It is absolutely pathetic that the majority of mankind will believe anything and everything other than God’s Holy Word. Man, reveling in his own wisdom (1 Cor. 1:21), continues to purposefully distance himself from his Creator. Many today believe they know what is right and true, but they do not because they have rejected God’s Word which is right and true (John 17:17; Psa. 119:160). As people continue to further remove themselves from any connection with Deity, they will find themselves more and more captivated with the speculative theories of men and mesmerized by the glitter of the world.
There were three recent articles in the Dallas Morning News that shows man’s ignorance about God, the creation of the universe, and sin. First, in the March 12, 1998 Dallas Morning News is the shorty of a large asteroid that could be on a collision course with Earth. The paper states, “This asteroid is not as large as the one scientists believe hit Earth 65 million years ago, killing two-thirds of all life forms, including the dinosaurs.” Scientists need time, lots of time, for their theories, and the Bible is rejected because it does not provide it for them. If not a literal 24-hour period of time, what is the meaning of God saying, “And the was evening and there was morning, one day” (Gen. 1:5; cf. also verses 8, 13, 19, 23, 31). How much clearer can God be in describing day and night? In Exodus 20:9-11 God uses the pattern of creation as one to be followed by His creatures. The Bible says, “Six days shalt thou labor, and do all they work; but the seventh day is a sabbath unto Jehovah thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, no thy maid-servant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates: for in six days Jehovah made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore Jehovah blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it” (emphasis mine, MLW). One must have help to miss the truth that this earth is not remotely close to being 65 million years old. Dinosaurs and man once co-existed, but the universal flood (Gen. 7) forever changed the environment dinosaurs needed to exist. One does not find in the Bible the “billions” of years needed to prop up the theory of evolution! Neither must we be concerned about this world coming to a premature end. God still rules in the kingdoms of men (Dan. 4:17), and even though this world will one day pass away (Matt. 24:35), it will do so at God’s choosing (Matt. 24:36) and will not be prevented.
Second, the March 13, 1998 Dallas Morning News tells of the Methodist minister who is appearing before a church jury to determine whether or not he will be fired for “performing a lesbian unity ceremony.” the article says the minister “pleaded not guilty to charges that he held an unsanctioned liturgy and disobeyed the United Methodist Church rules by conducting the ceremony.” The minister replied by saying, “I was responding to them as a pastor, to give them pastoral care.” He also stated he “takes the church liturgy seriously but that his main calling is to serve his local church and its members.
Most are under the false impression that a preacher’s “main calling” is to serve men. This attitude has even found its way into the Lord’s church! God’s preachers are spokesmen for God. Their foremost desire should be to serve and honor God-not man! Neither do you “serve men” by promoting that which the Bible condemns. Homosexuality is sinful and wrong (Gen. 19:1-13; Lev. 18:22; 20:13), is against that which is natural (Rom. 1:26-27), and those who engage in such will not enter Heaven (1 Cor. 6:9). The Methodist minister served the Devil and not God and violated the law of God (not just the law of the Methodist church) when he performed the ceremony!
Third, the March 13, 1998 Dallas Morning News tells of “God’s Salvation Church” in Garland who continue to prepare for God to arrive on March 31, 1998. Their leader says God will “commandeer all television stations beginning at midnight March 24 to broadcast bulletins about His plans.” He also says, “If it doesn’t turn out to be true, you can just take this as nonsense.” You can mark it down as “nonsense” now because it contradicts God’s Word. Naturally, no scripture is referenced in the entire article. I wonder why. The Bible still says, “Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away. But of that day and hour knoweth no one, not even the angels of heaven, neither the Son, but the Father only” (Matt. 24:35-36). Mr. Chen, leader of the group, also says that God prohibits them “from even killing an ant.” Dr. Lu, a physician who follows Mr. Chen, says, “The group so reveres life that members say a prayer of apology before cutting the grass.” What is really sad is that God’s Word is not revered the way grass is. Enough said!
If people really want to prepare for God and serve Him, they will respect and obey His divine Word. If one chooses to do otherwise, he ignores God and basks in self-glorification. Such a choice is spiritually fatal!