Nobody likes a doom-and-gloom prophet; so as cheerfully as I can do so, I’m predicting the downfall of America. It may not be this week; it may not be this century (big deal, with only four years left in it); it may not even be this generation (though it deserves it). But it could be any time.
Someone will surely reply, “What’s wrong? The economy is good.” Others may point to the number of people interested in religion. But material prosperity hardly rates as an index of spirituality, and most people claiming to be religious have no love of the Truth; doctrine has become (even among those once in the Lord’s church) a minor annoyance.

Since 1973 over 35 million babies have been put to death with the government’s and the Supreme Court’s approval. Just because most people have grown apathetic toward the subject doesn’t mean that God has lost interest. If He knows the number of hairs on our heads (and He does-Matt. 10:30), then He also knows how much innocent blood has been shed, by whom, and for what reason. The seven Supreme Court Justices who authorized this holocaust dwarf Hitler’s paltry 6 million Jews and make Herod seem like Mary Poppins.

And now comes court approval of homosexual marriages by a judge in Hawaii. America already experiences rampant fornication, adultery, and murder; now the sin that sank Sodom has slithered its way into official acceptance in at least one state. What more would it take to make a nation ripe for judgment? Public acceptance of homosexuality is a sign of God’s rejection.

According to The Dallas Morning News (12-4-96):

A judge in Hawaii ruled Tuesday [December 3rd, gws] that the state may not forbid same-sex marriages, the first legal decision in American history allowing men to marry men and women to marry women (1A).

This decision should not come as a surprise to those who have noticed the media attention given to the subject of homosexuality during the past five years. The public had been treated to a dozen news stories every six months: AIDS quilts, Tom Hanks starring as a suffering homosexual with AIDS, constant castigations of those opposed to homosexuality in Ann Landers and Dear Abby, etc., ad infinitum. On Thanksgiving Day, no less, amidst stories of being grateful for our blessings, The Dallas Morning News had the effrontery to publish an article entitled “Coming Out Wasn’t Easy For Chastity Bono” (4C). It seems Americans can not even celebrate a family-oriented, God-directed holiday without homosexuality being flaunted.

If the state’s appeal of the judge’s ruling is denied (which may take a year), homosexuals will be able to marry legally in one state, and (despite the outrage of many) how long will it take for other states to follow suit so that those protesting the perversion become the minority? Most religious denominations will not fight it, having given up the battle for morality long ago. In fact, some of them will be at the forefront, shouting “homophobe” at Christians daring to challenge THE LAW. [Isn’t it ironic that those engaged in various immoralities flaunt and defy “the law” until it is changed? Then they greedily seek refuge in it.]

No “Compelling” Government Interest

According to the December 4th article:

Tuesday’s ruling was based on the Hawaii Constitution’s guarantee of equal protection of the laws, which is broader than that in the federal Constitution. The state Supreme Court ruled in 1993 that under the state constitution, only a “compelling” government interest could justify barring same-sex marriages (27A). In his 46-page opinion, Judge Chang rejected the arguments relating to the dangers of homosexuals’ raising children, accepting the view that “the sexual orientation of parents does not automatically disqualify them from being good, fit, loving, or successful parents” (27A).
This kind of tripe results from rejecting the Bible and substituting it with the “wisdom” of man. Anyone with even a smattering of Biblical knowledge would dismiss efforts to legalize homosexual “marriage” on the basis of Genesis 19 and Romans 1. But this “Christian” nation, built upon Biblical principles, has forsaken its heritage. Not content with punching holes in the wall and the roof, humanists are now busily jackhammering away at the foundation.

Judge Chang, how do you suppose that Sodom got to be so thoroughly perverted? Certainly, it was not an attitude of intolerance that led to its universal practice. No doubt, at some point in its history, Sodomites arrived at the same erroneous conclusion you have-that sexual preference does not affect parenting skills.

BUT IT DOES!! In the first place, why should homosexual couples be allowed to have children? They have chosen a sexual lifestyle that eliminates the possibility of having children; let them reap what they have sown, and let children be adopted by heterosexual couples who are physically unable (not by their own choice) to have them.

But suppose a homosexual “couple” has children from a previous heterosexual marriage, through artificial insemination, or adoption. Can they be fit parents? Oh, they can provide for them materially, but what kind of influence can they be toward their moral or spiritual nurturing? Despite some desperate attempts to nullify the plain teachings of the Scriptures about the SIN of homosexuality, most people recognize that the Bible condemns the practice as vile and unnatural. Those who refuse to repent must reject the Bible, which serves as the only basis for all morality. The evolutionist cannot condemn homosexuality merely because the idea disgusts him; he has no absolute standard. Only the authoritative Word of God shows that homosexuality is absolutely wrong. Now, if these children will be taught to distrust the Bible, there will be no absolute moral standard, and the state will reap a bitter harvest.

Is There Any Solution?

Of course, national repentance is always helpful; consider what it did for Nineveh. The problem in America is that it is extremely doubtful that everyone, from the greatest to the least, will repent. Probably the best we can do is to elect officials who will reverse the trend (see Judge Bork’s book, Slouching Toward Gomorrah). But enacting responsible laws (although an admirable goal) will not necessarily solve the problem. People’s minds must also be changed. Josiah led one of the greatest of all restorations. The laws were changed, the idols were destroyed, true religion was exalted. But after his death, the country immediately reverted to its former corruptions.

When Judah was taken into captivity, God cited as a reason the evils of a king prior to Josiah-Manasseh.

God sent Nebuchadnezzar against Judah to destroy it. Surely at the commandment of the Lord this came upon Judah, to remove them from His sight because of the sins of Manasseh, according to all that he had done, and also because of the innocent blood that he had shed; for he had filled Jerusalem with innocent blood, which the Lord would not pardon (2 Kings 24:3-4).
Does anyone think that Manasseh destroyed over 35 million souls? It’s time to shed the cocoon of spiritual apathy and recognize the facts-it may already be too late to save America! Even a shift back toward morality and decency may not be enough to stave off judgment (although it might postpone it for awhile).

The only thing that can prevent the end of America (as we know it) is a national repentance, followed by genuine and sustained righteousness. Anything less than that will not work. For America to remain unpunished flies in the face of all recorded history-especially Biblical history. To whom much is given, much is required (Luke 12:48). Surely, America is weighed in the balance-and found wanting. If deliverance is to arise, it must come at the hands of zealous, evangelistic Christians, who preach the gospel to the lost, which brings about salvation and an improved morality.