One of the richest spiritual feasts each year is the Power lectureship, directed by B. J. Clarke. Every one of the accompanying books is a masterpiece–a comprehensive, thorough, up-to-date collection of essays on the selected theme. The video and audio tapes for this year’s program are equally inspiring (they vary somewhat from the written material).

The Godhead: A Study of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit contains 616 pages of solid material on one of the most fundamental subjects of all. The nature of God is perhaps the most misunderstood, yet crucial concept in society today. Many have invented their own versions of Deity; this volume sets forth the truth in convincing manner.

Chapter one begins with “The Existence of God.” The writer illustrates misconceptions that people have about God with quotes from writers such as D. H. Lawrence and R. J. Hollingdale, artists such as Pablo Picasso and Andre Breton, and Spanish filmmaker Luis Bunuel, who probably summarizes the way many people feel about God–if they were honest enough to admit it: “If someone were to prove to me–right this minute–that God, in all his luminousness exists, it wouldn’t change a single aspect of my behavior” (15-16).

Arguments for the existence of God are then presented, including appeals to intelligence, morality, and design. All people need to be reminded of the validity of these arguments periodically–especially since no answer to them has ever been effectively offered. God does exist; mankind is accountable to Him.

“Vital Questions About Knowing God” deals with the possibility of knowing Him and the correct means to come to that knowledge. Many seek that information in erroneous ways; others claim such understanding while disregarding God’s revelation. The quotes from “the artist formerly known as Prince,” the artist still known as Madonna, and entertainer of the year for four years running (and sometimes leaping), Garth Brooks (53-55), are worth noting (as bad examples).

The next two chapters deal with “The Nature of God” and “The Sovereignty of God.” The former outlines some key attributes of God; the latter explores the Biblical version of God’s sovereignty and contrasts it with Calvin’s erroneous concept (ideas with which brethren ought to be familiar). These two chapters are followed by “The Work of the Godhead in Creation” and “The Work of the Godhead in Redemption.”

Another crucial concept deserving of attention is “The Triune Nature of God.” The writer contrasts the triune nature of God (“tri-unity” or “three-in-oneness”) with tritheism and explains how God is one (121). He demonstrates that the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit all possess the characteristics of Deity. Many religious errors have sprung from a failure to comprehend what is explained so well in these pages (119-39).

Another thoughtful essay deals with “The Omniscience of God,” which at first may seem to be an obvious idea. But there has been, even among some faithful brethren, the notion that God can choose not to know certain things. This position is thoroughly analyzed.

“The Foreknowledge of God” overlaps, perhaps, just a little with the preceding subject, but it proceeds along different lines in that it reaches into the Calvinistic realm once again, dealing with the question, “If God foreknows something, then does He also not cause it or bring it about?”

“The Great I AM” is followed by “The Holiness of God.” The author does well in demonstrating the importance of understanding this characteristic of God by relating it to various other attributes of God. Perhaps the most crucial link is to God’s justice:

If God should pass over one guilty person without the demands of His justice being satisfied, He would at that point cease to be a righteous God of absolute and perfect holiness (206).

“The Immutability of God” is another important topic which affects our view of God. The word of men is generally suspect in these times; most people are honest enough to admit that they tell lies (how’s that for an oxymoronic idea?); perhaps they view God in the same way. His word, however, is truthful. God is faithful; what He promises He will keep. He will not bring forth excuses for failing to make good on His Word, nor will he try to rationalize His way out of His promises. This chapter, as with most of the others in the book, will preach. The author also explains passages which, at first glance, indicate that God does change (220-28).

Always a favorite topic for many is “Sins Against the Holy Spirit,” which includes blasphemy against the Holy Spirit, lying to the Holy Spirit, resisting the Holy Spirit, grieving the Holy Spirit, quenching the Holy Spirit, and despising the Holy Spirit.

“The Omnipotence of God” dwells upon the majesty and vastness of the universe which God created, which reflects upon the great power of God. The information provided is both convincing and thought-provoking. Also considered are limitations upon God’s power.

“The Godhead and the Problem of Evil” contains 55 pages devoted to the explanation of how and why evil can exist in the presence of an all-powerful, yet kind, good, and benevolent God. The subject is introduced with a letter to Ann Landers from a bereaved and irate mother who can not understand why God allowed a drunk driver to kill her daughter. Many people undoubtedly have similar feelings; thus, the need for material such as this. The information here is well researched and presented (270-325).

“The Operation of the Holy Spirit in Conviction and Conversion” is followed by “The Operation of the Holy Spirit in the Life of a Christian.” The former denies the doctrines of Calvinism, and the latter mentions how some in the brotherhood have espoused Pentecostalism in various ways (341-46).

Perhaps an often-overlooked characteristic of God is His jealousy, even though it is mentioned in the second commandment. The author discusses its meaning and its application for us today. The next chapter is full of information about “The Names of God,” all of which relate to us something about the character of the Almighty.

“Who Is The Angel of Jehovah in the Old Testament?” is an interesting subject–one that is often overlooked. “Of the 104 times the word angel is found in the Old Testament, only 4 of those clearly do not refer to ‘the Angel of the Lord'” (401). All of the instances are reviewed, and then conclusions are presented as to who that Individual was.

“How to Answer the Arguments of Oneness Pentecostals” accomplishes what the title suggests by first considering what the word one means and then sifting through the various arguments that are sometimes offered by adherents of the “oneness” doctrine.

“How the Godhead Dwells in Man” is followed by the ambitious “False Ideas About God.” Of course, not every one of these could be covered; the writer begins with the false ideas prevalent in the first century and then moves to our current era to consider atheism, Buddhism, Islam, Universalism, Denominationalism, and various cults.

“The Love, Grace, and Mercy of God” are delineated, as well as “The Patience of God.” In “The Personality and Divinity of the Holy Spirit” the Jehovah’s Witness erroneous notion that the Holy Spirit is just a force is refuted. The personality traits of the Holy Spirit are presented, as well as His characteristics of Deity.

“The Pre-Existence of Jesus Christ” destroys another doctrine of Jehovah’s Witnesses–namely, the error that Jesus is not eternal but was a created being. This is one of the few times it has been mentioned that Barton W. Stone held such a view (537-38). The reader may also find interesting the discussion centering on the concepts included in the words word and idea.

The book closes with essays on “The Incarnation of Jesus Christ,” which examines Isaiah 7:14, the prophecy of the virgin birth, “The Deity of Jesus Christ,” and from Romans 11:22 “The Goodness of God,” and “The Severity of God.”

This book is one of the best and most comprehensive, not to mention doctrinally accurate, ever written on this subject. All brethren would profit from a careful study of the material presented; preachers would do well to preach sermons on the nature of God. The book sells for $15 and may be ordered from the Southaven Church of Christ, which sponsors the lectures or Valid Publications, Inc., in Denton.