Paul R. Buckley’s November 21st (1998) article spotlighting Max Lucado has occasioned quite a bit of response in the Dallas area. It appeared in the religious section (1G and 3G) and was titled “The Grip of Grace: Lucado Puts New Face on Churches of Christ.” It begins with the joke about the guy being given a tour of heaven, who is told to be quiet as they tiptoe past a certain room; inside are “the Church of Christ folks. They don’t think anybody else is here.”
Undoubtedly, some were offended by the old joke. Two weeks later, several responses to this article were published (December 5th). Randy Reagan, of Wills Point, wrote:
Having been raised in the churches of Christ, I can truthfully say that the only people I have ever heard proclaim that the churches of Christ teach that “no one’s saved but us” are those outside their membership. God is the only one who decides who is saved, not man (5G).
David Tarbet, of the White Rock church in Dallas, commented on using Church-of-Christ as an adjective:
I did not become a member of a “Church of Christ Church” when I was immersed for the “forgiveness of sins” (Acts 2:38). The Lord added me to His divine church at that very moment (Acts 2:47). According to the scriptures, the unbaptized are not yet the children of God by faith (Galatians 3:26-27). This is not a matter of “Church of Christ doctrine”; it’s a matter of what the Bible teaches (5G).
Don Petty, from Farmer’s Branch, also said:
Mr. Buckley’s little joke is decades old and has no real meaning since no member of any faith can pass judgment on any other body of believers (5G).
Buckley writes that Lucado laughs at the joke; “he believes that there really are Baptists, Methodists, and Catholics in those other rooms” (1G). This is not news to most faithful brethren, but some are still shocked to discover that Max fellowships almost anyone despite his well-publicized article, “A Dream Worth Keeping Alive,” and his numerous references to all “believers” (anyone who says God is his Father) being on board a great Fellow-ship. As we have pointed out before, Lucado has given up the Bible (Acts 2:38 et al.) for Baptist Doctrine (see “Baptist Lucado and Loyalty”).
Mr. Lucado, an easygoing man of simple faith, has done what no other Church of Christ minister has done. He has become an immensely popular figure outside the tight circle of his own tradition. His books and his participation in Promise Keepers have put him in a league with evangelicals such as Charles Swindoll and James Dobson (1G).
Actually, his participation in the various events cited has put him in league with the devil, since Satan is the source of false doctrine. Jesus refused to associate with scribes and Pharisees who taught doctrines that were not true. He even cautioned His disciples to “beware of the leaven [teaching] of the Sadducees and the Pharisees” (Matt. 16:11), but such trifles never bother Max. Unlike Jesus, he thinks that grace will cover all those little doctrinal disputes. Noble preacher that he is, he is interested more in unity–apparently more so than is the Lord (Matt. 15:13-14).
Buckley accurately mentions that not everyone in the churches of Christ is thrilled with Lucado, but then adds that more and more members are agreeing with him.
Even if they sing their hymns with organs.
Even if they take Communion quarterly rather than weekly.
Even if they were sprinkled rather than dipped (1G).
Unfortunately, this point is true, as evidenced by a few letters of support that appeared on December 5th. Wes Horn, youth minister of the Allen Church of Christ, wrote: “Brother Lucado is an excellent example of what we in the Churches of Christ need to do if we are to reach the world in 2000” (5G). No, Mr. Horn, if members of the church followed Lucado, there would be no churches of Christ by the year 2000–except in name.
Carolyn Underwood, of Costa Rica (she does not say that she is a member of the church), advises Max to “hang tough”: “Jesus was never ‘in’ with the leaders of His time, either” (5G). Carolyn has obviously missed something here. Max is “in” with the spiritual leaders of today: Chuck Swindoll, James Dobson, and the leaders of “Promise Keepers” were mentioned. She inadvertently brought to the readers’ attention just how UNLIKE Jesus Max really is.
But consider the three things quoted above (musical instruments, quarterly communion, and sprinkling in place of immersion). The first two involve acceptable worship to God (John 4:23-24). One needs to read in the Bible only as far as Genesis 4 to understand that God rejects worship that He has not authorized. Yet that makes no difference to Max (more on this is mentioned later). The third one (the Scriptural mode of baptism) involves the means by which one becomes a Christian. Paul said plainly that man cannot tamper with the gospel (which includes how to obey it, Gal. 1:6-9). Baptism by sprinkling was not even thought of in New Testament times, let alone practiced. But such tedious details are apparently too deep or taxing for Max–sprinkling will do just as well (for him).
When it became obvious that Shelly and others wanted to expand the borders of the kingdom (which idea became plain at the Joplin Unity meeting in 1984) beyond the definitions found in the Scriptures and began to suggest that all who were immersed (for any reason) were our brethren, many saw the direction they were headed. We wondered, “How will they find a way to save those who are sprinkled?” They know too well that the New Testament teaches baptism by immersion (Rom. 6:3-11). Max has the solution. Baptism had to be made irrelevant. So he has joined the “grace only, faith only” mantra. If salvation occurs BEFORE baptism, then the correct mode of baptism becomes irrelevant. Truth is gladly sacrificed for the sake of unity.
As if to confirm this point, the article states:
One of the strictest [teachings of the churches of Christ, gws] is the belief that baptism–by immersion for the forgiveness of sins–is an act that saves the soul.
As much as he cherishes baptism, Mr. Lucado says, “We are saved by grace” (3G).
It is not entirely accurate to say that baptism is an act that saves the soul. It is the final act in our response to God’s grace which brings salvation (1 Peter 3:21), but it is worthless if it is not preceded by faith and repentance. Max has, however, excluded any response to God’s grace; he has men saved by grace ALONE.
The article devotes some space to criticism of Max, naming specifically the final chapter of F. LaGard Smith’s book, Who Is My Brother? Smith rebukes Lucado by namein the book, though in light of what Smith wrote, one wonders why (since he himself is confused about baptism and fellowship). Smith reportedly offered Lucado the opportunity to write a response to him which would have been included in the book, which Max refused. Buckley comments:
He says he might have thought differently if he and Dr. Smith had corresponded privately and then decided to publish their letters. Otherwise, Mr. Lucado says, “I felt it was too staged” (3G).
Hogwash! Yours truly wrote in response:
Max Lucado’s reason for refusing to answer the charges in F. LaGard Smith’s book is disingenuous at best. Unlike Jesus, Peter, and Paul (who faced their opponents), Mr. Lucado ignores those who criticize his teachings. If he thinks he has found a better way than his former brethren (and he does), courage would suggest that he discuss such matters. He ignores all such opportunities, public or private (5G).
He knows the criticism that brethren have leveled at him. Many have attempted to discuss spiritual truths with him. While he finds it profitable to express his views in his numerous books, he apparently has no desire to defend his beliefs in an honorable public forum.
Asked to comment on his role in changing the churches of Christ, Lucado answered:
“My call in life has never been to reform or represent the Churches of Christ,” he says. “I don’t know how I could represent the Churches of Christ. We’re kind of an ill-defined group” (3G).
Actually, those brethren who follow Max might be defined as an ill group: they are too weak to read and apply the Scriptures and sick of being taught that Jesus requires obedience of those whom He saves (Heb. 5:9). But further, as was observed by this writer in the paper:
We can agree with Mr. Lucado on one point–he does not represent the churches of Christ. We would add that he does not represent the Truth, either (1 Peter 4:11) (5G).
C. Leonard Allen also finds his way into this article (Rubel Shelly declined to comment) and is quoted as accusing the church of following philosopher John Locke more than the New Testament (a refrain he apparently never grows tired of singing). Just because Allen may be more familiar with Locke than with the New Testament does not mean that the rest of us are. If Allen were a little more familiar with the New Testament and the way it authorizes, he might explain exactly what was wrong with Locke and how we misapply Scriptures rather than just resorting to name-calling.
Another point of interest in the original newspaper article is: “Although instruments are used during some weeknight services, Sunday worship is strictly a cappella” (3G). “What would be the rationale for this distinction?” one wonders. If it is all right to use instruments in the building during the week, what is wrong in using them on Sunday? And how long will it be until they are used constantly? Of course, since false doctrine concerning salvation is already taught at Oak Hills in San Antonio, their worship is already vain, anyway (Matt. 15:1-9). There may be 2,100 people engaging enthusiastically in worship, but that fact does not make it any more acceptable than the enthusiastic devotion of Baal’s followers in 1 Kings 18.
Mr. Buckley concludes the article on Lucado by referring to the radio speaker who got through to Max when he was a college student.
God forgave him. Mr. Lucado is sure of it. God graciously, lovingly, freely forgave, and Mr. Lucado is still amazed.
That, he says, is probably what draws people to his books: that sense of being a man forgiven, that wonder at the wideness of God’s mercy (3G).
Forgiveness is a great concept. But that is not what draws people to Lucado’s books; what draws them is that forgiveness is by “grace only.” They need not repent of their sins. No one can be saved by “grace alone” and repentance. If one is baptized because he has been saved, then he repents for the same reason (Acts 2:38).
Which is it, Max? Jesus said, “Except you repent, you shall all likewise perish” (Luke 13:3). What sayest thou? And what makes you so sure that God forgave you all those years ago as you and your pickup truck sat at the side of the road: the Scriptures or the radio preacher? Was it a “grace only” message that you heard? As Randy Reagan wrote: “. . .if Noah had not obeyed, not all the grace in the world would have kept him afloat” (5G).