Think of your mind as a neat and tidy room. Thoughts are stored on the appropriate shelves. One section consists of the good deeds you have developed the habit of performing. It includes sending a card or note to someone who needs encouragement, perhaps fixing a few things that have broken down in an elderly neighbor’s house, or visiting someone who is unable to leave home very often.
Other thoughts include fond remembrances of those who have set good examples for you and inspired you to be better and to do more than you might otherwise have done. Even though they were busy taking care of their own concerns, they were never too busy to take time for you.
Then there are the spiritual thoughts and information that take up quite a bit of space. Perhaps they began when you realized that God did not create us and bestow upon us the gift of life without giving us any responsibilities in return. Asking what He expects of us prompted a lifelong search of the Scriptures to learn as fully as possible the truths that everyone needs to know.
The family shelf in one’s mind takes up a lot of room–from childhood to adulthood and beyond. Who can forget so many memorable occurrences? There is also a shelf involving work-related experiences–everything from training to apprenticeship to being a full-fledged member and a vital part of the work force. Education also requires a large portion of space; you spent years learning to master the secular knowledge that you now possess.
So here is the neat and tidy room “with a place for everything and everything in its place.” Think of sin as that which destroys the neatness. When sinful thoughts are allowed to come in and take up residence, they violate the orderliness of the mind. Safe thoughts are pulled out and strewn all over the floor, and fond memories become buried under corrupt ideas.
An attractive woman engages in some light flirtation. Of course you resist, but then Satan whispers, “Sure, you’re married, but….”
Through a strange twist of events you discover that you could “appropriate” some vulnerable money. Temporarily, it is unprotected–there just for the taking. Satan suggests, “Sure, you are wealthy enough, but….”
Your gifts and abilities are well-known; you are secure in your reputation, but an opportunity throws itself at you which would enhance your fame. Unfortunately, it involves taking credit for something you did not do. Satan argues, “Sure, everybody knows how good you are, but….”
These are the kinds of thoughts that, if they are allowed to stay in your mind, will clutter it with garbage. The lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life are not of the Father but are of the world (1 John 2:16). In order to partake of these things, the Christian must suppress his knowledge of God and spiritual matters. He must be willing to sacrifice his honor, his integrity, his dignity–perhaps his very salvation, depending on how dominated by evil thoughts he allows his mind to become.
1. Recognize them for what they are. If they lead to something that is immoral or violates the Scriptures, then they spring from Satan and not from God. If your conscience throws up any kind of red flag whatsoever, pay attention. Evil thoughts do not come from God. Unfortunately, some have attributed their wicked schemes to God. When they unscripturally divorce and remarry, they say, “I think God wants me to be happy.” If they were honest, they would admit that they do not really care what God thinks–any more than the children of Israel did when they insisted upon having a king. Their mind was made up; Samuel’s attempt to reason with them proved futile (1 Samuel 8).
Others mistakenly think that they should do evil that good may come. If the town bully were killed, the quality of life would improve for everyone. When he mysteriously dies, no one seriously investigates the crime. Or perhaps someone thinks that if an abortion doctor were killed, the lives of many babies would be saved (as if someone else would be unwilling to step in and kill the lives of innocent human beings for money.
2. Realize the outcome of getting what you think you want. How will you feel a few hours after stealing another man’s wife? Have you imagined the guilt you might feel? Have you considered the shame? Remember the pathetic sight of the televangelists we have seen on television, weeping publicly about their sins (whether genuine or feigned)? Have you considered how to explain your actions to your wife and your children, to your parents, to your brothers and sisters–or to Jesus, who shed His blood to redeem you from such wickedness? Amnon kept imagining what it would be like to have Tamar his sister, but afterward he hated her. Perhaps it was self-loathing that directed itself at her, or maybe the reality could not match the fantasy. In either case, he was not prepared for his response to his evil deed.
Did Judas envision the possible consequences of his betrayal of Jesus? Some have suggested that he did not think they would really crucify Jesus or that Jesus would refuse to use His powers to stop them. For whatever reason Judas was remorseful (Matt. 27:3-4), but it was too late. He could not undo the chain of events he helped set in motion. Suddenly the thirty pieces of silver held no value to him; he threw them down in the temple and departed (Matt. 27:5). Isn’t it amazing how, sometimes too late, we realize the truth of 1 John 2:15-17–that fleshly things have no real value in the face of spiritual realities, such as standing before the throne of God on the day of judgment?
3. Restrain them. Treat them as little children that need to be disciplined. Eli made the mistake of not keeping his children in line. God told Samuel concerning him: “For I have told him that I will judge his house forever for the iniquity which he knows, because his sons made themselves vile, and he did not restrain them” (1 Sam. 3:13). How sad it would be to have it said of us: “Satan made his thoughts vile, and he did not restrain them.”
Ungodly thoughts of lust and pride must be cast out. Nebuchadnezzar should have restrained those thoughts that made him puffed up in his own eyes: “Is not this great Babylon, that I have built for a royal dwelling by my mighty power and for the honor of my majesty?” He could have saved himself seven years of a vegetarian diet if he had only repressed those thoughts by realizing that God was the one Who had blessed him. Jesus warned everyone about the evil thoughts that come out of the heart (Matt. 15:18-20). They must be eliminated. Paul mentioned “bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ” (2 Cor. 10:5).
4. Replace evil thoughts with those that are true, noble, just, pure, lovely, of good report, virtuous, and praiseworthy. Demas did not develop a love of this present world while listening to Paul preach. There had to be a point in time when he began to covet material things. Ahab could not get the lush vineyard of Naboth (along with its convenient location) out of his mind (did he try?).
Amnon should have immediately dismissed the thoughts regarding his sister as inappropriate; David should have done the same concerning Bathsheba. This otherwise godly king could have replaced thoughts of her by spending the evening with one of his other wives. There is always a way to find deliverance from temptation (1 Cor. 10:13), but the inclination to avoid it is a prerequisite.
Someone might protest, “But thoughts are much more difficult to control than actions.” No one would argue with such an observation; in fact, for that reason it is in the mind that these battles need to be fought and won. Jesus went beyond the action of adultery to the problem of lusting in the heart (Matt. 5:27-28). Similarly, he went beyond murder to its origin–hatred (Matt. 5:21-22). Jesus both practiced and required of His followers mental discipline.
Remember that little room we started out with? What kind of shape is it in? Are lusts of the flesh, lusts of the eyes, and pride cluttering it up? Is it getting hard to walk through it without tripping over something? It’s probably time to recognize what the problem areas are, realize the tragic results of not keeping the room clean, restrain the evil thoughts that creep in uninvited, and replace them with those that will keep us pleasing to our God, our Maker, our Savior, and our Judge.