Every day someone makes the decision to become a Christian. Departing from sin and its influence is both a difficult decision and a challenging process. If Satan tried to tempt Jesus with the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, he will do no less toward us, His humble (and weaker) followers. Trying to live a holy life in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation is a constant struggle. This latest lectureship book of the Bellview Church of Christ in Pensacola, Florida, published in June of this year, titled Worldliness, will be of great help to Christians striving diligently to serve a holy God.

Worldliness comes packaged in various forms, and this book performs an excellent service in defining these areas of temptation, which we all need to be able to identify and overcome. The first chapter serves as a general introduction: “Living Soberly, Righteously, and Godly.” Not only are all three words carefully defined, but an interesting discussion of three elements of righteousness is included. The second chapter, “Denying Ungodliness and Worldly Lusts,” is also of a general nature, with a special emphasis on the way in which fleshly lusts “war against the soul” (1 Peter 2:11).

The next chapter is also foundational; it deals with “Causes of Worldliness” and is followed by a look at the philosophy of “Hedonism,” which is thoroughly defined, with a special focus on Epicurus. There follow 14 examples of hedonism, most of which are located in the Scriptures, but a few modern-day instances are also listed. This section closes with suggestions for overcoming the hedonistic philosophy.

Another well-documented chapter (65 endnotes) deals with the philosophy of “Humanism,” which Christians really need to comprehend if they want to understand much of what is happening in society and in the nation’s schools. Basically, Humanism is atheistic and deifies Man (69). Brother Daniel Denham mentions such humanistic luminaries as Corliss Lamont, August Comte, John Dewey, Julian Huxley, Carl Sagan, George Gaylord Simpson, Paul Kurtz, and others; he lets them and their works speak for themselves so that it is clear that they are not being misrepresented.

It is important to understand what role the “Educational System” and “The Media” play in influencing our society towards humanistic thought and behavior. These two chapters have a combined total of 49 endnotes, thus continuing the high standard of research already evidenced in the book and making it excellent resource material. There is a page of facts about Disney, which includes information such as their signing an occultic rock band, whose music is “laced with Satanic themes” (100); they also have a four-year contract with Martin Scoresese (director of the blasphemous The Last Temptation of Christ).

Following a look at “Occultism” are three chapters of a more general nature: “Examining One’s Life,” “Purity of Mind, Life, and Speech,” and “Disobedience to Parents.” The first of these chapters contains a fascinating poem titled “The Church Walking With the World” (129-31). The second contains a list of character traits that Christ exhibited during His earthly ministry (142), an analysis of Philippians 4:8 and 1 Corinthians 13, and a sample chart from , which is a handy tool to use to find out what forms of worldliness will be found in movies that are currently playing (163). David Brown also takes a brief look at a variety of subjects, most of which have their own chapters elsewhere in the book.

“Pride” and “Envy” are subjects infrequently discussed, and we need to be reminded of their dangers. A more common topic is “Immodesty.” Although it would be a relief to need never prepare, present, or listen to another lesson on this topic, it remains needful. The definitions set forth are appropriate, and the purpose for immodest dress is clearly established, including the famous quotation from Mary Quant, the “mother” of the miniskirt (222).

Young people still need information about “Dancing.” The author examines eight defenses that are offered in favor of dancing and five reasons why Christians should avoid the practice. Another perennial problem is “Pornography.” The author lists the amount of money spent annually by Americans each year for hard-core pornography (242), the number of phone sex calls made every day, 70% of which are made by minors (243), and an indication of the extent of the problem created by the Internet (243-44).

“Fornication and Adultery” may seem like sins that are pretty easily recognized as being of the world, but each year some Christians allow themselves to be overcome by this problem. The topics of “Abortion and Euthanasia” occasion no little amount of controversy whenever they are introduced. One might affirm that these practices are simply Humanism applied.

No current book on worldliness could fail to include a chapter on the most-promoted sin in America, “Homosexuality.” The writer presents the basic argument against homosexuality and lists Bible passages that are pertinent to the topic. A brief look is given at various defenses made on behalf of the sin, but they are generally specious and contrived (the Bible being so clear with respect to this perverted practice). Evidence is presented to show that homosexuals can change (283-84). Everyone should be aware of the homosexual agenda (284-85).

“Alcohol, Tobacco, and Drug Use” have not ceased to be an allurement for some. The effects of these are highlighted, as well they should be. It is far easier to prevent these habits from forming than it is to find ways to quit them in order to save one’s life.

“Covetousness,” “Materialism,” and “Stealing” cannot be assumed to be sins of the past. We often assume that spiritually-minded people will not be bothered by sins like these, but the Scriptures emphasize this temptation–for a reason!

Some of the material in the chapter on “Gambling” is taken from the outstanding tract by Garland Elkins and Robert R. Taylor, Jr.: Gambling: National Pastime to Prosperity or Sure Bet to Poverty? This 27-page chapter contains several definitions and persuasive information. Some may take issue with such statements as “gambling is robbery by consent” or a gambler “gives no fair exchange of goods or services in return” (332); an intelligent refutation would be interesting. Information is provided concerning the ways gambling has “benefitted” Las Vegas (339-40) and Atlantic City (340-42). After analyzing the “state lottery,” brother Elkins cites from the tract 20 reasons why gambling is Biblically wrong (349-52).

“Anger, Hatred, and Malice” are among the old clothes that Christians must shed. These are defined and explained, as well as what constitutes appropriate anger. “Backbiters and Gossips” receive much-deserved attention, also. Not only is it difficult to avoid repeating “gossip,” it is even harder to avoid hearing. The writer offers a different perspective on the subject by calling attention to the fact that some, who are guilty of actual wrongdoing (and refuse to acknowledge or repent of it), are pointing fingers at those who are sound in the faith and referring to them as “gossips” because their own sins have been exposed (374)!

Closely associated with the preceding topic is “Lying and Corrupt Communication”; we are bombarded with them daily. According to the book, The Day America Told the Truth, 91% of the population tells lies on a regular basis (382)–that is, if those surveyed told the truth. (Perhaps that is the reason so few people care that the holder of the highest elected office in this nation lies to us on a regular basis.) The importance of truth is emphasized appropriately in this chapter.

It may not seem like it at first, but there is a connection between worldliness and “Denominationalism.” Brother McClish focuses on some of the contradictions of denominationalism, its consequences, and cures for it. “Wastefulness” would probably not come to mind for most people as an example of worldliness, but it is important to recognize that the waste of one’s time, talent, and resources is of the world and repudiated by Christ. The Bible teaches that we must look for and take advantage of our opportunities. The book concludes with “Consequences of Worldliness.”

This book’s 436 pages should be studied by all members of the church because of its valuable treatment of subjects relevant to us. As Jesus pointed out, we are in the world, but we are not to be of the world. Such a task is not easy; this book will help us clarify our thinking with its appeal to and reliance upon the Scriptures on these matters. The price of $12.00 is a bargain. It may be ordered from the Bellview Church of Christ, 4850 Saufley Field Road, Pensacola FL 32526 or from Valid Publications, Inc.