a book (or in the course of the year, several books) of the Bible intensely and thoroughly. At the end of the school year we have our final exam covering the material on all of the other quizzes one more time. The reinforcement is helpful.
4. Relationships are strengthened. Just as those who work in evangelistic campaigns develop a special relationship with each other, so do those who study together. We become veterans of the Genesis campaign (or whatever book we examine). We often share light-hearted moments, which are interspersed with our serious studying.
5. We become better equipped for evangelism. Because we have the Scriptures on our minds, verses, ideas, and concepts flow more readily when we are discussing spiritual matters with others. The fact is that when Scriptures are internalized, expressing them becomes much easier.
Other reasons could be added, but these are sufficient to get a glimpse of the value of Bible Bowls.