The fourth best money-maker at the box office last year was a movie that featured behavior of the grossest kind, titled There’s Something About Mary. Columnist Kathleen Parker said she felt like she needed a bath after seeing it, but apparently a large portion of the movie-going public enjoys being made to feel dirty, which tells us something about A-Mary-ca these days.

Something else that speaks volumes now (and probably encyclopedias later, when the effects will be fully felt) was the recent senate trial of the president. There are several Biblical points that can be applied concerning these recent events.

“High Crimes and Misdemeanors”

Some Christians might question the relevance of American law to the issue, but the Scriptures reveal that the laws we have are important and to be obeyed (Rom. 13:1-5; 1 Peter 2:13-16). We might also consider that to understand the reason for Daniel being thrown into the lion’s den we must know something of Persian law (Daniel 6:12-15). In order to set the stage for what occurred in the impeachment trial (and the principles cited later), we must know something about the phrase high crimes and misdemeanors.

In her book of the same title, Ann Coulter explains that the framers of our Constitution borrowed the phrase from English Parliamentary impeachments (3). Among the cases she cites is one that occurred in 1680, when “Sir William Scroggs, lord chief justice of the court of the King’s Bench, was impeached on account of his ‘frequent and notorious excesses and debaucheries’ bringing ‘the highest scandal on the public justice of the kingdom'” (4).

Many of those who have been impeached and removed from public office have not violated legal, but rather moral precepts. In 1881, for example, “the Minnesota legislature impeached Judge E. St. J. Cox for ‘frequenting bawdy houses and consorting with harlots'”(4). Alexander Hamilton, who wrote 50 of the 85 essays in The Federalist papers, said that impeachment pertains to “the misconduct of public men,” “the violation of some public trust” (6). Americans will not learn such information from Geraldo or probably even from the Harvard professors so visible on cable shows of late. No, not even our news media bothers to report pertinent facts like these.

Was the president guilty of mis-conduct? Nearly everyone knows that he was–and in the oval office itself! Did he violate the public trust? Yes, he did when he lied to the American people and said, “I did not have sex with that woman, Miss Lewinsky.” He knew he was lying when he looked into the cameras and said it. Whatever else may be debated, these facts are inarguable.

His conduct falls within the definition of the phrase used by our founding fathers. James Madison, another author of The Federalist papers and fourth President of this nation, said that “the ‘first aim’ of the Constitution was to ensure that men with the ‘most virtue’ would become the nation’s rulers.” Impeachment was for “‘keeping them virtuous whilst they continue to hold their public trust'” (7).

The Senate Trial and Acquittal

The House of Representatives considered the evidence against the president and found it sufficient to impeach him. But the Senate began almost immediately to duck their responsibilities. They agreed to interview only three witnesses. What other trial could be named that has been conducted by limiting the number of witnesses to appear? They would not appear directly before the Senate but only on videotape. Oh, and do not forget that a timetable was set to conclude the matter by February 12th so that the senate could enjoy the three-day weekend including President’s Day (“Supper is waitin’ at home, and I gotta get to it.”).

Was it the restricted evidence that caused the senators to acquit? No, it was the polls. The American people have been told by the news media that 80% of us believe that the president is guilty but that 80% also want him to remain in office. Although the first number is probably correct, the second one is questionable. Why question the validity of the polls? Consider the following news item from Paul Harvey News, reported on January 28th.

Mrs. Frances Schmidt may have spilled the beans. A woman in Winner, South Dakota telephoned her United States Senator, Tim Johnson, to ask if the political polling that she has been hearing about was ever done in South Dakota. The young lady who answered the phone replied: “No, they do not poll conservative states. There are eleven conservative states that we do not poll.” Mrs. Schmidt, flabbergasted, then telephoned my office. She thought you should know.

If this news item is true, it certainly explains a considerable discrepancy with reality. But even if the 80% figure cited above is correct, senators should disregard it. The average person may not know as much about the Constitution as they do. Many Americans may not understand what high crimes and misdemeanors means. Senators have the task of using their knowledge and skills to make the right decision. Since when do they rely on public opinion to do what is right?

A representative form of government was designed to eliminate “mob mentality.” It was just such thinking that led to the death of Jesus. Pilate saw that the current public opinion poll was against Jesus (it was overwhelmingly in favor of Him just days earlier); so he turned Him over to be crucified. Our senators read a poll that said Americans wanted the president to stay in office, and they acted accordingly (by the latest “mob mentality” figures).

Is this an unfair assessment? The reader may judge for himself. Following are the words of a man who is said to greatly respect the Constitution. Sen. Robert C. Byrd, Democrat senator from West Virginia, frequently called the “dean” of the senate, was interviewed by ABC (as reported in the Denton Record-Chronicle):

Byrd, who two weeks ago offered the motion asking senators to dismiss the case against Clinton, says in an interview to be aired Sunday there is “no doubt about it in my mind” that the charges against Clinton rise to “high crimes and misdemeanors.” But he declined to say how he would vote on conviction.

“It will be very difficult to stand and say, ‘not guilty,’ very difficult,” Byrd said. “Who is kidding who here? I have to live with myself. I have to live with my conscience, and I have to live with the Constitution” (February 7th, 11A).

Mr. Byrd’s candor is greatly appreciated. It is too bad, however, that conscience and Constitution lost out to party and popularity. Not reported in this story was his query wondering how one could remove such a popular president? The easiest way to accomplish such a feat would have been to vote guilty.

Senator Byrd should have asked himself, “What kind of trial is it when the outcome is based on the popularity of the defendant?” How many times have we seen people shocked to discover that one of the pillars of the community was a child molester? Does the jury take into consideration that he is a good father, a loving husband, a community leader, or that he supports several charitable causes, and does his job efficiently? These points are irrelevant to the subject of the trial. Several of his friends might testify as character witnesses. Should we take a public opinion poll and acquit him if his popularity rating is high enough?

If the Polls Are Right…

If the polls are right, there is something about A-Mary-ca that is fundamentally screwy! If people know the president is guilty but want him in office anyway, then the following conclusions must be drawn.

1. We do not care what kind of example our top elected officials set for us and our children. The phrase high crimes and misdemeanors should be stricken from the Constitution by virtue of amendment; it is useless.

2. We want our top leaders to lie to us when it suits their fancy. Americans thought it was shameful when Richard Nixon lied to us 25 years ago, but now there is no shame in lying to all three branches of our government, in committing perjury before the grand jury, or in lying to the entire nation.

3. There must be two systems of justice–one for most of us, but another for the rich, powerful, famous, and popular.

4. Jurors must ask for public opinion polls before deciding innocence or guilt.

5. Obstructing justice is of no consequence. What good is power if it cannot be effectively used to cover up one’s wrongdoing?

6. Dodging, evasion, and stonewalling are talents which should be admired, not condemned. Masters of re-defining common words and the art of “spin” should be applauded–as they have been by “objective” analysts in the news media. The following excerpt is from The Electronic Gospel Herald, dated February 15th. Darrell Broking, who can be reached via wrote:

On Saturday, February 6, 1999, news anchor Dan Rather unsheathed the sword of anti-truth and wielded it with the skill and accuracy of an Ivy League Balaamite. Mr. Rather was commenting on the morning’s Presidential Impeachments hearings. After stating that the House Managers presented a good case, Rather pointed out that the White House Defense team would take excerpts from the same video-taped testimony that the House Managers used and paint a completely different portrait. To shore up his statement Rather said, “After all, truth is never absolute.”

How profound! How convenient! Mr. Rather evidently admires the ability to “put darkness for light” (Isa. 5:20). He would probably marvel at how false teachers in the first century (and now) “twist the Scriptures”–even if it is to their own destruction (2 Peter 3:16).

Biblical Principles Applied

Biblical principles were promised at the outset. The remainder of this article will apply such precepts based on the information provided above.

For the Senate: “He who justifies the wicked and he who condemns the just, both of them alike are an abomination to the Lord” (Pr. 17:15). The United States Senate, according to the Scriptures, is an abomination to God. To those senators who voted for acquittal based on party rather than evidence: “It is not good to show partiality in judgment. He who says to the wicked, ‘You are righteous,’ him will the people curse: nations will abhor him” (Pr. 24:23b-24). To those who knew the president was guilty but could not bring themselves to remove him from office: “If you faint in the day of adversity, your strength is small” (Pr. 24:10).

For the President: “It is an abomination for kings to commit wickedness, for a throne is established by righteousness” (Pr. 16:12). “The Lord rebuke you” (Jude 9) and give you the reward you deserve (Rev. 21:8).

To the Harvard professors and other “Constitutional” scholars: “The tongue of the wise uses knowledge rightly, but the mouth of fools pours forth foolishness” (Pr. 15:2). “The lips of the wise disperse knowledge, but the heart of the fool does not do so” (Pr. 15:7).

For the news media: “Whoever falsely boasts of giving is like clouds and wind without rain” (Pr. 25:14). You do not boast of giving money–but rather of giving information. Yet you withhold pertinent facts from the public and choose not to investigate. Why did you wait until after the presidential election of 1992 to inform people that it was not really the worst economy of the last fifty years? Where was your story about what happened to Vince Foster’s computer? (No, we are not implying a conspiracy theory, nor ruling one out, but why were you not even curious about the facts of the matter?) You might have refreshed voters with data on many occasions, but you refused to give them the facts.

For Norman Lear and his group, People for the A-Mary-can Way, who have vowed to spend $5,000,000 to defeat the House Managers in their next election: “The bloodthirsty hate the blameless” (Pr. 29:10). (The same goes for James Carville, who stated on national television that he wanted to “bury the hatchet” in Ken Starr rather than with Ken Starr.)

For the A-Mary-can people: “Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people” (Pr. 14:34). For those who knew the president’s guilt but wanted him acquitted: “But let justice run down like water, and righteousness like a mighty stream” (Amos 5:24). For those who are motivated to maintain the status quo (leave a proven liar in office) because of our prosperity: “Better is a little with righteousness than vast revenues without justice” (Pr. 16:8).

To the House Managers, whose case was doomed to failure before they began, and to Americans who were disappointed that “the right thing” was not done: “The truthful lip shall be established forever, but a lying tongue is but for a moment” (Pr. 12:19). Also, there is a higher court and an impartial judge, whom all will face: “For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, that each one may receive the things done in the body, according to what he has done, whether good or bad” (2 Cor. 5:10).

For Christians: “When the wicked are multiplied, transgression increases; but the righteous will see their fall” (Pr. 29:16). This miscarriage of law and justice is unfortunate but characteristic of today’s world. According to the Denton Record-Chronicle of February 14th:

A 74 percent majority said the Republicans should not make an issue of the way Clinton and the Democrats conducted themselves during the scandal. And 76 percent of those polled said Democrats should not make an issue of the way Republicans pursued impeachment (15A).

In other words, “People don’t care.” That same apathy is often directed toward salvation and to Truth itself. “There’s Something About A-Mary-ca” that needs to be changed, and only the gospel of Christ can do it.